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Introducing Team Lightship!

River September 29th, 2020

Good news! Social Soldiers team is being revamped as Project Lightship with the changes in how it will work. <3

🐾 Click to check 2022 updated requirements

What is project lightship and what is its objective?

Project Lightship is the revival of Social Soldiers team which was created with the intent on eliminating the stigma that comes along with mental illness on social media, guiding those who are depressed/having a hard time/need someone to talk to right here to 7Cups.

As the previous project leaders stated:

Our goal is to combat mental health stigma by going out and finding those who need us the most and bringing them to our safe haven. In accomplishing this goal, we will simultaneously combat stigma head on and take a stance that it is not only okay to get support when you need it, its a healthy and wonderful thing to do for yourself!

We are currently starting the lightship team with twitter and have one track you can contribute in:

Reaching out to 20 people letting them know about the 7cups through the twitter account & making 5 mental health-related posts raising awareness about it

You are welcome to contribute more, those are the minimum requirements to fulfil every month.

Who can join the Lightship Team?

Both listeners and members who meet the requirements can join the team. (Yes, teens can join the team too, yay!)

What are the requirements to join the team?

For the listener,

1+ month as a listener

Verified Listener

Listener Oath

For the member,

1+ month as a member

Member Oath

Both listeners and members will be required to sign the guidelines form(Linked to application) agreeing to follow the guidelines of the team and 7cups. Any violations in guidelines will be taken seriously & result in behaviour points. (Learn more about how behavior points HERE)

What are the guidelines of the team?

enlightenedOnce someone has reached out to you about your application and has given you approval, it is your responsibility to make your own Twitter account, with your 7 Cups handle name (eg rebecca947=@rebecca7Cups).

enlightenedPlease send your login credentials to the lightship email prior to beginning your month.

enlightenedLightship Team's social media accounts should not be used for personal use.

enlightenedThe account is created for spreading 7cups which means we are using them to spread support and awareness, on these accounts you should only follow lighthearted accounts, 7 Cups approved Lightship accounts and other mental health-related accounts.

enlightened Please turn off the public DMing feature on your Team Lightship's account.

enlightenedPlease ensure your account is set to public.

enlightenedPlease do not follow/interact with Listeners/Members on their personal social media accounts or unapproved Lightship Team accounts.

enlightenedYou are to represent yourself as a trained active listener and not a mental health professional, crisis counsellor or paid employee of 7 Cups.

enlightenedIf you chose to leave the Lightship Team, it is your responsibility to deactivate your account entirely.

If you agree to the mentioned guidelines above and meet the requirements to join the team, you can fill up THIS(Click me) form. After it, someone from the team will reach out to you to let you know if your application has been approved and to help with setting up the social media account.

If you have any queries regarding it, feel free to reach out to @DreamTouch or @ouiCherie

*edited by forum mentor @rebecca947 to edit coleads and add additional information*

Youhavetoloveyourselffirst November 24th, 2020


SpecialSystem September 30th, 2020


do we have to have twitter for this?

River OP September 30th, 2020


Hey, you dont need to have a twitter account! We will give you the credentials of it.

SpecialSystem September 30th, 2020

@River thx river

JoyfulUnicorn September 30th, 2020

@River @rebecca947

Love this idea! I was a member on the teen side when Social Soldiers was a thing! This seem much safer and hopefully will be awesome! <3

Stay amazing both of you!

-Joy <3

River OP September 30th, 2020


Yay we hope so too! Stay amazing too heart

Mankka September 30th, 2020

@Riverthat sounds very interesting

Sealiously September 30th, 2020

Glad to see that this is back up and running again! laugh

Starlistner23 September 30th, 2020

is there going to be this setup for instagram atall ? alot of people on here looks like they dont have twitter either so if there was an option to do this through instagram would probably please alot more people and get more attention.

River OP September 30th, 2020


Hey, for now we are just starting this up with twitter to get settled in and see how it goes, maybe in future we could expand it to instagram, who knows.

JoyfulUnicorn September 30th, 2020


Id be interested if it spread to instagram - I have no clue how twitter works lol XD

Starlistner23 October 1st, 2020

@River Hope you do laugh

Listeningsarinn October 1st, 2020

@river @rebecca947

yayyy i've been waiting for this from the first week i joined seven cups! and it should've been a lot of work bringing the project up again thanksss river and rebecca *-*

so i'm definetly applying but i have some questions and suggestions:

1- i know that we are starting with twitter only for now which is a good starting point but any ideas which handels will be added next? instagram and facebook might be good options as they have way more users compared to twitter (and instagram would also be a really easy option as well)

2- can we use our native language to target our countries as many in my own country don't know english into fluency??

