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Poetry Through Art: Picture Prompt #1

SoulfullyAButterfly June 11th, 2023


Using the picture above, write a poem and share below!

If interested in submitting a photo for our next round or getting involved in this prompt series, feel welcome to PM me.

YourCaringConfidant June 12th, 2023
I wanted to participate in this, so here I go...
A poem written by me inspired by the image:


I tried recording me reading it but it kept cutting short, so I had to do it in 2 parts.
Part 1: Listen here
Part 2: Listen here
💙 🌊
ComradeRuhi June 13th, 2023

This was absolutely amazing! The recordings really brought it further to life. I truly loved your piece. It’s very authentic and genuine - and I love this change of outlook and mindset on life in the latter half.

AMAAAZING!! Keep writing. I’m all for it. Wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

~ Ruhi

YourCaringConfidant June 13th, 2023

@iigotyourbackii Ruhi, thank you! Thank you is all I can say. I'm truly grateful for your sweet words and I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. ♡

MagnificentCloud803 June 14th, 2023


I loved your poem! It made me feel lively and hopeful inside! Keep up the writing! 👍

MagnificentCloud803 June 14th, 2023


Here is my best try!

The infinity of this marvel seemed to be welcoming me with open arms,
It promised to submerge each of my knotty qualms.
But I chose to hesitate because that's all I had ever been taught.
To keep my mouth shut, because the world wouldn't listen as I had thought.
Everyone told me how my emotions outweighed everybody's rationality,
How I was such a tedious person to be with, in actuality.
But these frolicking waves proved to be silent, little companions,
As I cried out my worries in front of them with leftover passion.
Their calming flow eased my overwrought self, and I could only be grateful.
I was left with a heart as light as the air, peaceful.

These flutters of water didn't judge, and I could seem to convey everything I'd ever wanted.

Far across in the infinity, I was bewildered when I saw,
That could only be a phantasm, right? I could only gaze in unparalleled awe.
It was a little girl dancing happily on the waters,
Dancing to the song in her mind her balletic body refused to falter.
Perhaps in another reality, in another dimension,
I had reached that well-deserved ascension.
Like that little girl who danced shackle-free,
Because she very much resembled the forgotten me.

I loved participating in this! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to brush up on my poetry skills! Have a great day everyone!

YourCaringConfidant June 14th, 2023

@MagnificentCloud803 I'm trying to figure out where you needed to "brush up" on your poetry skills. I'm just sitting here with my mouth opened wide like "wow!" What I just read was phenomenal. 👏

MagnificentCloud803 June 14th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Gosh, thank you so much for the compliment! It's been ages since I wrote a decent poem and have not thrown it right in the trash, so, it means a lot that I could pull up the courage to post it here! Much love! ❤️

YourCaringConfidant June 14th, 2023

@MagnificentCloud803 No need to thank me. Just me speaking truth. ♡ XOXO.

The1NOnlyVenus June 18th, 2023


This seemed fun so I wanted to give it a try :D

I sit and wonder the wanders of life..

Wondering what precious things it held in precise..

Was it the gleaming ocean and the sea?

Or was it the earthy land we always see?

Most looks attentively to the surface..

But have you thought about the deep?

Similar to a circus..

Just there to put a smile and a look of glee on people’s faces..

No one ever thinks of how it was formed..

It’s truly a shame when it’s a storm..

Lightening and thundering like never before..

Creating endless memories for those who were there..

And every one of them glances with a glare..

That was my attempt and I really wish everyone a lovely day ahead! <3

YourCaringConfidant June 18th, 2023

@The1NOnlyVenus This was an absolutely beautiful read. I greatly enjoyed it. 👏 Very well done. ♡

The1NOnlyVenus June 18th, 2023


thank youuu! I am happy to hear you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3

amiableBunny4016 June 18th, 2023


As I watch the sky meet the blue deep ocean.

As I watch the small ripples move towards me

As the world moves passed me.

As chaos looms over me.

As my heart bleeds with guilt and fear.

Trying to hold so many tears.

I'm scared my problems will smeer that blood in the darkest nights.

So I drown in the ocean.

Every memory.

Ever moment.

Every second.

It drowns me in sadness.

It drowns me in the darkest days of my life.

In the darkest years ..

Just trying to keep my head above the water.

Let's see how far this ocean will take me.

Maybe there is no way to flee.

You just keep drowning and drowning..

Trying to breathe.

Trying to survive.

So I let trauma slither and wither beneath me.

Holding my breath every second I fall.



Life turns on us.

The world turns upside down.

I don't give a frown.

I put on a smile.

Keep drowning...

In the middle of disaster.

This is me.


