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Toast Time with Toast!

November 22nd, 2021

_1637553868.bonjour.jpg @Frenchtoastclub aka Toast is known to be one of

the most welcoming and approachable leaders on cups, we learn that from them the most, amongst their many many wonderful leadership skills and human being skills. I am glad Toast allowed me a talk over tasty toasts! Here is what we talked:

Fristo: Traveling back to your childhood days, and tracking your journey up to your present, what’s one major learning that has taken place for you?

Toast: Oof, that’s a tough one! But I would say being patient and letting go are two things that I have truly started to embrace. Setting myself free of many things has not only helped my mental health but also helped me become a better person. It’s extremely hard to let go of things and it takes time to achieve that epitome, so I am slowly getting there and I am truly enjoying my journey up the ladder.

Fristo: What were your first impressions about 7cups in your initial days here, and how did those impressions develop or change over the course of your stay here?

Toast: When I joined 7 Cups almost 6 years ago, I was still learning so much. The idea of listening was new to me and I was in awe of how willing people were to lend an ear and be there for someone. We were all kinda on our own, finding and learning new aspects of listening everyday as we did so. Now, 6 years later, I am truly amazed and in awe of how far we have come. We are refining and defining the quality of being a listener every day and I am incredibly proud that we are where we are.

Fristo: You might not have told us directly, but I have got a feeling you are a visionary. If that’s true in any way, what do you envision and look to make true through your life?

Toast: A good vision I have is to be able to support those with mental health struggles. We are doing better as a world in destigmatizing the effort but we can do much more. There’s someone for everyone and that’s the one thing I want to see true through my life.

Fristo: I am very enjoying the toast, but got to say I am way more enjoying our talk. So my next question is, whom do you love the most, or loved the most, what’s one beautiful aspect about them that you admire?

Toast: My sibling. My sister means the world to me. She is the exact opposite of who I am and she inspires me to be a better person every day with her grit, intelligence, and compassion.

Fristo: Do you have any message for the cupsers, any appeal, any tips, or anything to say in general to us?

Toast: Spread kindness. Nothing will be more worthwhile of your time than spreading kindness. The feeling of doing something good for someone or saying something good to someone will eternally remain unparalleled to any other kind of feeling.

Fristo: Thank you for what you do for us, but more thank you for living part of your potentials at cups, is there anything cupsers can do for your happiness, please do tell us.

Toast: Let’s all continue to support each other. There’s nothing greater than a time when a community comes together to support a cause and support one another. We can achieve so much together and that’s all I would ever want for 7 Cups and my peers here <3

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

November 22nd, 2021


yay @anotherfrenchtoastclub you are awesome 🧡

Moonlemon48 November 22nd, 2021


Another amazing conversation 🌼


We are so glad to have you as one of our leaders🤍

SoulfullyAButterfly November 22nd, 2021

@anotherfrenchtoastclub Thank you for sharing your toast! I wish you all the best in fulfilling your vision and goals

FrenchToast November 22nd, 2021

@Fristo Thank you for interviewing me, Fristo, such great questions ❤️

GoldenRuleJG November 22nd, 2021

@Fristo another lovely interview - fab answers from toast ❤️❤️

greenYard2803 November 22nd, 2021


Thank you for the interview

HealingTalk November 22nd, 2021



We already knew Toast is an immensely kind, compassionate person, with a witty, sharp mind, and a most effective leader. A real blessing to 7 Cups.

Now we had a glimpse at her personal, deep life wisdom.

Thank you both for this wonderful dialogue!

SparkyGizmo November 22nd, 2021




ouiCherie November 23rd, 2021

@Fristo @anotherfrenchtoastclub

Welcoming, approachable and supportive. That's Toast since the first chat we had when I was a new trainee on LDP till today 💜 Thanks, Toast!

"Nothing will be more worthwhile of your time than spreading kindness." This gold!