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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

aSoulAtPeace December 8th, 2015

I am the wind, not of this earth, I dont stop at anyplace,
And even if I do, I dont stay there...

I am carrying twings on my wings...
I have no home...

Annie February 6th, 2016

@aSoulAtPeace, This is lovely. There is a sort of mystical pronouncing feeling. Very cool.

Annie February 6th, 2016

@aSoulAtPeace, This is lovely. There is a sort of mystical pronouncing feeling. Very cool.

Wanderer09 December 8th, 2015

I'm tired
Of always being the one to fall
For once
I ask your dear god, for once
May my wounded heart receive Justice?
Why curse me?
What did I do to deserve this?
For heartbreak after heartbreak
Has left me bitter
I've lost belief if what was once so pure
Will my wounded heart ever receive Justice?
I ask you dear god
I call you
I scream to you
But all I hear in return
Is silence

Annie February 6th, 2016

@Wanderer09, This cry from the heart is so compelling.

Your poem reminds me of a sonnet by Shakespeare that includes these lines:

"When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes.

I all alone beweep my outcast state,

And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries . . ."

Your poem has the same sense of being abandoned by god, and it's heart-wrenching. I hope you'll share more of your work.

Maxlexie2 December 10th, 2015

I feel as though I am just a tree one of many in the forest that bleed

The pull is a need one that's deep within me

When it takes hold the crossroads or cold

Its thick in the evening just as the sun is leaving

It touches your mind with a thousand hot knives

You should shatter this place

Tear it down today and everyday

Annie February 6th, 2016

@Maxlexie2, This poems has such vivid images!

And I love the rhythmic strength of this line: "The pull is a need, one that's deep within me." Wonderful.


BouncyBall December 12th, 2015

Cold skin, and tainted white linens

Breathtaking romantic gimmicks

Wrapped in lace with blood on their face

Grand mistakes, no golden grace.

Withering thoughts that decompose and rot

Now finding themselves in graves of notions

Drowning in endless thoughts and stained emotions

Dripping from my lies, is my blood dark blue and thick like glue making my heart

Barely move

Dragging me down to the deep deep red

Barely living life my youth practically dead

Grasping for life, wanting to be with the one they assume will be my "wife".

But he is not, he is the only man I want

Grooming is not condition in this relationship for the living.

It is overflowing with love not twisted mental conditions

You stare in anticipation for blood to hit the pavement, but you will be sorely mistaken.

I do not deny that our love could soon die, but I swear our friendship will live on.

You don't see that my heart ache is ignited by your judgmental gaze

I can see it in your eyes every time two wives are in your line of sight

Your not so subtle glances towards me ... But I just walk on so you don't see the weakness in my knees

All I want is for you to see that he doesn't just love my body

How he treats me like I'm the only one he wants and needs

Acting as if he is in a never ending dream

Making me feel as if I'm better then I will ever truly be.

So now I don't expect you to understand, and I'm sorry to disrupt all your plans.

But for now, with my love is where I shall stand...

Annie February 6th, 2016

Dear @BouncyBall -- wow!

I was especially struck by the sharp contrast between the romantic notions of lace and linen and golden grace with the images of blood and rot. The angst of a hidden love and the plea for others to understand what real, important love is -- strong stuff.

I hope you'll write more and keep sharing with us. heart

RoaringHappiness December 13th, 2015

Life is a flower held in your hand it's petals are the days in switch you live as they slowly fall to answer your question will I be happy or will I be not, as you plunk away life petal by petal I'm sure you won't think about this flower one that allow us to see good or bad love or hate, one that allowed life to be had when you get to the last petal I hope you look down at what you stand above and think how lovely it was to have had this flower

Annie February 6th, 2016

@RoaringHappiness, I like the gentle lyricism of this piece. I especially love the soft, quiet beauty of the closing words, "how lovely it was to have had this flower."

proactiveDime3437 December 13th, 2015

Do you ever look up at the sky,
And wonder if you were among the soaring heights,
Away from all the chaos,
And far from all the noise;
Will everything be fine or would you miss the lights?

Have you ever gazed upon on the stars,
Looked up towards the clusters of twinkling mass,
Have you ever thought of joining them,
Be one amongst those gazillions,
Of glass baubles laden with fairy dust?

Have you ever thought that the heavens above,
Might be so crowded leaving no place for more?
Should you yet dream of that milestone or just pantomime if unsure?

I hanker to build a paradise of my own,
A space where I could gaze upon the pandemonium around,
And smirk, yelling "hello",
"I swear you must've thought I wasn't capable of this for sure".

