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my doggerel (written while depressed)

slowdecline48 May 31st, 2023

Did this one today...


Stare at the ceiling as the earth whirls blindly in the dark
as you lay there, ears ringing & head pain, as always
as your head hurts, spreading middle girth
Cold inside, halted, without a spark.

The occasional note as your gut slowly drains
from the meal of bolted flour, cheese, olives,
a manmade ration for the bipedal swine herd
Another day ebbs, another evening gains.

Stare at the ceiling as daily you know
Knowing inescapable: you're past the prime
the bald fact, always without tact,
Faded mirror never fails to show.

Staring upward as the ball hurtles in the black
around the hot bright mindless sun,
your stare as unseeing as the rock itself
a captive in a slowly rotting sack.

Feel free to comment, folks. Whaddaya think? I might post more poems here as the inspiration (for lack of a better word) strikes.

slowdecline48 OP May 13th

It's like that where you are, too? must live in the South. I'm in Florida, the appendix of the United States.

slowdecline48 OP May 19th

Another haiku...

This is modern civ:

you are monetized;

silicone bolt-ons.

slowdecline48 OP May 19th

Made the 2nd line too short...whoops. oh well

bestVase7265 May 21st

Looks good anyway! It's the meaning that is important.@slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP May 21st

@bestVase7265 Thanks. Just thought of an improved version!...

This is modern civ:

computerized everything;

silicone bolt-ons.

I think that works better.

bestVase7265 May 22nd

I like it. 😄@slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP May 22nd

Thanks. Am still trying to carry it further... If I can make a more complete version it will go up, though probably not in this thread. It won't be a haiku, I can tell you that much.

slowdecline48 OP May 23rd


The factory has been running

for too long. The warranty expired

on too many parts that haven't been

replaced, the motors are rusted & tired;

R & D apparently walked off the job.

The casings are of corroded tin.

The CEO & accountant should be fired,

honestly. Quality control was fobbed off

to some corrupt firm in Shenzhen

when the blueprints for the factory

were drawn. This rickety outfit still

churns out product, cleaned every now & then,

but the truth must be stated clearly:

It should all be thrown in the landfill.

Can't quite believe I composed this on my's not the best tool for doing prose or poetry.

bestVase7265 May 25th

So was this based in something you were actually seeing? @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP May 25th

@bestVase7265 It's based on a self-assessment.

bestVase7265 May 26th

Interesting, but you definitely don't belong on a landfill. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP June 10th

An Inner Light

The Plan takes shape,

of a mountain of tasks

necessary to leave the anthill:

I can't stay here until I kick it.

Outlines appear of land...

work...heat, cold, dust, dirt,

the chores of survival until

I have a home. My ticket

to rest, free from rental serfdom.

Dark nights & pain will come;

Episodes will flare & pass.

I can get through the pall

As long as I stay busy,

stick to the plan,

Recall just why I did it all,

And remember what is mine.

Better a stray dog than a caged lion.

bestVase7265 June 11th

Great poem. I love that last line especially. It imagines that doing stuff actually allows you to be the stray dog rather than the captured lion. Your mind is freer when it is occupied by other things that when you are stuck in the depression cage. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP July 31st

Another haiku:

Time of transition:

Days of busywork, the Net.

Night: my art, hot takes.

bestVase7265 August 1st

Surviving all the transition okay? @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP August 2nd

@bestVase7265 So far, yes. Merci for asking. Today was of the best days of my life.

bestVase7265 August 2nd

THAT SOUNDS AWESOME! Go you. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP August 2nd
Thankya much. If you're curious, you can read this (& the last few posts before it) to find out why.
slowdecline48 OP August 10th

New to old to new again
Open the map app, punch in numbers
of places where you've once been.
Wondering what's changed, looking
for continuity, any kind will work
Zoom out, zoom in while the movie
in your mind plays in fast-reverse
Memories few, graying as they fade
into the freezing past of no color
You find each place, & it's changed.
A few are gone; others with new paint,
a couple surnames summon faces
of those surely long dead by now
You find little...a few small traces
of what no one else can see.
Time to close the app.

You can't go home again.

