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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

slenderart August 29th, 2015


Writing of how I feel,

How I sense so many worlds about me,

Both new and old, and so varied

I find a sense of my fellow humankind.

Inside we are too alone

Yet we are of God,

If we would but raise our heads and hearts

And put them into His care.

O, what then we could be.

Clear away the mist from our souls,

And make our paths shine clear.

Its what the soul knows, innately is best.

Our arms sit lightly and hard

On those who we love in this life,

Compassion is clearly the best thing for strife.

Let our children grow in freedom to be who they must.

Help every child in every way

Then the race will already have been won

By them and their love and their amazing potential fulfilled.

Do for others, dont stint,

On the precious and valuable

Resource of self, which stems from our Lord.

just07michelle August 30th, 2015

beautiful threads :)

BouncyFish August 30th, 2015

I am an ocean, deep and dark

A mystery, a journey for you to embark

Upon, with secrets I keep hidden

For 20 thousand leagues beneath the skin

My sunken treasure lies below

Of tales that only I can know

Don't get to close, these stormy seas

Are filled with lonely refugees

Their ships have sunk, their broken hearts

The storm has ripped their lives apart

The world makes waves crashing in

And 20 thousand leagues beneath the skin

The tide of thought won't let me sleep

For I am an ocean, dark and deep

AngelOak7 August 30th, 2015

She is sad,

the girl

with her big brown eyes

she is sad,

the girl

with that wobbly smile

she is sad,

the girl

with her fists all clenched

she is sad,

the girl

with her heart all spent

she is sad,

the girl

with her pain so deep

she is sad,

the girl

whos forgotten how to sleep

she is sad,

the girl

all alone with her memories

she is sad,

the girl

who cant stop worrying

she is sad,

the girl

whose silence is deafening

she is sad,

the girl

whos given up on everything

she is sad,

the girl

whos struggling to breathe

she is sad,

the girl

will you help her please?

BlueNight1 September 3rd, 2015

This is practically describing my girlfriend! I love this one. Nice rhythm too! Good job!

MadAlice1109 August 31st, 2015


Its not people which are hard to let go,
Its the memories left that I have a strong grip on.
I have forgotten all their faces,
but I cannot forget the pain.
Everytime I look back,
the faces are already gone,
but the words,
the scratches,
the caresses,
the kisses,
they all still have the same effect on me.
I wonder if hell could still surprise me.

Feelyourthoughts August 31st, 2015

Dark clouds, gentle skies

Wish I was with you watching the world go by.

Pessimistic lion heart,

you watched me fall apart.

stephlikeshappysongbmth August 31st, 2015

Hearing the rain hit my roof

Thinking when is the storming going to pass

Rocking back and forth

because the call hasn't come in yet

The rain is getting louder

And the room is getting smaller

I can't find the reason why

But the phone starts to ring

Hands are shaking

Like the trees outside this house

Everything goes quite

My heart just stopped

He's gone

No, no,

This has to be a joke

He was just here

I-i-i can't lose him

A scream suddenly rims through my throat

I can't believe how loud that sounded

It feels like the rain just stopped

And the wind increased

There is no air in the room

I guess this is how you feel

When someone that's been in your life gets ripped out

Dylandy August 31st, 2015

I saw this section of the forum and thought to post my poem (originally it's a lyric for a song I wrote but then scrapped because making the melodies was too hard XD). The inspiration came from Linkin Park songs, hence, the (probably exaggerated) metaphores. I wasn't depressed or sad when writing the song though :3

Here it is:


shattered promises only bring despair
like crumbled glass, broken beyond repair
i'm letting blood through my mind

i thought everything was meant to last
until i suffered what we had in the past
memories of you i've left behind


leaving me in bones, leaving me alone
leaving me enslaved by your thorns
what is left of you? the things that we've gone through?
pain with no remedy, fragment of memories


i picked up pieces of you with my hand
and buried them deep in cold white sand
the wound is more than i can take

i stood up and begin to take distance
escaping from memories, denying your existence
cause my insides are about to break


leaving me in bones, leaving me alone
leaving me enslaved by your thorns
what is left of you? the things that we've gone through?
pain with no remedy, fragment of memories


where i am now is trapped in my own imagination
but the light still shines through the window
in the end all that's left is just me
break my chains and unbound me free


leaving me in bones, leaving me alone
leaving me enslaved by your thorns
what is left of you? the things that we've gone through?
pain with no remedy, fragment of memories

Annie January 28th, 2016

@Dylandy, the metaphors are amazing!

Dylandy February 6th, 2016

@Annie thanks! i think they're kinda emo though hahaha. but i'm glad you find it interesting :D. sorry for the late reply, i went on a hiatus due to super busy school

shoegazing August 31st, 2015

Hats on walls,

calls and squalls,

the neighbor dog

is loud.