Annie December 30th, 2015

Dear @proactivedime3437,

This is marvelous!

It's wonderful to see your work here again.

proactiveDime3437 January 1st, 2016

Glad to hear from you again too!

Thank you! :)

Purplepenchant January 8th, 2016

@proactiveDime3437 beautiful :)

QuietPastelRain December 14th, 2015

and even the bright young things

they, too, were burnt out eventually

leaving nothing behind but a shattered generation

and broken hearts across the country

Annie December 30th, 2015

I love poems that pack a lot into a few words. Well done.

QuietPastelRain January 3rd, 2016


Thank you!

Fenton115 December 15th, 2015


I walked through my old woods today,

and God walked by my side.

At least I think it was he the holy,

for if not him, then it was I.

So as I walked with God today,

I thought to myself :Why,

if I be in Gods good grace,

then I may question Lord on High.

And so I asked of God that day,

Why you had to die,

And God, he could not answer.

Then I realized he was I.

Annie December 30th, 2015

@Fenton115, an unusual offering. I lespecially ike the use of archaic language to explore and heighten a spiritual mystery.

unsinkablespirit312 December 17th, 2015

The Dark Side of Innocence

you were my hero, daddy
and i was your little love
your baby girl
the child who thought you were
the smartest man alive
even when you made the most horrific choices

still i idolized your every flaw
even when they killed me inside

your presence was a masterpiece
of cracked stone and rough edges
a reckless heart made of black obsidian
shining with an iridescence
strong enough to break through tough exteriors
but too shallow for the depth of living

you were framed in barbed wire
a sign should have been attached to your chest
that read "be aware" and "stay away"

i wish i was strong enough
to not be cut by your broken pieces
but your jagged edges continue to slash at my soul
like knives when they pierce flesh
you entered my hot blood and turned it cold

i am frozen in a freeze frame
smiling with a happy masquerade
but my hope is dying
i wonder if i'm dying with it

and there you were standing so tall and poised
like a marble statue
sparkling in the golden sun
burning bright as you killed me
all with your radiating light

here i am now, rotting away
while you are six feet under the earth

i wish i had never known your love
or the passion rooted from your lies
i wish i never tasted the sweet venom
of the good in which you spoke of

because now i sit here in darkness
suffocating in violent thoughts
of things i'm still afraid to speak of
painfully ruminating over every detail my mind won't ever let me forget

i can never get back what you stole from me
your greedy hands took what should have never belonged to you

still i loved you more than the world
you knew that and you used that
but your love was a faraway dream
acceptance was just out of reach
not tangible enough to grasp
but close enough to wish upon
i thought maybe one day i'd be lucky enough
maybe one day i'd feel the afterglow
the special feeling of knowing you were proud of me
that my best was better than failure to you
that you loved me for more than what i did for you

never did i know when good turned into good enough
if my pain would ever stop being a game to you
or if hurting me was really all you ever loved me for

daddy, you were my everyday stranger
my ordinary monster
so beautiful yet vulgar to your core
and all wrapped up in a poisonous shell
stealing the innocence of those who loved you

all i ever wanted was for you to be happy
i hope you were
because i am in pieces now
lost and afraid
broken... but perhaps breaking free
sometimes i think my hope died with you
... or did it?

Annie December 30th, 2015





AMAZING. So many amazing images. So many amazing joinings of words to create phrases that burst with emotion, and that haunt.

unsinkablespirit312 January 1st, 2016


Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me when my poetry makes someone feel something... Sometimes it's very vulnerable to post writing here because it's like I'm sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings and that's scary, but it's also kind of liberating. I am grateful for the opportunity to actually have a "voice", and not be forced to keep everything bottled up inside for once. Thank you again.

Annie January 4th, 2016

I hope you keep sharing your thoughts, @unsinkablespirit312. Even when you're sharing something difficult or awful, your voice is beautiful, strong, and worth hearing.

fadingembers December 19th, 2015


when the flame of a candle sways so gracefully with the push of the wind, i cannot help but fix my gaze on its form.

In darkness, there exists invisible strength that the single tear-shaped glow of light fills me with.

the candle burns away its wax to give me light, like a soul who once tore away parts of his flesh and bones to give me life.

but being the person i am, i gaze for long unknowingly, finding the beauty so alluringly rare.

yet i do not tear away my flesh and bones, do not give away pieces of my heart, do not sacrifice myself for the emotions of others.

how terribly cold-hearted and cruel of a soul i am, i fear to tell the world.

i stare on always, like a statue frozen in a horrendous blizzard; oblivious, lifeless, apathetic. 'oh why,' my heart screams to understand.


untold stories beneath the layers of masks half-heartedly screaming "i'm okay", but the concealed truth is that these souls carry with them the weight of their emotions and tangled thoughts of every passing second.

a mind so loud deemed peaceful and soft with no words spoken about the matter.

people let it pass, convincing themselves to believe that the very problem was never existent since the soul does not weep loudly for the entire world to hear.

to avoid pity, to avoid sympathy, reasons all unspoken of.