The1NOnlyVenus June 18th, 2023


oh my god bunny this made me emotional while reading it D:

it sounds so beautiful yet so sad, are you okay?

do you want a hug? D:

amiableBunny4016 June 18th, 2023


Awww thank you Venus! I loved your poem too! I'm okay Venus. I'm fine okie? Thank you for being such an amazing teenie friends and I love ya *hugs* thank you for hugs ❤️

YourCaringConfidant June 18th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 After a read like that, all I can do is sit with you. *sits with my sweet Bunny* That was some read. Brings about so many emotions. The fact you can do that through your words alone prove how amazing of a writer you are. Bunny, you are gifted. ♡

amiableBunny4016 June 18th, 2023


Helloooo, your poem was amazing!! You got a hidden talent that you don't share 😀❤️❤️❤️and Desiree I think your an wonderful writer I could listen to your voice all day and not get tired because your so freaking sweet ❤️ awww. We sit together. Thank you for everything Desiree! You mean the world to me ❤️

GwydionRowan June 18th, 2023


an endless blue of land, sea and sky

a misty cloud far and high

a picture perfect day only a screen away

wishes for this was some where to stay

a place that drowns your worry goodbye

a place where your thoughts can go and fly

a place that closes my throat so dry

a place that makes me want to cry

On a boat so rigged and sway

Way out there on the bay

I have to wonder is it always day

But I know it’s Somewhere I’ll never play

looking on at the sky so clear

I close my phone and it disappear

i never want leave and go there

the place where I can’t not fear

I don’t like water

Also I haven’t written a poem for years

The1NOnlyVenus June 18th, 2023


that’s still pretty good for not have written poems in years!

The words still make so much sense I like the way you described it :D

(I don’t like swimming or the beach)

GwydionRowan June 18th, 2023


i had to use a websit the found rhyming words also feel like I had it a bit dramatic also thanks btw

YourCaringConfidant June 18th, 2023

@GwydionRowan Never would I have known that you haven't written in years. 👏 👏 👏

GwydionRowan June 18th, 2023


i do write just not poems also thank you

FrozenGhost June 18th, 2023

The Ocean in Summer

Down by the sea where the wind meets the water

The air is salty, tangy and sweet

Gulls and gannets play among puffy clouds

Riding the updrafts

Sometimes the ocean is moody and fierce

Frothing and fretting against the shore

Breaking ships, taking lives

Raging under heavy stormy skies

But the ocean in summer is gentle and calm

Warm and sparkling with reflected sunlight

Moving rhythmically against the rocks

And they sigh softly at its lovemaking

YourCaringConfidant June 18th, 2023

@FrozenGhost Oooohhh, this was just lovely to read. I captured each image in my mind. Just beautiful. Great job!

softForest4843 June 18th, 2023

Where the northwind meets the sea,

Where the blazing sun meets soft peaks,

Where the eyes take in the ever-looming skies,

I gaze and wonder,

Why me?

When the gentle waves softly rock my boat,

Or when mighty hail strikes it down,

Light and darkness both loom over me,

As I wonder where it all went so wrong.

As I wait for day to become night,

And for night to become day

As the days blur together, I wonder

Why does it all have to be this way?

As I bathe in sunlight,

Feeling condemned in its comforting rays,

I always wonder, when, not if,

When will it all go away?

What, you may ask, what plagues your mind so?

What makes you see darkness, instead of light?

Dear reader, I ask you this, for I have no answer,

For this illness that grips us all.

What keeps us up at night, tossing and turning in bed,

Why not our beauty, why do we see only imperfections instead?

Why, as we look back, does our childhood seem so much brighter,

Why does our future seem so bleak,

That the thought of the path ahead,

Only serves to make us weep?

All the Whys, and all the Hows, and all the Have been's,

come to be as I stare,

At the all-expansive nothingness,

Calling to anybody that dares to be there.

Hii to all the wonderful, amazing, and talented people in this community, I hope you enjoy this poetry, I tried my best! Constructive criticism is very much appreciated.✨

(This is my first time writing poetry guys be gentle with me please)

SammyLouise June 19th, 2023

@softForest4843 Incredible poem, I felt every word ❤️

Elena0202 June 19th, 2023


Just a simple tanka from me.

sky meets sea in blue

hill does not forget promise

union without pause

—before time, before life bloomed

three bodies, curved in embrace

easyCherry2087 June 19th, 2023


I haven't done poetry that isn't 100% freestyle in so long, it feels disjointed (but so do I). The isolation is married to a chronic illness I'm only starting to understand, and the resentment can be insidious without an outlet.

