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Being A Star with Starlasky

WarmLightXO May 29th, 2022

Please join me in welcoming @Starlasky as our interviewee this week! Shreya/Starla is busy on 7Cups as a triple mentor, a moderator, a listener verifier, and host for both Listener Daily Check-Ins and Appreciation Check-Ins :o

This interview is golden, I hope you enjoy hearing from Starla as much as I did! <3

Hey Shreya, thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for our series! We're looking forward to hearing from you 💚

Thank you, Elliot, for having me in this amazing interview series of yours. 💙

Many of our listeners and community leaders started their 7Cups journeys as members seeking support or as listeners remembering when they needed support. How did you discover the site?

I seem to be one among those who first started her journey as a member as well! I remember the time back then when I just wanted to vent and get it all out of my chest and good for me, I found this wonderful site with wonderful listeners. After letting it all out, I realised how much better I felt and for the same reasons I joined here as a Listener, to make others feel the same lightness after just letting it all out and for them to have the same sense of hope and reassurance that if not loved ones, let it be a stranger, someone is here for them, to listen, to support, to care, to simply be there.

You've been a listener for almost two years! Several of your roles revolve around the self-harm recovery and addiction support subcommunities. How did you come to be involved in these spaces?

I know right! Two years almost, time flies away so fast. Yes, indeed. Self-Harm Recovery holds a special place for me. It was the subcommunity I first got a role in and I’ve always wanted to do my best and provide as much support as I could to everyone going through it. I was sad when some people stayed away from this subcommunity because they feel self-harm comes with crises and triggers. I wanted and want it to change. I'm trying my best to make people understand and realise that

“Self-harm is not all about a crisis, it’s just another way of coping with emotions and pain,”

but sadly an unhealthy way is all. The same goes for addiction. I want to help those who are willing to get out of it and looking for the support, for that I’m trying along with the rest of the team members into getting these subcommunities back to being active and ready to provide you with the support you’re looking for.

One of your nicknames in the community is Starla, and you have a quote about stars in your bio! Can you tell us about the significance the metaphor of stars can have in our lives and healing processes?

I love stars and hence my username too! I do, haha. I believe, we all resemble stars, you don’t have to be some celebrity to be a star. You just need to be appreciative of what you have, to be a star in your own life, your own story. Stars might have scars, they might have a traumatic past and they are surely present but invisible to us during the day but at night, you’ll see them up in the dark sky, all glowing and shining. That’s life.

“You’ll face challenges, have wounds, have scars, be invisible, and have darkness but most importantly you will shine and glow. Despite carrying all this, you will still be beautiful, admired and be called a star.”

You're also a project agent for listener check-ins! What is the importance of checking in with ourselves, as listeners, as members, and as humans?

Yes, I am! Checking in with ourselves is very important. Not only as a listener or member but as a human too. By reflecting and checking on our mental health, emotions and feelings we are just acknowledging our growth and the challenges we have endured and what we are enduring. It is important that as we are kind to others, we be with ourselves too and acknowledge ourselves, be empathic towards ourselves and be reflective, so we know about ourselves and not neglect things when it comes to us. Because as important as others are to you, you are important for someone and for yourself.

As a quality mentor and listener verifier, you're frequently supporting listeners. What can you tell us about your tips for growing into great listeners?

I don’t really have any tips, haha. From my experience, I can just say that whatever you do, do it out of a will, do it because it makes you happy and you want to do it. Everyone of us is a wonderful listener here and each day you learn something new about it. So growth is all that will one day make you a great listener, as and as you learn, you grow, and the more you grow the more you know!

Being 18 years old, where do you see your life, community service, and passion for supporting others taking you?

Life, I never know. It’s unpredictable and I can’t say what my tomorrow may look like haha. But all I can hope is that I remain kind, humble and supportive. For community service and my passion for supporting others, I am already grateful for the opportunities and trust the community has in me and for allowing me to provide the service and support. I want to remain the same person as I am but keep growing into learning and understanding something every day and provide as much support as I can!

Thank you again for taking the time to do this interview! We really appreciate you sharing your experiences, thoughts and wisdom 💜

Thank you so much for this opportunity and for hearing me out! It’s my pleasure. 💙

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@BlueRiver5968 @Dallady @exuberantBlackberry9105 @HealingTalk @MyNameIsNicole @SkylarListens @ThoughtfulBlossom @WarmLightXO @Zarram77

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 30th, 2022

@WarmLightXO @Starlasky

Whattta lovely read. Thankyou for sharing your starry thoughts, Cousin Starlaaa! You are super duper awesome for contributing to the community in many different ways, and Gosh what a noble thought to help in bringing a change in how some people perceive a certain community space, and to revive these support spaces with more compassion, support and most of all, a non-judgmental space to talk and seek support.