I don't know what to title the above poem. Any suggestions?

bestVase7265 August 12th

Hmmm - Memory Maps or Traveling with My Mind?  But I am not particularly good at names.@slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP August 12th

@bestVase7265 As long as the title does not have G00gle in it, almost anything will work. Sure I use certain apps like everyone else, but only because they're bundled with my phone & so I can't wipe them out. Google is one of the great evil empires of the Internet/virtual world, IMHO.

bestVase7265 August 14th

I totally agree with the evil nature of the big search engine. They were sued recently because they are such a monopoly. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP August 20th

A haiku, because laziness:

Back pain lays me down

Not like a lover would do...

Check the vids: YouRube.

bestVase7265 August 20th

Sending peace and a better back. May you be able to get up and walk away from your computer for a bit tomorrow. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP August 20th

😆 I typed it out on my phone but the sentiment is good, thank's all part of getting older, right?

bestVase7265 August 21st

Yup! I definitely need to walk away from my computer more. My wrists are starting to ache daily. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 5th

When I grow old...

I shall wear the cuffs of my trousers rolled,

Will probably say what's already been told.

Remembering what? Just bought & sold

All to come, when I grow old.

bestVase7265 September 6th

I like it. You can almost feel memories wrapped up in the pants cuffs. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 7th

C-clamp screwed down, torqued

On my head (what it feels like)...

"Chronicville, USA"

slowdecline48 OP September 7th
(doesn't quite fit the haiku pattern but who gives a d*mn)
bestVase7265 September 8th

Sending peace. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 8th

@bestVase7265 Thanks...nice thought. Most of it was gone after I woke up. (I did turn to "better living through chemistry")

bestVase7265 September 9th

Sometimes you need to do that. Glad things are a bit better today.@slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 14th

A political haiku:

This election year,

So much like all the others:

Mountain of bulls***.

bestVase7265 September 15th

This year the load is much higher to the point of being dangerous. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 15th

@bestVase7265 Perhaps it is. We should remember, though...the US has had a few crazy elections in its past. "Social media" (note the quotes) has definitely aggravated the whole political climate. The companies who made & run the platforms are more at fault than anyone/anything else. But remember the 2000 election? We didn't have FB, X/Twatter, Instaspam, etc. & the whole thing was an utter farce...

Point is never expect the candidates, their campaign teams or the news media to go about it with any professionalism or decorum. Because they won't. They can't. 😏

bestVase7265 September 16th

True. There were some *** even in elections in the 1800's. I really like Heather Cox Richardson who posts daily. She is a historian of the Civil War and is always making really interesting comparisons about politics. @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 16th

Really...this sounds interesting. Am a history buff myself but my foci are mostly military & religious history of Europe & the Near East, so I don't usually study the Civil War. Will have to check out her stuff. Thanks for the lead!

bestVase7265 September 17th

I am a European historian by training. My PhD was on three families living on the border between Germany and France during the French Revolution. But that was a long time ago... @slowdecline48

slowdecline48 OP September 17th

So you are a professional, then. Props!

I'm strictly an amateur... Having said that, I must add that in the US the difference between pro historians & geeks isn't what you might expect. I don't know much about modern European academia, but on this side of the pond it's in a sorry state overall. If you've kept up with the news here--especially since 2014--then you already know that. One of the reasons why I'm into this stuff is because most Americans have no sense of history for anywhere other than this nation. *smh*'s as if the world didn't exist before 1776 (or 1619, depending on your guiding ideology). 🤦🏼‍♂️ There are buffs here who know a ton about WW2. Bring up the campaigns of Napoleon, Frederick the Great, or Tamerlane & you'll draw a blank from most of 'em. And that's just us amateurs--we are not the general population. If you talk to the younger people, well...for far too many, the Vietnam conflict is ancient history; our war of independence might as well have never occurred.

Political tribalism & extremism have ruined much of what passes for America's higher learning. Leftist distortions today equal right-wing ones popular in the mid- to late 20th century. For example, the Crusades are nothing but a debating point for the libs here. They're utterly ignorant of the context in which the pope Urban II made his declaration, to say nothing of what the Eastern Roman/Byzantine empire was contending with at the time...

...but I digress. The point is, on this side of the pond there are some subjects you're actually better off learning on your own. Not a nice thing to say about my country, but it's the truth.