I am the Island

I am an island surrounded by water,

Barely above the tide, barely able to look at the sky.

I can try to reach up to see the sun, so I don’t squander

The rare moments that I feel it piercing my eye.

(But it does)

It’s so clear in the air that it burns through my soul—

Sends an ache, no, a jolt, through the cotton in my head.

So I drop my eyes, trying to gain back the clarity pain stole,

It rarely comes back, that truth is always what I dread.

(I wish it would)

I can’t focus on the distance, the horizon is too bright,

So I sit on the wood, feeling the heat on my neck

The warmth creeps up my body, a phantom feeling for tonight.

The flare from the sun is only gifted to me, a fact that cardio and NASA can check.

(But they won’t)

Fingertips trail on wood, flowing with the grain.

Can feel my heart pumping, ‘that’s not normal’, I’m told

I clutch the pot with the plant, feeling the sunny day's chains,

That try to recede, but I know that the cards are down and I need to fold.

(Or I’ll fold onto the ground, and no one is here)

I stand up, setting the plant down so it won’t fall,

Slipping inside to keep my heart from racing to death.

I know if I don’t walk now, I’ll be reduced to a crawl.

Before now, I couldn’t stand cold, now heat is life-or-death.

(What a flip)

I lay on the floor, staring out at the sun.

Inside is my friend, I cannot just leave.

My heart rate spikes, my mind it must outrun,

My former self, I continue to grieve.

(But for now, I’ll stare outside)

The sky is too bright,

The sun I can’t stand.

No one comes by tonight.

I am the island.

(And I can’t leave)

KidRatHeaven June 19th, 2023


If all serenity knew

the true name of the sea,

and all wisdom

the mountains beyond,

I’d crack right out of my pot,

Twist my roots into too tight

Spaces, split the bill

And the benches. I’d crawl

Quickly, call on courage,

Bend my branches, rest;

It’s work, but I like it.

sentientape June 19th, 2023


caressing sea breeze

a slight tickle on the leaves

a long way from home

towards vast expanse

of briney depths where death dance

I watch where I go

this foreign motion

to be one with the ocean

it's all quite a thrill

seat on ancestors

to reveal me the green shores

yet I worry still

will I find comfort

in the presence of lumber

that dwells in these parts?

or will I be met

with the dull ache of regret

for fields with no heart?

perhaps the fauna

that resides in this corner

will make me sturdy

the world never fixed

at least I know I have picked

to meet the journey


I don't usually do this sorta stuff haha

SammyLouise June 19th, 2023


I need to breathe,

and escape.

To let my mind wander across,

the cobalt sheet which stretches out,


The waves,

tumbling gently,

as I let the thoughts tumble from my mind,

"I'm not good enough",

fading away.

Until there are only,

the sounds of the landscape.


it seems to say,

abating my swirling mind.

Torean June 19th, 2023


The edge of the world

Its like when I was a kid,

My hometown wasn't as big back then,

Target on the other side of town,

Felt like the edge of the world I knew,

And I couldn't wait to see more beyond it.

Now that we're here,

And we know that if we tried to visit,

We'd fall right through the ground of those islands...

Seeing the view here is surreal,

Where beauty meets the uncanny valley.

I just want you to know,

That we're both as timelessly young and old,

As this one small mysterious tree we've been watering.

And I want you to know im as excited as a kid,

To see what it's like beyond this edge.

We're old enough to know better,

We're old enough to know this isn't real,

But with that age comes the wisdom,

To know exactly what to do when time and space,

Don't limit us anymore.

Let's enjoy these last moments,

Of things as we know them.

This tree will be there to greet us,

As soon as we can revisit ourselves,

With the fruits of all our labor.

IsayUncle July 7th, 2023


Inspiring 💚

persistentGrapes3800 July 16th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly Here's my best attempt ----

The Unshed tears of the Earth

The sky cries,

for every lost love,

For every person who dies,

like a free dove,

The ocean is the unshed tears of the Earth,

for all the stories that could've been told but had never happened,

Waiting for another catastrophe, another disaster for all it's worth,

for everyone who never deserved to be burdened,

The ocean is the Earth waiting to fall into heavy sobs,

for everyone who loved someone who didn't care,

Knowing that soon it'll be crying to it's Gods,

still believing they'd make a perfect pair,

Prepared to beg for mercy,

for all those clinging onto to hope,

Both the Ocean and the Sea,

for all those barely hanging on to the rope,

Expect only the worst,

for those poor souls feeling grief,

Believing the *** world is cursed,

for those begging for relief,

The Ocean is the unshed tears of the Earth, waiting the next catastrophe.

-- basically the blue and black are separate poems but they fit together as one as well--