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book recommendations

bubblegumL4314 January 15th, 2023

hiiii, I was looking for any book recommendations you've read and enjoyed. really most genres are okay for me, leave a little review about the book if you'd like :)

RarelyCharlie January 15th, 2023

@bubblegumL4314 As you're a listener, I'll mention that I once made a Listeners' Reading List.

For entertainment I'm currently reading weird science fiction—the Machineries of Empire series by Yoon Ha Lee.


intelligentClementine7876 January 17th, 2023


Hello! I recommend 7 1/2 lessons about the brain. Its a science book but its pretty interesting learning about the quirks of the brain. It's a short read too. The book isnt too complicated. The author does a great job at keeping it simple and intresting. I hope you enjoy!

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@intelligentClementine7876 thanks for this one! I tried getting into science books with brief answers to the big questions by Stephen hawking and its interesting although it isn't catching my attention a lot so ill definitely look into this one!

Ravis889 January 17th, 2023


Bullet Train by Kotaro Isaka is absolutely BRILLIANT. I don't know how to describe it, it's so so so damn good. Also the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy is a fun read.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@Ravis889 just read the synopsis and it looks really good! I'm guessing the movie was inspired by it and I really liked it, do you think the book is better?

Ravis889 January 20th, 2023


Listen. The book is ALWAYS better. ALWAYS. Especially for this one!

bubblegumL4314 OP January 20th, 2023

@Ravis889 hahahahahaha I'm with you on this one, and thanks for the recommendation, I didn't know there was a book but I will read it :) I'll let you know what I think

ReadBooks7 January 17th, 2023

I read a lot of books so I cannot always remember titles, but I definitely remember authors. Jodi Picoult is one of my favorites. Her books are fiction but often center on real-life topics that have complexities. She does a lot of research and puts a lot of depth into plot and character development. Tom Fowler has a few series, one of which is about a private investigator with a sarcastic sense of humor who manages to get out of some tough situations. Then there are a few mysterious books that really stick out to me that kept me guessing the whole time: Gone Girl and Verity.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@Help127 I looked into the first one and it really catches my eye, is there a particular book (if you remember it hahahah) that you liked the most for me to read? I do like crime mystery too so the other author seems like a good option and Gone Girl has been on my tbr list for soooo long I should get w that one, thanks for your comment !!!

ReadBooks7 January 20th, 2023

@bubblegumL4314 the ones of hers that stick out to me the most are House Rules, My Sister's Keeper, and 19 Minutes. All of hers, though, are amazing. I might be getting the next two titles not exactly right, but also, The Storyteller and Leaving Time. I hope you enjoy!

Luna268 January 17th, 2023


By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. By Paulo Coelho.

A sweet story. I read it in 2 seatings.

Hope you enjoy it 💙

Dallady January 17th, 2023


'Your Inner Awakening' by Byron Katie.

intellectualFan2851 January 17th, 2023


hey Bubble! ive only completed "1984" and "Animal Farm" just my 2 cents...they are very dark. depressive...good, solid ideas but man. dark...dark stuff and esp if we are (I am) trying to work on bettering mental health, I'd say "avoid" those but love this tread you started...and so ive chimed in
sorry if Im not posing better ideas!
Have an exciting journey on your quest to finding good books yeah! I'll tune in to your tread as well!

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@serenekite52 I'm glad you liked it, feel free to come back any time with new recommendations but these are good too! I bought 1984 a while ago but didn't find the time to read it, I did read Fahrenheit 451 which I think has similar vibes and I liked it so I might read that soon, thanksss

TheSoftCorner January 17th, 2023

@bubblegumL4314 Dearly, If you are looking for a self help book, I would strongly recommend two books, One is the "The Secret" By Ronda Byren and the other one is "The Power of Habbit"

both of these books are library books and a must read, I would love to have your feed back once you go through them.

Best Regards,

Soft Corner.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@TheSoftCorner hey! thank you so much for your comment, I don't usually read self help books but I'll gladly give it a chance. is the author from the second book Charles duhigg? thanks again! :)

AlishiaLeanne January 17th, 2023

@bubblegumL4314 The ones We Keep is a really good one, it's by Bobbie Jean Huff. I really like it, and I'm not even done with it, I got it yesterday and I'm already 75% done with it.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@AlishiaLeanne I just looked into it and it sounds quite interesting, plus the cover is nice haha

did you finish the book already? what did you think?

sunshineandhurricane January 17th, 2023

I just got done reading the book “One by One”. It was fantastic. I like suspense.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@sunshineandhurricane hello!! who is the author? I searched it but several books have the same title. I am lately getting more into suspense mystery thriller books and so, I might look further into it. thanks!

slowdecline48 January 19th, 2023

If you like horror, just about anything by H.P. Lovecraft. He is the grandmaster of the genre...his most well-known story is "The Call of Cthulhu".

I like post-apocalyptic fiction, very much. Lucifer's Hammer is a classic of the genre, & one I recommend highly. It is the best story ever about a big comet hitting the earth & the consequences thereof. Another classic is A Canticle for's a bit wordy & has a vaguely religious theme without being preachy. If you don't mind either feature then you'll enjoy it.

More literary post-apoc examples would be The Dog Stars, & The Passage & The Twelve. Heller's Dog Stars is one of the best novels I've ever read, period.

The darkest post-apoc novel I've read so far is The Road. I believe it is the most realistic projection of what life would be like right after any catastrophe of sufficient size & power to annihilate modern civilization. It's bleak & pitiless...yes, McCarthy's book is what the movie of the same title is based on.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@slowdecline48 hi!! thank you so much for so many recommendations, I looked them up and they catch by attention. although the one im most interested in is the road, because last year I happened to read a chapter of the book and was so intrigued by it and I've been wanting to read it ever since so I think ill get with that one first, I've never seen the movie tho, I didn't even know it existed since last year so Ill read the book first hahahah

which is your favourite book???

slowdecline48 January 22nd, 2023

I can't answer that question. Seriously! Each one is good in its own way.

JustHere2Listen777 January 19th, 2023


I recommend the bible. It has lots of books and is divided into old and new testments.

It tells the story of God's covenant with His people.

jibbypeterdcruz January 19th, 2023

@bubblegumL4314 Hey bubblegum! Do I dare recommend my own

Overcoming Obstacles: Push Your Limits and Unlock Your Mind by Jibby Peter Dcruz.

bubblegumL4314 OP January 19th, 2023

@jibbypeterdcruz oh you're a writer??? that's so interesting, I love it, what is it about?

Suavebutterfly January 19th, 2023

Atomic habits

HealingTalk January 19th, 2023


"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"

An intense, loving father-son relationship, a motorcycle trip through rural north US, a deep philosophical inquiry about what's meaningful in life, and the tragic story of a brilliant intellectual with mental health issues severely mistreated by mental health institutions.

All in one life-changing book.

A brilliant, thrilling novel too, in terms of literary value.

A good review:

LittleSunshine2036 January 22nd, 2023
  • @bubblegumL4314 I will recommend you to read BIG BULLY AND ME by Arti Sonthalia . I can assure you will not regret reading it