Toys and books

in dirty nooks

my thoughts and lights

are dimmed.

Monarda September 1st, 2015

(By the way, this poem hasn't been edited at all. I just wanted to post it because I hate editing cheeky)

And one day,
May the roses bloom.
Sending a red fire across the distance.
The scarlet blood may not be of a bleeding thing,
But of the magnificent buds opening eyes.

And one day,
May the roses grow,
Sending their thorns out to attack the unworthy.
The scarlet blood may not be of a bleeding thing,
But of the magnificent flowers that reach out.

And one day,
May the roses wilt.
Sending their Light far away, to a world anew.
The scarlet blood may not be of a bleeding thing,
but how would we know now?

Fenton115 September 1st, 2015

Lametation for the Common Man

Man, oh men, oh mortal man your true name is sorrow

Thy life spent in short days illuminated by the fear of the next

And the next day spent in fear of death the awaiting God of all

Man thy foolish self will you ever learn

How many days are spent in fear of things that pass

Thy few short days of mortal life, and all will be spent in pointless worry

Man, oh men, oh mortal man your true name is solitude

Thy life spent with thy self, and death spent forever with thy self

Watch as you will stand upon the mountain side

and shout to village below

Hear me world my name is insignificance

And how the world will turn its ears deaf to you o mortal

But note how it shall watch you descend from mountainside

and how it will note the absence of followers

Man, oh men, oh mortal man your true name is selfish

Thy life spent with thyself, with thoughts of only thyself

What good are actions wasted if not wasted upon you

Cry of your insignificance thy foolish man

All know the reason that you weep, for thyself

How many of the short days of life are spent with you

Fear not for in death you will spend eternity with thyself

In eternity perhaps man may realize

Thy name is sorrow

Thy name is solitude

Thy name is selfish

Thy name is human.

ThisTooShallPass66 September 1st, 2015

The emptiness fills up inside

darkness engulfs from either side

give to the shadow why even try

out of last resorts I close my eyes

that was the moment you came alive

Sarebobo99 September 1st, 2015

This is a poem I wrote as a preteen. It's not very good, but even reading it now makes me remember what I went through and what I've accomplished so maybe it'll make some of you feel something too. You may think it was written about losing someone else, but I actually wrote it about missing the person I used to be.

This is How it Feels

This is what crying feels like.

I forgot how it felt to truly cry;

When sadness controls your eyes.

Your vision is blurred.

It's impossible to breathe correctly.

Your eyes burn,

But the water does nothing to soothe the fiery pain

This is what pain feels like.

Forgetting pain was easy

Because I wanted to forget it all;

The tight knot in your chest

Making its way slowly up your throat,

The headache from the lack of oxygen,

The fire in your eyes from crying,

The cramps in your fingers from trying to hold yourself together.

This is what despair feels like.

The empty pit in your stomach.

Your head erupting with thoughts.

Your throat burning

With the words you want to say but can't manage to get enough strength to whisper.

This is what depression feels like.

The feeling of "what's the point?"

Knowing it's the end; game over.

Knowing there will forever be a hole in your life

Where there shouldn't ever be one.

This is what the end feels like.

Where the road had been smooth

Up to this sudden point.

Where the dead end has come,

However, there is nothing there.

This is what missing you feels like,

Where I remember how it feels.

To cry,

To be pained,

To feel despair,

To be depressed,

To remember the end;

To have lost the battle you have forgotten.

BlueNight1 September 1st, 2015

Trust me, I am an insanely good poet (not to brag..) HOWEVER I don't want to risk people stealing my poetry and copyrighting it so oops! Im taking up space in the forum now... I appreciate that there is a poetry forum her nevertheless. Good luck and happy writing!

BlueNight1 September 1st, 2015

Plus my poetry would bring people to tears and wouldn't be helpful for this site-

Feelyourthoughts September 1st, 2015

I dreamt I found the light,

Remembered whispering to myself, "No longer do you have to hide."

Tried to touch it but it slipped through my fingers like sand.

Another false alarm, no harm done.

