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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

KnighTerrAin July 17th, 2015

"The way literature hates maths" that's brilliant. I've felt that hate before. But I just start with my knuckles to the wall

WinterSolace95 July 17th, 2015

Slow-Motion Mutual Destruction

By: WinterSolace95

​They bite out harsh words

with sharp, poison tongues

For decades shred each other

with a curse called love

They are noon and midnight,

playstation and xBox,

pen and pencil, ink and lead,

rotting onion and moldy strawberry

We have front row seats,

the numbers on a clock

two broken hands

stuck at eight and one

Their gears spin, clicking

apart at just the moment

for a perfect explosion, and

so the clockhands fail.

We have front row seat

when the bomb finally blows

and then we are left

entirely alone.

Annie July 27th, 2015

Dear @WinterSolace95, What an amazing series of images! Love the expression of dualities.

KnighTerrAin July 17th, 2015

Everything here is amazing, we should call it 7 cups of poetry

KnighTerrAin July 17th, 2015

My whole life I've been a warrior without a war. Constantly repressing animal and rage, instinct and pain. Explaining away my reflex,putting things in other contexts. I don't normally say it, in fact I doubt I ever really have, I'm a soldier who never made it to the military, yet. But I can feel it, the brotherhood, the light hearted jokes in heavy hearted moments. The Trust, the tears, the fear, the overwhelming...near The call, the answer, the choice, the banter, laughing in crazy moments with a craze of hormones. An adrenaline switch, a cold dark ditch. Small blips of memory left to remembering in times when they would only bring severance. Not only can I feel the peace in war, I can aim. I can fire, I'm already burning. I'm already retired. Projectiles, bullets are the most taken for granted, they're super sonic lead implanted in copper jackets, making racket passing brackets, shrapnel flaking. Ration packets. Liquid splatters. I'm not sure what I shot first. Maybe I simply threw something with the intention of impact. No fact. I've got an addiction Hitting things with conviction. Virulent imperritance, compliance and denial. Not a life worth while, the opposite, worth and wild. I can hit arrow's, with an arrow only once but hey the chances are narrow. I throw knives, hits lie. Hit other knives, sparks fly, I can repeat, but as soon as I think it's defeat When I go there I can't see, my mind stops, heart rate flies then drops. Thought not, instinct kicks in, knives fling sticks in. The animal grins. It's found the target. It's marked it then put a mark on it. Something is laughing. It's not my conscience. The moment between the flown hit. The flying knife frees my mind, I get a feel of other life. Never known which or where it might lie. The moment between the throw and the owned hit, gives a feeling of past present and future to quick to see clear. Just a blur which I can grasp something to hold. Whether it be good or old, bad or bold. Stories untold. Remenants remembrance. Tenement contenders in. Paths of righteous, paths too far. Past too far, passed too far. Left eternal scar. Mind or matter, no mind in the matter. Shoot to kill or shoot to save, I'd fight for the latter

OnceLostButWillBeFound July 17th, 2015


The constant guilt, Never cease a moment. Blaming herself, All the time. The mind cries, With the battle of thoughts. Barely to breathe, Untolerated agony. Throwing stabs at heart, Couldn't resist. With confusion arises, They kept popping like popcorns. They just never cease. Fighting so hard.. Temptation to bleed All time high. She thought Focus on the pain As though it was in outer space..

StillTryingStillFlying July 17th, 2015

Once our new day leaves us cold upon the floor will you still be able to look upon my grey face and say I'm important? Say that you still love me beyond the stars and the sky and everything that floats over us? My dear you are my sun and with your light extinguished, I can't feel my fingers wrappers up in yours so tight. Oh my pseudo sun, come and heat my blood once more so it may course through my veins and leave me fluid. ~Jay

erhoades July 17th, 2015

~~What now
At first I fought and tried to stay
Separate within my walls
But as we talked each day
I couldn?t stay withdrawn

Once you asked me to jump
At the time I couldn?t
But eventually I leaped
Even though I said I wouldn?t

You excavated my heart
And broke through my barriers
Saw through and disregarded
My fear and doubt in layers

But now we are stuck
And I feel alone and lost
My lighthouse burned so bright
But I?ve lost him in the fog

I grieve for what we had
That we drifted apart
I?m all out of courage
Did I have any to start?