Annie December 30th, 2015


Complex and meaningful.



FullOfWanderlust December 19th, 2015

I want my heart to skip

like stones in the pond

of your love,

causing ripples

disguised as the

butterflies in my stomach.

Your laughter is the

sound of thunder,

your eyes bright

as lightning.

Our love is a

thunderstorm, and

I'm dancing in the rain.

Annie December 30th, 2015


This is so bright and lovely and witty! Thank you for sharing it.


XxRagdollxX December 22nd, 2015

Woe is me, a tragedy.

something in which I have forsaken.

my guilt plays on my mind ,my conscious stabs me in the back ,& I fall flat on my face.

Annie January 4th, 2016

@XxRagdollxX, This poem has interesting rhythms, and the images are stark and vivid. Thank you for sharing it with us.


SockMonkey25 December 22nd, 2015

I haven't tried poetry since 7th grade, but here goes...

I reach up toward the heavens

Eyes closed in silent prayer

As Icarus flies above

Spilling wax onto my shoulder.

I catch a feather of his wing

And take off soundlessly into the skies.

Smoke and pollution twists around me

Making murals in the sky.

The sodium-colored neon

Flashes through me

Like the light of heaven.

Memories dissipate.

Moments in time become ashes sprinkled to the Sandman's dreams.

Monsters fade to dust.

Fenton115 December 23rd, 2015

@SockMonkey25 I love your reference to Icarus, such a powerful symbolic figure that isn't used enough. Very good poem.

SockMonkey25 December 23rd, 2015

@Fenton115 Thank you :)

Annie January 4th, 2016

@SockMonkey25, This is fascinating and dream-like. I'm drawn to the idea of feeling a drop of the melting wax from Icarus' flying too close to the sun, and then finding one of the feathers floating down. And the image of the sodium-colored neon flashing through you, like light from heaven--wow.

proactiveDime3437 December 23rd, 2015


I feel in my element
When I'm on stage,
Living my life
In someone else's name.

Characters are played,
Trees and maids,
The king and the queen,
And the barbaric profligate.

Background sounds blare in instalments,
The characters are engaged in a confabulation,
As if on cue, on lookers nod their heads in agreement.

Expressions and words,
Connoted and articulated,
The end commences
As the performers bow in obeisance,
And the audience applauds, in all conscience.

Annie January 4th, 2016


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players . . . .

I really like your handling of the stage setting in your poem--very sophisticated. And the last two lines, ka-pow. A bit sardonic?

Andyken December 23rd, 2015

Run into the morning sun

Burn thy soul; let it be done

By the blazing flames of hell

Until thou hearest heavens bell

Ringing softly, soothing pain

For all thy brethren died in vain

babydiamonde December 28th, 2015

This is beautiful 😊

ScreamingForSanity December 26th, 2015

You Destroyed Her. (Trigger warning: rape)

I know when the heart breaks it don't break even;
But you smashed her half and hid the glue.
That girl's a wreck because of you.
She should've seen you were not true,
Your fingers crossed with each "I love you."

You've moved on but she's still stuck.
To you, she was no more than a good ----.
Those late night calls for her to come over,
All those times she said "yes," not sober.

All those kisses laced with ketamine that she'd never remember,
All the softer ones tricking her into thinking you loved her.
Every night that you stole when she wasn't aware,
Each time she said yes her judgment was impaired.

---- you, 'cause you broke her, she was doomed from the start.
You stole the sweetest little girl,
You broke her ----- heart.

The thoughts began her drinking,
Self guilt set her world ablaze.
To numb the feeling she bought drugs,
Started living in a daze.

She'd been depressed for quite some time,
Sold herself for drugs cause she didn't have a dime.
Her family hauled her off to an institution,
But for her it was no solution.

I know when the heart breaks it don't break even;
But you smashed her half and hid the glue.
She spent five years in rehab,
Now she's dead because of you.

expletives deleted by forum mentor Annie
Annie December 30th, 2015

Dear @screamingforsanity

This is very powerful. It must have been very difficult to write it.

Thank you for sharing it.
