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Bubbling with Breeze

February 21st, 2022

Interviewee: @bubblingBreeze14


Breeze, as I know them, is someone bubbling with creativity and kindness. I am glad Iโ€™ve had the great pleasure of working alongside them on 7cups. They are an emerging leader, and their kindness humbles me each time I exchange words with them.

What led you to join 7cups as a listener?

Hmm.. a good question to think about ๐Ÿ˜„

Let me share a story with you...

"There was a man traveling in the woods to his cottage, when he saw a snake in a trap. It was trying to get out but it couldn't. This kind man gently removed the trap and took the snake out of it. The snake was saved. However, the snake instantly bit the man. It's not because what he did is bad. He did a wonderful thing by saving the snake. However, it is the snake's nature to bite and it did what came natural to it and went into the woods."

The idea to be taken from it is that not everyone's actions are caused by you. It's just their way of dealing with things. You should not offend yourself thinking you cause them. All you can do is do your best to be a wonderful person.

We all have difficult situations in life, and I actually found this place when I was looking for anonymous and safe sites to talk with someone, just to share what I felt.

This site popped up in my search results and I gave it a look, connected with a wonderful listener and got a lot of insights with that single conversation.

This story I shared is something that supported me through hard times.

Well, I've been a person with a helpful nature since I was small. I remember helping my friends, teachers and other people as much as I could.

That small act of kindness I got that day made me think, what if I join here and help people. It would give me the chance to help a lot more people who really need it. I'd be able to see them smile and be happy after a conversation.

So yeah that is what led me to become a listener and I'm so proud of past ME for taking such a great step!

What have you cherished the most in your 7cups journey so far?

Wow.. there are a lot!

First and foremost it is talking with members and helping them out. I could see how they improve, how they come out of those problems, find confidence and faith within them. Just being someone to listen to them when they need is something I believe to be really important as I know it could mean the world to them. At least if it was me, I would feel that way. Also reading those wonderful feedback they leave for me was like icing on the top. It just validates what I do.

Secondly, I've enjoyed and still enjoy my time with all the teams I'm a part of. The verifiers team, AL1 team, Peer appreciation team and every other team. We do some amazing work here as volunteers and it's really wonderful to see our progress as a community.

Thirdly, the academy programs.. Wow what a journey and what a beautiful and important set of resources. Academy team you've outdone yourselves.

Finally, (Sorry for putting you all at the end ๐Ÿ˜‹) working with all my fellow listeners. It's been amazing to work with them to see such talented people and not to mention their compassion as well. You've all been a great support to me. So thank you โค๏ธ

I think there are a lot more if I dig deep, but hope this is enough for now ๐Ÿ˜‰

What is one quality/talent in you that enables you to serve the community?


Well, one thing would be that I have quite a good talent to listen well before giving away my thoughts and I am a person that looks at a problem or a certain situation in different ways. So I believe these enable me to be a good listener and a leader as well, because after all we're all moving towards one goal and that is simply to make a safe place for everyone. Having an open mind and being open to receive and give feedback is a quality that every leader should possess as in my opinion.

How does 7cups help you in your offline life and career pursuits?

I believe I've seen the impact of 7Cups for my offline life and career mostly after I completed the leadership development program. One reason is that the program had so many important aspects to learn and it also had some great character identification mechanisms which I loved. It actually validated my personality and my qualities. While doing the course I used the things I learn, in my offline life as well and I've seen it work. I think it helped me a lot to make that inner leader shine brighter than before, at least in my eyes.

I was someone who always complimented others' progressions even if they are small and I was someone who used to say that "it's alright" if something goes wrong. From the time at 7cups, I learnt that what I'm doing is actually a valuable quality of a leader. One should inspire others to create something new or to move forward and achieve a goal; that's who a true leader should be.

So 7cups Thank you for everything you've taught me and for being there for me when needed and for giving me the opportunity to help more and more people.

What do you want to be remembered for?

This question, I think I've answered in another thread created by another wonderful listener. So I'd repeat the same here as well!

I'd like to be remembered by the Breeze they feel whenever they talk with me. ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜„ All I want anyone who talks with me to feel is that they are safe, calm, loved, cared for and of course for them to smile.

I'm not expecting anyone to remember me with anything, but if they actually do.. I'd like them to remember me with those. I'd like them to feel all of that when they think of me. If that's possible of course ๐Ÿ˜„

What is something youโ€™d like to learn more?

I'd like to learn more about animations ๐Ÿ˜„ You know like the ones in those animated movies. I don't know about you, but whenever I watch an animated movie that is actually beautiful with lovely graphics I wonder how great it would be to be there when they make them, maybe animate a few characters too ๐Ÿ˜‹ When those computer graphics come to life and move around, talk just as a person would and actually gives away a beautiful meaning at the end, that's important for life, make me awe every time. It's wonderful to see such a beautiful creation come to life and make people laugh, forget their worries and actually learn something. In a way it's magical! By the way, who knows.. you might be looking at another bubbling animator.. ๐Ÿ˜„

How do you walk through hurdles and challenges of your day to day life? do I go through challenges? Let's think Breeze, how do you overcome them? ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€ ๐Ÿ˜„

Ok, so yes I do have challenges and hurdles to face just as you all do and I believe that's natural. However, I'm not going to say that those challenges / hurdles haven't had any impact on me or they haven't demotivated me. There were times when I had to stop and think about those hurdles, but the good thing is for some reason I'm an optimist. So I do believe that things will work out way better than I hoped for.

