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Mingle with Mel

December 13th, 2021

@ouiCherie : As far as I know @Mel, they have always been kind, supportive and creative. Let's get to know more about Mel šŸ¤©

Hi Mel, how are you?

Iā€™m great! Happy to be here!

I'll try my best to interview you with fast Vogue's 73 Questions style (but the questions are not that much, don't worry xD) Ready?

Super ready!

  1. What brought you to 7 Cups the first time?

    a. I stumbled upon it by mere chance! Saw it on facebook, shared by someone I didnā€™t know, logged in one night and requested a chat - but I was too scared to talk! I kept thinking about the site though so the morning after I created my listener account!

  2. What was your first role?

    a. It was teen star! Some of you may not know this but I was a teen listener first! The day I lost my newbie badge I was really sad - it felt nice to be recognised as new! but that same day Pali (former Ambassador) PMed me, inviting me to the role. Back then it wasnā€™t divided in tracks and there were very few teen stars!

  3. What motivates you to volunteer?

    a. To be honest, I enjoy being useful. Both IRL and online, I always need to be doing something and itā€™s a great feeling to spend your time helping others, however that is!

  4. More a Forum Person or Group Support person?

    a. This is a tough one! Youā€™re putting me on the spot lol. I think Iā€™m more of a forum person, I love the slow paced type of interaction, long forum discussions and endless threads. Reminds me of older sites! Chatrooms came a lot later but Iā€™m also a goner for listener rooms. I really enjoy connecting to fellow listeners and providing support!

  5. What's your favourite Member Group Support room?

    a. Iā€™m not as active in member rooms as Iā€™d like to be but Iā€™d probably say that has to be Teen Support!

  6. What about the Listener room?

    a. My heart canā€™t choose! If youā€™re a teen reading, then I said Teen Listeners, if youā€™re an adult, then definitely Listener Support Room! (but between you and me - itā€™s teen listeners! Canā€™t beat the teens noming you, calling you an oldie or sharing cookies!)

  7. If you were to choose between the following two, what feature would you choose for Group Support: audio base support session, or cinema room where we can watch movies while chatting?

    a. Cinema room for sure! I think audio base may make some more hesitant to participate - but movies are perfect! We could have themed days and share popcorn.

  8. Ambassador tasks are quite a lot, what task do you enjoy doing the most?

    a. Oh thereā€™s a lot of things I enjoy! The process for giving out badges and cheers is quite fun! I also enjoy getting to collaborate with fellow Ambs and such amazing team leads!

  9. Out of all, what's the most challenging thing about being an Ambassador, so far?

    a. My role as Ambassador has changed and evolved through time. But probably the hardest part was starting out! While we have Admins who provide us with a lot of support, I think what people donā€™t expect when becoming an Ambassador is how things ultimately depend on you.. Youā€™re responsible for making things happen and for making others do their tasks - and thatā€™s not an easy thing!

  10. Does being active on 7 Cups brought change in you as a person? If yes, in what way?

    a. For sure! I was very young when I joined - Iā€™ve said this before and will say it again but 7Cups totally shaped me. It helped me grow and evolve as a person and made me understand people a lot more. I felt like I matured a lot after joining the site, volunteering and learning about active listening.

  11. More an introvert or an extrovert?

    a. Extrovert! If youā€™ve ever chatted with me youā€™ll know it - I canā€™t shut up! And Iā€™m like that in every aspect of my life.

  12. A holiday on the beach or mountain?

    a. Beach! Iā€™m a relaxed person, prefer to spend a quiet time at the beach or walking through a city!

  13. City life or country life?

    a. Iā€™m a city girl!

  14. What's your favourite food?

    a. Iā€™d say tuna! I really like fish, rice and eggs!

  15. What's your favourite colour?

    a. Green!

  16. Please describe your fashion style in 3 words.

    a. Probably unexpected but: hippie (could just use this one!), colorful, vintage.