MidniteAngel September 3rd, 2015


I love these kinds of poems - short yet beautiful - right to the point

Feelyourthoughts September 3rd, 2015

Glad you like it! :)

Sherly September 3rd, 2015


Im doing alright w myself/ Doing my own thing/ Something I always wanted/ Hustling all night and day/ I'm all good, all good

Until You came/ Pushing me away/ As if I'm doing nothing but nonsense/ Pricking every corner of my strength/ Harassing inch by inch of my weakness/ Brainwashing my good into bad/ I tried so hard to compromise/ To make you feel at ease/ Pushed myself to please you/ And do the things your way/ I let go of the things I like/ Just to make you happy and all that

I keep quiet/ For you to have the spotlight/ I didn't argue/ For you to have the last word/ I played lesser/ For you to become greater/ I didn't struggle w you/ But I'm struggling inside of me

Until I come back to my own/ Understand that my home is ain't you/ I'm done, I'm done, I'm done/ I'm not gonna replace myself just for you/ Not even be like you, oh no please/ I don't want to be like you/ Atleast I know who to emulate/ And how to treat people around me/ That's the opposite of what you did to me

Twokindears September 3rd, 2015

She Still Remains The Same

I knew her as a young girl

Emotions driven by the rain

No one quite really understood her

Yet she never once complained

Her fate was sealed in plastic

Yet she was made of fragile glass

Though many thought they knew her

She was the only one in her class

She reached out to all that cared to listen

With hopes that they'd understand

That her suffering was kept in silence

For there was no one to hold her hand

They all spoke of her intelligence

Never once reflecting on her pain

She vowed in all her misery

That her dignity would always remain

I knew her then and I know her now

Life has never been fun and games

She has encompassed all that she knows how

And yet she still remains the same

Minyaa September 3rd, 2015


You told me to go away, but you won't let go of my hand when I tried to leave

You told me that it's over, but you are keeping me close

You told me that you don't love me anymore, but you are kissing me as if you love me to eternity

You told me we don't have a future, but you show me that how wonderful we are together

You told me that I cannot be understood, but you know most of the thing I wanted as if you are reading my mind

You told me this is wrong, but you keep indulging in this mistake

You told me I'm cold, but you are hugging me tight

You told me that you had enough, but you keep searching for my presence

You told me thousand things that you contradict yourself. You make me at loss with what you say and what you do.

And if you tell me you love me, would you leave me instead?

Feelyourthoughts September 3rd, 2015

I am like the ocean, calm and pure.

Gently guiding turtles back to their home.

Radiating beauty to the world with my works, even though mankind has been cruel.

But there are times where I lose myself, too caught up in situations that I cannot control.

I am like a storm, I will destroy. I will be merciless. I will kill.

But I am also the poor fisherman on his boat, fighting against the storm.

I am at war with myself.

braveSugar7964 September 5th, 2015

That's beautiful, thank you.

Feelyourthoughts September 5th, 2015

You're welcome :)

AngadSW September 4th, 2015



She felt so much emotionally, she would say, that a physical outlet - physical pain - was the only way to make her internal pain go away. It was the only way she could control it.

Due to the emotional pain inflicted on a lot of people i have talked to on 7 cups many have resorted to cutting , heres hoping that some of them read this and find solace.


Another day,

With it another tear that rolls down her eye,

As all her cries get lost…

In the noisy emptiness of the world,

And the deafening silence inside.

Shes an empty shell,

One more flame,

Burnt out before her time,

Battling the winds of the worldly crimes.

She once had the brightest smile,

Now just dark lifeless eyes.

Lost her spark to the world,

That broke her down piece by piece until only fear survived.

She fights pain with pain,

As cold metal presses against her skin,

Bringing out the warmth…

Her drug, to the raging tempest within.

Getting ready to cut again,

She looks back at the time gone by.

When a thought comes to her mind-

What If I end my worthless life?

With that in mind, she writes a note-

I love you mom, but I cant take this anymore.

I hope I didn't die in vain…

I wish the world learns and bows its head in shame.

And then she splits her wrists!

The last drops drip down,

Painting the picture of a wasted life.

Mumbling the words-

Bring the motionless veil ‘O heaven

She finally smiles, breathing her last sigh.

unsinkablespirit312 September 4th, 2015


This brought tears to my eyes. I used to cut for many years and have been struggling much more recently. Though the poem is sad, I appreciate how real and raw it is. I feel the connection to your words. Thank you.

AngadSW September 4th, 2015


Thank you for sharing what you had in mind. It always feels good to have your work appreciated.

And yeah, if ever you want to talk about it feel free to drop me a message. Take care and i hope you find the answers to your pain. :)

unsinkablespirit312 September 4th, 2015

**trigger: abuse**

hit or miss

near deadly mistakes

fatally flawed

but it will never be the death of me

so sad

night after night

under the sheets

the bed holds

sinful needs that cannot be quelled

he will not stop

everything is dark

except a spotlight

and it's shining down on me

it's burning bright

destroying pieces of a child

pure and good

now i'm waiting for my next disgraced act

and a little snicker escapes his lips

an evil grin

the dreaded twisted half smile

and a silhouette I will never forget

but i'm not allowed a reprieve

no breaks or spare moments

to catch my breath

we are lying under a starless sky

where there is no rest for the weary

only greedy hands and whispering

hush tones and insecure remarks

only you

a shell of me

I will smile involuntarily

things are so perfect, if asked

when questioned, I'll lie

but I cannot crave your insatiable appetite

the stars in my eyes die down

when you have a change of heart

day and night collides

these are the rolling tides of my life

everything changes

until there's nothing but yourself to change

and you refuse to change anything

a little girl is begging you

pleading for you to stop

with her silent screams

her tear stained cheeks

with all her insecurities

she's not okay at all

there is no safety

only my pain

your pleasure

maddening thoughts...