I know I am to blame
I wish it wasn?t true
You were my anchor
But I was your cement boot

erhoades July 17th, 2015

critiques and tips welcome!

StillTryingStillFlying July 17th, 2015

Have you ever done anything with a syllable structure that flows all the way through? Like the first stanza's?

erhoades July 17th, 2015

honestly this is my first poem. Didn't really know what i was doing

StillTryingStillFlying July 17th, 2015


erhoades July 17th, 2015

Thank you!It's my first complete poem... butI've messed around a bit so i guess its not my FIRST first.I just dontknow the theory or anything. Like how its supposed to flow.

KnighTerrAin July 17th, 2015

That last line, tied a cement boot to my heart. Write more, I'm not asking :)

animalDreamer99 July 17th, 2015

Evening comes and the world starts to rest,

safe and surrounded by those they love best.

Night comes and they all cuddle in bed,

falling into slumber, with a calm heart and head.

Evening comes and my heart starts to race,

beating at an ever, increasing pace.

Night comes and i tremble in bed,

falling prey to the thoughts in my head.

Middle of the night and the world is sleeping,

floating gently in the dreams they are dreaming.

Not a thought of the day that's ahead,

nothing to fear, nothing to dread.

Middle of the night and i lay wide awake,

heart that pounds, hands that shake.

Mind filled with days past and ahead,

everything to fear, everything to dread.

Dawn comes and the world starts to stir,

a good night's sleep was its only cure.

Morning's light filters over their face,

full of promise and God's good grace.

Dawn comes, and i lay immobilized,

body aching, red, dry, painful eyes.

Morning's light glares on my face,

Start to pray for God's peaceful grace.

Annie July 27th, 2015

Dear @AnimalDreamer, the way that the poet moves through the hours of night here --wonderful and very powerful. heart

jetsetjulie July 18th, 2015

[address of blog redacted]

^check out my creative writing blog and tell me what you think! :)

Annie July 19th, 2015

Dear @JetSetJulie, I'm sorry that we could not publish your blog address, but when I visited the blog, I felt it identifies you clearly and provides a means for people to contact you directly, which is contrary to 7 Cups policy.

However, it would be lovely if you wanted to post some of your poetry here. heart

July 18th, 2015

Let Go and Let Grow

Fear not the unknown

Or the familiar past that haunts

Be brave and venture forth Into the uncharted parts of your soul...

Be not comfortable in the shackles of your past that

so mercilessly hold you back from finding your

true purpose in this mundane existence we call life....

Let go..

And let grow...

You are but one being with one life to live.

Why squander away that little opportunity that we so often fail to grab...

all because we fear the unknown or the familiar past....

Learn to release the long established bonds

that keeps you from throwing yourself into the throes of life

and love itself that were meant to flourish

with your passionate touch

Learn to let go...

And let grow..

BraveSpirit July 19th, 2015


July 19th, 2015

Thank you @bravespirit

Annie July 19th, 2015

Dear @Duff26, This poem beautifully addresses a topic that is so important: letting go of things that are holding us back.


July 19th, 2015

Thank you @Annie :)

MelodyMila July 20th, 2015

It's good :)


Annie July 21st, 2015

@Duff26, the 7 Cups book club is going to discuss 3 poems about Letting Go. On August 23. I plan to provide a link to your poem, it's so good.

I hope you'll consider attending the meeting. LINK here to info

for cut/paste, here is the address without a link:

EVERYONE IS WELCOME (But, sadly, the meeting room is accessible only to those 18 and older, I'm soooo sorry to our under-18 members!)