3- are we allowed to share mental health realated fun or mood memes and short videos as these are the most visited type of content in social media nowadays?? i could provide examples of what type of memes and short videos i mean here if needed

4- are we going to have a seven cups logo on profiles or 7cups name in usernames?? (i'm asking because i was reading the replies on a social soldiers thread the other day and i saw someone saying that people sometimes consider them robots or sth)

5-are we allowed to start supporting or chatting to people on twitter before redirecting them to cups? (following the previous thing i mentioned this would make more connection and ess robot feeling to people and give them an idea on what 7cups is about)

6- i know that the accounts will be given to us specially for this purpose does that mean we'll also have an @7cups gmail? and if yes can we use it for other cups projects too?

sorry it became a lonnnng post full of questions &-&

i'd be more than happy if i can help with anything related to this project in addition to joining it so just let me know ^^

thanks again guys!

River OP October 1st, 2020


Hey! Thanks for the questions heart

i know that we are starting with twitter only for now which is a good starting point but any ideas which handels will be added next? instagram and facebook might be good options as they have way more users compared to twitter (and instagram would also be a really easy option as well)

Since we are just starting it off, we arent sure of it yet but they are very good options for sure!!

2- can we use our native language to target our countries as many in my own country don't know english into fluency??

We sure could as per the need when you are reaching out to native language but we wouldnt want whole profile to be based on that language if I make sense.

3- are we allowed to share mental health realated fun or mood memes and short videos as these are the most visited type of content in social media nowadays?? i could provide examples of what type of memes and short videos i mean here if needed

Yes! You are welcome to share those heart It would make it more relatable and fun too!

4- are we going to have a seven cups logo on profiles or 7cups name in usernames?? (i'm asking because i was reading the replies on a social soldiers thread the other day and i saw someone saying that people sometimes consider them robots or sth)

We are going to use same Lightship team avatar as profile pics and 7cups name in usernames for consistency purpose, will also help us know each other, other than that, feel free to personify your account and share posts as long as it goes with guidelines of 7cups.We can also try to be more personalized with reaching out instead of using the same templates.

5-are we allowed to start supporting or chatting to people on twitter before redirecting them to cups? (following the previous thing i mentioned this would make more connection and ess robot feeling to people and give them an idea on what 7cups is about)

We dont talk in dms because we want it to be as safe for everyone joining the team as possible, but you are welcome to interact in timelines after reaching out if you want to!

6- i know that the accounts will be given to us specially for this purpose does that mean we'll also have an @7cups gmail? and if yes can we use it for other cups projects too?

Unfortunately we cant use the gmail used for the account for other projects.

Thank you for all the questions! We love answering them heart

HopefulBambi October 3rd, 2020

Am I allowed to create my own "7 Cups OliviaWilson5" account on Twitter, for my internship referral link clicks requirement, as long as I do not state I am apart of this project? I currently don't meet the requirement of 1 month+ as a member to be able to join Lightship.

rebecca947 October 8th, 2020


You can use your personal Twitter account for that! Beware on your personal account to not reveal your 7 Cups username. For a 7Cups specific account, for safety and security purposes, you must be part of the team. :)

HopefulBambi October 8th, 2020


Thank you!

KatieTheWingedOne October 3rd, 2020

@River Hey I applied a form and was contacted by someone from the team but realise we have very different time frames so I can never seem to catch them, could I ask for some help setting up?

rebecca947 October 8th, 2020


If you still need help, PM me :) unless I'm the one you're talking about, in which case PM @River 😂

KatieTheWingedOne October 8th, 2020

@rebecca947 ah don't worry we 100% sorted it (the listener I was talking to was river aha, suppose I was struggling setting up with time zone differences but we solved it and my accounts up) thankyou!

lyricalAngel70 November 30th, 2020


I was looking forward to this program. Finally, it is here. Thank you so much!

ItsMaisy December 1st, 2020

@River What will we on that twitter? I mean will be our job?