of wanting relief



finding ways to end her life

end her pain

so she wishes and dreams

escapes and makes believe

travels far away in her own mind

but never too far away

to crawl back through the twisted remains

she loses herself

and finds you

and makes her way back

to the remnants of...

unconventional love

the unconditional kind

the unspoken pain of euphoria

all with your secret games

and living for the high

crashing down on me

drowning me with its love

so cold to the touch

and frayed at the ends

frozen outside

the hot acid melting me inside

burning me to my core

fire and ice raging a war

all consuming

please pick me apart

make me someone new

just let me burn out

be born again into someone different

let me die down

or waste away

build me back up

make me worth it

cause i'm only a sweet smile away

a reminder of how good I am

a blissful 'i love you'

inches away from innocence

but you never cared enough to try to fix me

all you did was kiss me

then mumble goodnight

am I still your babygirl

because every night i still lie here





wide eyed waiting for your return

your footsteps

the creaking door

the light from the hall shining through

heavy breathing


feelings never change

i'm still so afraid of everything

i'm still very afraid of you

AngelOak7 September 4th, 2015



unsinkablespirit312 September 4th, 2015


Thank you


friendlyShoulder45 September 5th, 2015


Its my heart.. Its not u..

Not ur wits, not ur charms

None of your crooked ways

Could get me in your arms

You may never know.. But ohh so true

Its my heart.. Its not you

You ain't nothing more

Than a shining star

Only good when

Away so far

While Getting your ways with a maiden heart

Ever you wondered?

What took you through

Well again.. Its my heart.. Its not you...

friendlyShoulder45 September 5th, 2015

Love anyway

you got many scars and got many bruises

this world was really brutal and silence cruises

body giving up and mind shattering

nothing could calm you but you still fighting

just hold on cuz you will find a way

this world has just hatred but you love anyway

they can tear your skin and break your heart

play on your mind and you may fall..

But you rise and shine cuz your soul they can't touch

soul is your strength to rebuild you up

just listen to your heart and do what it say

world is so unfair but you love anyway

NewRomantic677 September 5th, 2015

I once knew a dreamer

With hope in her heart

And love in her hands

I once knew a dreamer

With defiance in her eyes

But kindness in her stance

She is far far away now

I'm not sure I'll ever meet her again

I used to know her very well

Now she's more like a distant friend

I used to see her, this dreamer

When I looked in the mirror

But now she's far far away

Someday I'll be like her again.

chinupdarlinx September 16th, 2015

This is beautiful <3

Rayenne September 5th, 2015

She is like a fish.

when cornered, she

Immediately distances herself.

The more you try

to hold on to her,

the harder she struggles

to swim away;

to breathe.

Feelyourthoughts September 5th, 2015

She is the gentle but commanding drop of water in a sea of noise.

She is the little voice inside your heart that feeds you with doubt.

She is the twitching of your eyes that reminds you that you are not always in control.

She is the smell of your surroundings when you feel like everything you know is going to end.

She is the dryness in your mouth, the burning sensation in your throat.

She is the numbness in your fingertips as your world turns cold.

She is the itching feeling in your bones that something can and will go wrong.

She is the agitation in your feet that pushes you to run away.

She is panic. She is anxiety.

And she will devour you whole.

astuteScorpius September 5th, 2015

Mother, Mother - A poem about a female to male transgender

You always said you'd love me

A mother's love it knows no bounds

No restrictions, no conditions

Why is it then my mother dear

I see your eyes, they're filled with fear

Disgust and loathing, all those dirty things

Mother mother

I'm still the same

Mother mother

You are not to blame

I'm still the child you raised within your womb

Why is it then maternal instinct

Has turned me down and won't forgive me

Was that love reserved only for a little girl?

Mother Mother

Mother won't you tell me why

You shun me cold and make me cry

With words that bite like blades upon my soul

Why won't you now, mother dear

Take me close and hold me near

My heart is bared and I need your loving arms

But you don't care you'll do me harm

Take those words and spin the yarn

That stings and rips into your baby's heart

I'm not the same, I'm not your boy

Mother, was I just a toy

To live a fantasy you never knew?

Mother mother

I'm still the same

Mother mother

You are not to blame

I'm still the child you raised within your womb

Why is it then maternal instinct

Has turned me down and won't forgive me

Was that love reserved only for a little girl?

Mother Mother