July 21st, 2015

Oh!! I'd be so honoured.. If you would :) I'll definitely be there.. Thank you so much for this.. I cannot tell you how much this means to me.. Thank you @annie

KnighTerrAin July 18th, 2015

I wrote something but it crashed

KnighTerrAin July 18th, 2015

Wicked weeds wick on weeping trees,

wilting leaves left felt in field.

Pelted stones leave broken wooden bones.

Innocent games taken and made makers slain.

Slayed fate leaves hope frayed.

Payed paint paints pain bait.

Hooked and crooked strung to ones coping couldn't

BraveSpirit July 19th, 2015

The sounds of this poems are sooooo beautiful.

Annie July 19th, 2015

Yes, @BraveSpirit and @KnighTerrAin, Wow, the use of alliteration, internal rhyme, and assonance is extraordinary. It's adds complexity. Musicality. Love it.

KnighTerrAin July 18th, 2015

Sands of time turn grains too fine. Tamed to pine to pain to lines. Waves online lain tries to find. Gear to grind no longer spin or fly. Grinding halts bind mind to fault

KnighTerrAin July 18th, 2015

Mind of faults mined finder salt. Grain on pain taken as blame for name. Sane to same main made to maim

KnighTerrAin July 18th, 2015

Tender to render past left to dismember, sworn to torn rip life awning and contorted. Twisted by *****es dug ditch for riches. Left soul in hole buried so story unfolds. Told and behold to make evil; look deceitful. Peace pulled and members contended. Remembered pretenders scream louder than mentions. Hidden good and painted d'evil. People would and peaceful perceive true. Light in pain bring bright to name. Lightens tames makes happy rain. Bringer of tinder past burned to cinder. Hinges on wingers winging with grinned smirks. Taken from placed form taken to place born. Born into slavery paced retrieval tribute to race evil. Erased samaritan laced to happening. Allowed to foul illustration in hopes one is not complacent. Love bring recovery uncovered discovery. Lights shining through truth seen surrounded by hounding clowns and ticks. Ticking clock watched by brittle mock. Hands of pain strike nine again. Pins fall to thin call. Chances be answered. Answers bechanced with hope in all darkness. Scars be remastered

Mephobia July 18th, 2015

Sauntering into the twilight;
not the new light, but the old.
Fresh dawn, fresh promises;
Fresh faces of tales untold.

Annie July 23rd, 2015


Deceptively simple -- there is sooooooo much here!!

Mephobia August 1st, 2015

Thanks Annie

KnighTerrAin July 18th, 2015

Tales bold made tail fold, tailed to be told nailed to old, decade from decay. Mistakes still prey. Waiting to weight on weighted and grace torn. Fall from heaven halo bent and broken kept as keepsakes token to draw hope from. Tall tole taken to let fall glow. Darkens the atmosphere left only darkness for those to hear. Silent truths will fall short upon open ear. Bleeding flowers bloom when winter showers loom. Dusty wings hinge from shoulders weighted with breaking binge. Singed feathers fall from place once tethered. Shattered shards bring blood to scars. Similar to stone never to be thrown, it's not a throwing rock it's a waiting clock. Holding memory of good,evil, and simple tendency

TheLPSoldier July 19th, 2015

this is my

[poetry blog address removed because this violates 7 Cups policies about contact information for contact outside the website]

Annie July 19th, 2015

Dear @theLPsoldier, I regret that we cannot publish your blog address; when I visited the blog, I felt it identifies you clearly and provides a means for people to contact you directly, which is contrary to 7 Cups policy. heart However, THANK YOU for posting your wonderful poems for us to share!

TheLPSoldier July 19th, 2015

When the World Caves In

When the world caves in
And the sun fades to black
When the skies crumble to ash
And teardrops soak our skin
When the water is a poison
And more really is less
When a smile is a frown
And a scowl is a cheer
When everything turns upside down
You will find me
Standing straight and tall