Let's say I have to face an obstacle at work, what I'd do is take some time to listen or look at the problem carefully instead of jumping into conclusions as soon as I hear them. Instead, I would think of the way I need to respond and what I have to do. This allows me to calm down and also respond to the obstacle in a gentle and a more suitable way. After all the saying also goes as "Think before you act" which is really valid as I've noticed ๐Ÿ™‚

On some other occasions where I'm faced with a challenge, I will take a few minutes to think about how many challenges I've faced in the past and how nicely I've overcome them. I would ask myself, if I could face those challenges before and overcome them nicely and learn something from them as well, then why not now? This actually helps me to believe that I'm capable of overcoming them.

Yes, I know it can be hard to be positive at some points, but I believe we have all the answers to the questions and all the keys to pass a challenge within ourselves. All you have to do is trust yourself and remember what a beautiful person you are ๐Ÿ™‚

Living with Leaders Taglist: @rrretsuko @Smilingfuture @blindHeart12 @HealingTalk @blissfulForest7074 @FallenStarss @Moonlemon48 @Izzy274 @Zahraa000 @imaginativePear6493 @BeautifulSun298501 @ShapeshiftSystem @EmmaE @GoldenRuleJG @Helgafy @AveryLove @Adeline12345

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

Zahraa000 February 21st, 2022

Wow ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

It's a great and meaningful interview,

thank you๐Ÿ‘

Smilingfuture February 21st, 2022

@Fristo โ€“ thanks for posting out this interview , from such an amazing leader

@bubblingBreeze14 โ€“ your story is so inspiring. I see so much of humbleness in what your shared. Keep up the good work

bubblingBreeze14 February 23rd, 2022


Thank You โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š

It really makes me happy to know that I could inspire another beautiful person! ๐Ÿ˜Š

You too keep smiling and keep being amazing! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Kiwii7 February 21st, 2022


Enjoyed reading the interview, you are doing a good work @bubblingBreeze14 ! :)

bubblingBreeze14 February 23rd, 2022


Thank you.. I'm sure you're doing a great job too! โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š

GoldenRuleJG February 21st, 2022

@Fristo great interview with bubblingbreeze ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Really great thoughts you ever both shared with awesome questions โค๏ธThanks for sharing!

soulsings February 21st, 2022



Thanks for this interesting interview. Loved the snake story.

bubblingBreeze14 February 23rd, 2022


Glad I could share this with all of you! ๐Ÿ’š Personally, I love the snake story too ๐Ÿ˜‰

bubblingBreeze14 February 23rd, 2022


Thank you for reading it!

bubblingBreeze14 February 23rd, 2022


Thank you for this wonderful post โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ and for the opportunity given! I had a lot of fun doing the interview... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 23rd, 2022


Breeezeeeee, this was a fantabulous read! Thankyou for sharing your beautiful thoughts and experiences, in your usual "bubbly" style! โค

I'm really proud of how far you've come, from taking the plunge to reach out for support, to becoming a listener and wanting to give back the kindness and care to many more people, and then to Flourish as a phenomenal leader in the community! Safe to say, you've come really far and you're only growing and glowing so much more, every single day, as a cupser and as a wonderful human being!

I'm immensely grateful to know you here and to work alongside, you're a sweet, friendly, supportive, helpful, thoughtful, inspiring and an ultra encouraging Breeze of all things amazing in a human being!

Rooting for you always! Keep shining as you do, you're one bright force to be reckoned with!

Andddd animations are so awesome hehe, I'm sure you're gonna do fantastically on that front as well! โค

๐ŸซChocolate medals for youu๐Ÿซ

bubblingBreeze14 February 25th, 2022



Sun โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ I'm speechless. I've been trying to come up with words to say for days now. Breeze is speechless.. I don't know what to say except for Thank You. You actually made my day... Sorry for taking a while to respond, but it's simply because I didn't have words to say. All I can do is send so many warm hugs on your way, as a gratitude for seeing my personality and my qualities.

Thank you sun, and you should know you' yourself is a shiny GEM ๐Ÿ’Ž!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022


Awww so sweet Breeze hehe, absolutely no reason to apologize, I know and relate with how sometimes it gets difficult to make words out of how we're feeling, rest assured, I got what you wanted to convey. Lots and lots of hugsss back! Keep being your amazing self always, all while knowing you deserve every bit of kindness, appreciation and support yourself! ๐Ÿค—โค

rrretsuko February 27th, 2022


oh wow, @bubblingBreeze14. i absolutely loved that story <3 it is definitely true that not everyone's actions are caused by you-- and this especially goes for listening on the 7 cups ! it's important to remember that it is natural for some to express some upset feelings while chatting with listeners. though boundaries should be put up and total disrespect should not have to be tolerated, it's good to understand members who maybe just be acting out a bit due to stress :) however, they are usually very grateful that you would even take the time to support them.

amazing interview, @fristo and @bubblingBreeze14 ! <3 i loved reading through it-- definitely one of my favorites. keep up the amazing work !

bubblingBreeze14 March 1st, 2022


Aww.. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š I'm so glad you liked it. And well said on "everyone's actions are not caused by you" statement. Sometimes, we forget that though ๐Ÿ˜„

Thank you for sparing your time to read it. I'm so grateful for that! โค๏ธโค๏ธ