Listeningsarinn December 1st, 2020


Hey hey! On our lightship accounts we search twitter with hashtags to find people who might like to know seven cups exists, replying to them while they are having a hard time and letting them know they are not alone... we give them our referal links and invite them to cups for a safe place to chat and talk...

ItsMaisy December 22nd, 2020

@Listeningsarinn Okay i got it. Thanks for telling me:)

BeigeMoonlight January 14th, 2021

Hi! I will for sure apply to join, when mentioning 7 cups on twitter, will I be able to use my personal link?

generouswings February 20th, 2021

Super excited for this one! 😍😇

IceCream4IceCream March 23rd, 2021


Thanks so much for sharing these details. I recently applied for Project Lightship. When should I expect to hear back about my application?

Iamblu April 12th, 2021

Id love to help!

drearienne April 13th, 2021


Just applied!! I love this idea and can't wait to see where it goes <3

LesbianKid May 19th, 2021

@River i like this idea tho my parents don't want me to have soical media, also how do u change ur name???



BlueTurtle5 June 8th, 2021

This sounds interesting but I want to make sure I have fully understood certain points.

1. Please clarify exactly what you mean by "Reaching out to 20 people letting them know about the 7cups through the twitter account "
Does this mean replying to 20 people who have posted about struggling with mental health with a note about getting help on this site? Can I have some examples of what reaching out to 20 people looks like?

2. I'd also like to see some examples of what "5 mental health-related posts raising awareness about it" would be. Does this mean things like links to youtube videos about depression, anxiety, etc? A personal experience? (i.e. "To me depression feels like drowning in a fog that will never lift but eventually it does, but sometimes I need support such as a 7cups listener to escape the fog"). Info graphic/Links to organizations such as NAMI?

3. We are not supposed to create a twitter account yet, correct? If we fill out the application someone will message us with instructions on when to create a 7cups specific twitter profile.
In regards to who we can follow on the twitter acount we make for use in this project, are we able ot use our personal disgression? It says we can follow "lighthearted accounts" as well as mental health-related accounts and other accounts from the project. For lighthearted accounts can that be things like celebrities and humor or even brand accounts (with disgression based on the type of content these accounts post of course, sticking to accounts who use mostly non-controversial, fairly clean content that does not shame mental health issues)?

4. What is the policy on retweeting? With or without added comments? Is it encouraged to retweet posts from @7cups, various organizations such as NAMI, etc. and any other accounts we are allowed to follow?

I do have a personal twitter I use a little and several years back have had the responsibility for tweeting under a bussiness account but it has been a while since I have very active on Twitter so will need to refresh myself on the ins and outs of the platform.

ouiCherie September 12th, 2021

Hi @BlueTurtle5

Thank you for your questions 💜 I noticed you have started doing on Twitter with your 7Cups account :)

❍ Reaching out to 20 people that you would like to introduce our community. We know life can be tough and 7Cups can be a great additional support system.

❍ As long as it is for a good cause within mental health support topics, retweeting would be great.
❍ With or without added comment is fine. However, without added comment will have a significant impact if you already have a great number of followers. More tips will be shared with the team.

Looking forward to having you joined us! 💜

KitKats00 July 21st, 2021

How do I apply? I have been having trouble with referral clicks for my internship so I need some help lmao :)

proudSunrise4116 September 12th, 2021

@River Thank you for the valuable information

ouiCherie October 8th, 2021

@proudSunrise4116 looking forward to have you join us 💜

resourcefulPond1641 September 13th, 2021

I would be interested in this ever expanded to Facebook or Instagram.

ouiCherie October 8th, 2021


Well noted. will let you know if we're ready to expand 💜

enjoyiableBlanket9782 October 20th, 2021


I was told on the website where it talks about referral clicks that I can come on here and get some help to share my referral code? I am an intern and I just need to get 40 clicks. I don't have or use social media so I definitely need some help.

[Edited by theriverissinging to remove the referral link/code]

Thank you in advance!

theriverissinging October 21st, 2021


Hi there, referral links are supposed to be shared off 7 cups and not anywhere inside the site. This is because sharing that may result in your 7 cups or social media account being therotically findable. I am not able to find the link to the guidelines but I'm tagging some people who might be able to help you out. @ouiCherie @DreamTouch

Also, there was an update on the referral clicks requirement, you can view it here in case you didn't know. Contact an internship mentor with any help you require or queries regarding internship.

pamharley003 October 25th, 2021


Can I post on my main twitter account rather than start another one