The listener/ leader Starla is all things wonderful, but I highly admire the *human* Starla, for her sweet wisdom in life. It is incredibly important to check-in with ourselves and take time to reflect, yess and yes, thankyou for this fabulous reminder (needed it haha). We are all stars indeed hehe, embracing the imperfections and yet shining the light. Andddd I love the quotes you shared, simply heart-warming to read them. You're so so so appreciated, lovely. Keep being awesome sauce and inspiring those around you. All the love and cookies and hugs for youuu! 💙🤗🍪

Thankyouu for the fantabulous interview, Elliot, you picked just the right questions and framed them so nicely. Way to go! ❤ (and yay we got a host for appreciation check ins already, how exciting is that 😛)

WarmLightXO OP May 30th, 2022


Yay, so glad you enjoyed! Every quote you mentioned is all right from the mouth of Starla herself, she truly is a fountain of wisdom. Yes hehe super excited to have her on the team!

I greatly enjoyed working with you on this interview Starla, thank you again! 💚💛

Starlasky May 30th, 2022


Elliotttttttttt! Thank you so much for giving me this amazing opportunity. Your kindness and warmth always shine throughout and make everyone around you feel it! I really appreciate you and admire you for everything you are and simply for the human you are that's so wonderfully blessed! And yay yay, super excited to work along with you guys in the team! Lots of love, hugs and cookies for you! 🍪🍪🍪🍪💙

Starlasky May 30th, 2022


Cousin Sunnieeeeeeeee! Aww, thank you so much for your super lovely words! I'm forever grateful for your love, care and support! You definitely brighten up smiles, and so I have said many times. Keep being yourself! And yay lots of hugs and hugs. Wait. How can I forget to not add lots of your favourite choco chip cookies made with extra love and sweetness 🍪🍪🍪🍪😛💙. And also, yayyyy love to be a new addition to the appreciation team. 💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 30th, 2022


Aww *heart melts* xD Sweeetesttt Cousin Starlaaa 🤧🤗💙

exuberantBlackberry9105 May 30th, 2022

@WarmLightXO Oh, amazing! "Life, I never know. It’s unpredictable and I can’t say what my tomorrow may look like" That's so correct!

WarmLightXO OP May 30th, 2022

Isn't she the best? 😮

Feel so blessed having gotten to learn from her 💜

MyNameIsNicole May 31st, 2022

@WarmLightXO yay my favourite interview series is back😃

@starlasky thank you for this exciting opportunity to get to know you better. I remember how whenever we meet in the TL you are always such a ray of sunshine❤️

I agree you on the self-harm recovery forum not getting as much love as it deserves, and Self-Harm is a topic I resonate with because I went through something similar.

I will consider taking up a role in the SH recovery forum because it is such a lovely place to be. Thank you for shedding light on it Starla the wonderful star💜

WarmLightXO OP May 31st, 2022


A ray of starlight :p

MyNameIsNicole June 1st, 2022

@WarmLightXO must you be better than me😃

starla the wonderful star is wayy better than starlight smh

WarmLightXO OP June 1st, 2022

I must, but rest assured, you started it

Starlasky June 3rd, 2022


Awh, Nicole, that's so sweet of you. Meeting you in TL has always been sweet time for me. Thank you so much for considering, we'd love to have you as a part of our team. Lots of love and hugs for you. 💙

bubblingJoy3958 May 31st, 2022

You're the best, you're hard work speaks for itself. Keep being the best.

WarmLightXO OP May 31st, 2022


Glad you enjoyed the interview! <3

MyNameIsNicole June 1st, 2022

@bubblingJoy3958 aww so sweet of you to say about Elliot❤️

Starlasky June 3rd, 2022


Thank you so much, Joy. You're amazing! 💙

ThoughtfulBlossom June 1st, 2022

@WarmLightXO - Hello, Elliot! Thank you for picking such a stellar human being to interview! ❤️

@Starlasky - Hello hello, Starla! I knew you were way overdue for an interview, and thank you for being such a star in this community. You have made so many wonderful contributions, and I feel honored to have met such a bright and loving soul as you. Your wisdom is incomparable, and your compassion and support is endless. In the Teen Listener room, you never fail to make us laugh and smile, and from the first day we met, I have seen you more and more as a role model and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and caring words with us, and I send you tons of hugs. Keep up the amazing work, my friend! 🤗 ❤️

WarmLightXO OP June 1st, 2022


Please feel free to poke me with anyone you think we should interview! Always accepting suggestions <3

Starlasky June 3rd, 2022


Aww, Blossom. *heart melts* Those words are so sweet! I'm so so glad to have met you and now have you as part of the team so I simply get to poke you :p

Anddd lots of love, hugs and cookies! 💙

LavenderHere June 3rd, 2022

@WarmLightXO thank you for the post and @Starlasky woah this is such a sweet and lovely interview, you put thoughts into words so beautifullyyyyyyyyyy me honoured to read this!! Good luck with all that lies ahead!

June 5th, 2022

@starlasky starlaaaaaa 🧡 you are awesome and thank you for all your efforts for the community.

P.S. I really hope you are taking enough time for self care.

If not,🚦(this is a sign xD)