  17. What time of the day is your favourite, morning, noon, evening, or late night?

    a. Noon! I get up late and stay up till late night most days.

  18. What's your weekday like in general?

    a. Good question! Iā€™m either studying, taking classes, teaching or working in graphic design or social media! Iā€™m both a teacher and a social media community manager.

  19. What is a perfect weekend like for you?

    a. In the sun reading a book! The perfect weekend is one that never ends! Iā€™d probably say it would be on a holiday too!

  20. Reading fiction or nonfiction?

    a. Fiction! Iā€™m a goner for novels.

  21. What's your favourite movie, so far?

    a. Itā€™s ā€œAlmost Famousā€! Love it. Or, romantic comedies like: Clueless, Ten Things I hate About you or He simply doesnā€™t like you!

  22. What song lifts your mood?

    a. My favorite is Tiny Dancer by Elton John! Although if I had to lift my mood Iā€™d go by either Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran or All Too Well by Taylor Swift (or any song by her!)

  23. What's one thing on your bucket list?

    a. Travel to as many countries as I can!

  24. What's a quote that motivates you?

    a. ā€œAnd in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you makeā€

  25. A message for the community, perhaps?

    a. Be honest with yourself. Enjoy your day. And drink water! Your body and mind will thank you!

Mel, thank you for your time to answer the questions and for all you do for others on 7 Cups. šŸ¤— All the best for you in and out of the community!

Thank you for the interview! Itā€™s been a pleasure talking with you too!

Cuppers, that's Mel up close and personal šŸ’œ hope you enjoy our chat.

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

FrenchToast December 13th, 2021

@Fristo What a fun interview, @ouiCherie!

@Mel, you are a rockstar as we all know!! šŸ˜„

SoftFaith2004 December 13th, 2021

@Fristo Haha such fun interview! Thank you for doing the interview šŸ’™

HopieRemi December 13th, 2021

It was nice to read this and get to know @Mel a bit more

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2021

Thanks for posting @Fristo and for starting this awesome project! ā¤

Lol Cherie xD I would have loved to read 73 questions xD (those are rapid quick smh ) .... how can someone be soooo creative even as an interviewer lol, loved the questions šŸ’œ

Yay @Mel , super awesome to know more about youuu! Whatta fab interview ! Thanks for doing this ā¤ anddd yay to Taylor Swift lol, agree agreee agree, any song by her is a great one !!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2021


Alsoooo not that anyone asked yet lol buttttt i vote in for watching movies together šŸ„ŗā¤

[Upvote this ,if you do too xD]

Moonlemon48 December 13th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I stand with youuuuu(:

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2021

@Moonlemon48 yay high fivesā¤

Moonlemon48 December 13th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *high fives*

ouiCherie December 13th, 2021


*joining you* šŸ˜„

Moonlemon48 December 13th, 2021

@Fristo I honestly had so much fun reading this. @mel we are glad to have someone like you. You rock āœØ

ouiCherie December 13th, 2021

@Fristo Cheers for the post ā¤ļø

@Mel LšŸ˜ve it!! Glad to know you're team Taylor too hehe....

All the boxes checked āœ”, agreed with the others, Mel is definitely cool and fun!

SoulfullyAButterfly December 14th, 2021

@ouiCherie I must say this is one of my favorite interviews! The creativity and balance between light and insightful questions was amazing.

@Mel - great to know more facts about you! Thank you for sharing and being a great ambassador!

@Fristo thank you once again for this amazing initiative

Pali December 15th, 2021

I just saw this notification and thought I'd read it. I find it amazing that Teens are still noming adults and calling them oldies! Some things never change, like @Mel, she has always been & will always be awesome and lovelyā¤.

PS. You forgot to share your old listener name haha

Moonlemon48 December 15th, 2021

@Pali Some things will never change, even if we age up we will still share cookies and nom other oldies hehe.