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User Profile: slayteralmighty
slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

User Profile: LovelyHeartache
LovelyHeartache March 19th, 2016

With a smile that shines like the sun And the freckles that resemble the stars, Hair that's dark and mysterious Just like your cute little scars. Your body is like a galaxy, Every time I look up I see you. Don't let the words people say build up and stick like glue. Your heart is made up of glass that hS already been broken, Perhaps the things that I say were the first things really spoken.

User Profile: DevinaDee95
DevinaDee95 March 19th, 2016

Just came up with this on the spot... not perfect but my thoughts in a short poem at the moment.

Everything is weighting down on me.
Dragging me so far under.
Voices that will never stop.
Tears that continue on.
These thougths have consumed me.
Swallowed me whole.
A once colorful world is not too bright anymore.
A world that was gold had faded to black.
My world filled with madness,
filled with sorrow,
filled with pain,
A world with billions... yet I stand alone.
A dark cloud has followed me everywhere.
Raining on eveything.
It never ends.
It never ends.
....please make it end.

User Profile: ParanoidPoet
ParanoidPoet March 19th, 2016

If I neer saw daylight again

Or the sky of brilliant blue

I would be happy, if I still

Could, my dear, see you

If flowers never bloomed anew

If the grass withered away

If you were still within my sight

Id rejoice all the day

If I never saw you again

But many a sunrise

And luscious, green, grass standing tall

And flitting butterflies

I would feel empty, despite all

The beauty around me

For youd be gone, Id be alone

In much misery

-Lucas D.

2 replies
User Profile: Cheeney
Cheeney March 20th, 2016

@ParanoidPoet This is amazing. Your choice of words is brilliant and they fit well with the general rhythm of your poem, and they simply sound wonderful. Great work!

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User Profile: ParanoidPoet
ParanoidPoet March 20th, 2016

@Cheeney Thank you. I'm glad you liked the poem.

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User Profile: StellaFinnoh
StellaFinnoh March 20th, 2016

The birds outside my window

Crowed about their woes

Flapped their black feathers

Leaving remnants of nightfall

In the bright afternoon sun

Or was it newspapers

Ink-soaked beaks that cried

For doomsday or salvation

Something to disturb the lull

Of everyday mediocrity

That shed their wings at the door

3 replies
User Profile: Tt33
Tt33 March 20th, 2016

@StellaFinnoh I like where this went, how have I fallen into this routine of unhappiness?

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User Profile: StellaFinnoh
StellaFinnoh March 21st, 2016


Thank you :)

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User Profile: Annie
Annie March 22nd, 2016

Oh, @StellaFinnoh, this is magnificent.

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User Profile: proactiveDime3437
proactiveDime3437 March 20th, 2016

You came into my life like a whirlwind ,

And lifted me off my feet,

Sucked me into your vortex,

Acting like it was a frivolous thing.

So many revelations,

As unforeseen as they may be,

Just brought me closer,

To your charismatic being.

You gave a reason to my living,

And for the first time I found myself feeling,

Self conscious about the way I looked,

On all the days that we were meeting.

I started interpreting signs,

Omens that I never believed in;

Your attitude couldn't be deciphered,

And it left me eternally wondering.

I started picking petals off a rose,

"He loves me, he loves me not",

Imagine my self doing this before?

Definitely not.

Why couldn't you just answer,

Why can't you be sure,

I can't play this game anymore,

It isn't my forte.

You're leaving in a few days,

I won't get to see you like before.

Maybe it's for the good that we're parting,

Maybe I'll find someone like you who could fill up the hole.

You'll be just another memory,

Etched onto my brain,

Just another person,

Leaving me torn and in pain.

The thing that saddens me is that,

I never got to hear your end of this tale.

User Profile: DearMySanity
DearMySanity March 21st, 2016


Life is a storm at sea

whipping up waves

beating harshly against

the ships that navigate

its dark chaotic waters.

Have courage, sailor.

the storm will pass

and you will live to see it through.

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User Profile: Havefaith68
Havefaith68 March 24th, 2016

@DearMySanity I like this poem alot. smiley good imagery

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User Profile: WordsUnsung
WordsUnsung March 21st, 2016

Choose a Side

They told you tonight

decide what you want

choose what to believe

but you don't know what it is you want

What should you believe?

all the arguments are so convincing

this is right but so is this,

even though they aren't the same at all.

they want you to choose a side

but you don't hold fully

with either.

So you stood your ground

and bore the weight of their thoughts

They asked you to choose,

but they only wanted you to

stay on their side,

and when you couldn't,

everyone else tried

to pull you apart,

let them each have an arm

he can have a leg,

but for God's sake,

keep your soul and mind.

They're all that you've got.

User Profile: Peace
Peace March 21st, 2016

A thousand fears

Eyes full of tears

No smiles no cheers

Cursing the seers

Who said that the world

Was going to change

Abuses at them hurled

In languages strange

It was still the same,

Still mad, she screamed

Still thirsty for fame

And yet she dreamed

For a hope, for a light

From this hell, to take flight

For a future that was bright

San the wrong, full of right

For something else,

Something good

To correct the wrongs,

The misunderstood

To make a change

As very few would

And thus she stood.

User Profile: Cheeney
Cheeney March 21st, 2016


[prompted by this image]

Withered leaves were blowing in the wind
on this tree that was once a natural king
Here sat a little boy who had sinned
being punished by pain's eternal swing

Moonlight caught the boy's eye
a wonderous sight in these dark days
He had known his time was also nigh
still I doubt he's going to change his ways

He glanced down at the earth below
exhausted from constantly being swung around
With his despair not far in tow
he leapt right towards the solemn ground

User Profile: Cheeney
Cheeney March 21st, 2016

Illusion of peace

This illusion of peace enchants the innocents
softly luring them to lower their guard
Why must we continue to fall for its tricks
why must keeping the peace be so damn hard

The exchange of smiles softens their spirit
false pretenses never fail to clouden their mind
Why must we keep on this ridiculous charade
why must true love take forever to find

Though I wonder, maybe it is best not knowing
when many of us are living just to survive
Why must we bare pain and suffering daily
why must obstinacy be the only thing keeping us alive

I switch on my television to watch the news
another attack on humanity darkens our earth
Why must we eradicate precious life
Why must war live in an eternal cycle of rebirth