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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

slayteralmighty OP January 16th, 2015

For all poems you post, Please do it in the following format and list triggers at the top so we are all safe!

[Triggers, if any]

[Introductory comment, if any. "This is a poem that --blah blah blah it's a haiku, etc."]


text of poem

text of poem

text of poem

By [Name --if you wish to add something other than your 7 cups username, which will appear at the bottom of your post automatically.[


shiki21 January 16th, 2015


by: Terris Burrison

My heart is weak, My soul is deep with words I can speak

But would you listen, understand or even believe?

So, I prefer to show you in actions, take you through a journey of my thoughts

Sowhen words are spoken, then walls are broken

And you believe in my love

Because my heart is weak, my soul is deep with words I can speak

Do you believe?

pm229 January 22nd, 2015

Nice :)

Maxlexie2 June 19th, 2016

@shiki21 loved it!

LPyMP November 16th, 2019


thisbis beautiful and deep and!

shiki21 January 16th, 2015

Forever Stagnant in Our Minds

by: Rosanna

Like an apple that has fallen from the tree,

My soul is rotting and I've taken you down with me

Deep in the emotions of my misery

are the feelings that cannot ever seem to be set free

You could say others have had it worse than me

But until you take a few steps in the worn out path of my misery

With the burdens I've carried, only then can you unravel my mystery.

If only to stumble on shards of glass,

only then to empathize the pain that I stash.

The scars always there never to vanish,

Never to be repaired,

The physical pain may have vanquished

But the emotional pain will always lay stagnant in our mind,

Always to remind us of our broken home.

The pain we endured through our childhood

Made permanent cracks in the building blocks of our foundation.

Leaving the ones who've moved into our life

To mend the cracks with their love

To feel, sometimes, the bitterness that was left behind

Forever in our minds.

slayteralmighty OP January 16th, 2015

Wow those are really inspiring and beautiful great job!!

Jam345 January 24th, 2015

Very nice!

Brielle224 July 6th, 2015

Wow this is amazing! You are very talented :)

slayteralmighty OP January 16th, 2015

Daddy Issues

By: Slayter Almighty

(Free verse, kinda Slam poetry hope you like please leave reviews!)

Dearest Father,
I grew up learning that you were the good guy, a super hero even!
But no matter how many times I told them on the play ground they still laughed at me
I was told that holding your arm while walking down the aisle would be so great
it's kinda ironic though seeing as you weren't even there to help me learn to walk
They always say that your childhood memories are some of the best. Remember all the ones we made together
Like the time you stood me up at the girl scout father- daughter dance or how on my birthday you didn't show up even though you promised
"I really promise this time Mogly I've changed"
But what's a rose by any other name it will still reek of disappointment
Father dearest I've seem to be branded with "daddy issues" guess I have to be a stripper now
But the real question here is what is love? Baby don't hurt me no please don't hurt me anymore I mentally cannot take it anymore
A trusty rusty bunch of trust issues with a side of severe anxiety and depression did I mention that you still don't pay for basic necessities
To bad I'm stuck with your name when there's so many more better options
I always found it funny how you forget my birthday considering it IS the day after yours
But that's life for me, which I guess you wouldn't know since you haven't been in it but who cares?!
well...Apparently not you so Goodnight, Good bye and Adieu with a hand full of ___ you

(redaction by forum mentor annie)

SnowFall January 17th, 2015

I really enjoyed your poem, thank you for sharing.

TransAm85 January 27th, 2015

I like this a lot. I can relate to it as well

slayteralmighty OP January 27th, 2015

Thank you guys so much!!

mairatheabbal5858 March 29th, 2016

@slayteralmighty amazing poem I can kinds reminded of supernatural.....but awesome job...keep I up

disasterology00 January 16th, 2015


One time I tried to

rip up sheet music but I couldnt

because it was like tearing apart

my own heart and soul

or my own child

because that was my life and it was

everything I could ever possibly need

if I needed a bit of extra money all I had to do was

get some sheet music and play for people

or if I needed an escape from the daily bull----

then all I had to do was get some sheet music

or if I just needed to be reminded

of who I really was and what I was doing here

on this planet

I just got out some sheet music

and then everything fit perfectly into place

like two pieces of the same puzzle

and I knew when I tried to

make that tear

through the staffs and the crescendos and the demisemiquavers

that I could never harm something

that wasnt a part of me

even though in a way it was a part of me

because it was so dear to me

which makes me wonder why it was so easy

to harm something that was me.

slayteralmighty OP January 16th, 2015

Oh wow that's so pretty, I love the meaning behind it and how you explain music and your connection with it!

funnyOcean63 January 17th, 2015

Song of Sorrow

by Tamanna

Each of us have our own song of sorrow.
We play it in the harp---
Strings made of memories of the past,
Some sweet, some bitter,
Some we wish had never been written.
Listen carefully!
For you will hear drops of tears.
That's how the harp plays;
For we no longer cry in public;
Neither do we have words to express our grief.
The harp tells you our story.
The story of the nightingale,
Whose heart's been trodden by emptiness.
The aching pain melts into the notes of the harp.
And beautiful music is formed,
Music that touches your heart
Leaves your eyes wet
And now you have your own song of sorrow.

carefulSquare29 January 17th, 2015

That is such a beautiful poem. I wish mine were as good as yours. Some of my poems are at _____

[name of site redacted by forum mentor annie, as provides personal contact information]

carefulSquare29 January 17th, 2015

Lol typo (personal address redacted)

slayteralmighty OP January 17th, 2015

I'll totally check it out Square !

carefulSquare29 January 17th, 2015

Thanks. Let me know what you think :)

slayteralmighty OP January 17th, 2015

That poem is so gorgeous I love the way the words flow

Jam345 January 24th, 2015

Really deep and meaningful.

Hapexamendios January 17th, 2015

An Albino Chimp

I wrote this poem close to seven years ago (April 4th 2008, 7AM.) when I was in recovery. Should be pretty obvious what it's about. I hope some of you guys either like it or find something in it. I don't know, just figured I'd share it.

Once a bright and shining star,
now sits calmly at the bar.
And with his greatness so afar,
He's reached an end that's so sub-par.
For in the past he could have been,
anything that life could hold within.
But now he's sitting with this pin,
this pin that goes beneath the skin.
And with this pin he'll seal his pain,
and without pain no hope remains.
Though he has hope, it's all in vein.
For this poor dope has no domain.
But in the end he won't feel a thing,
It's time to take just one last sting....

By: Hapexamendios

slayteralmighty OP January 17th, 2015

I love it !!! It's so good, keep up the good work!

slayteralmighty OP January 21st, 2015

More Than Just a Tin Man

By: Slayter Almighty

(Free verse)

I am electricity
I feel my power surge through the air
into my lungs to power the steam engine that is my soul
I am Metal
Cold and Steel but yet Hot and Molten
Nearly unbreakable
I am a Robot,
the thump of my heart roars like an engine
Crash and clank, I am loud and silent
Oil runs through my veins, Grease stains my heart
I am an Artifact
Made of gears, built by my own careful hands
Covered in welding, My heart ticks like an old clock
Batteries energize my brain
I am a Computer
I program own life, build my own code
C++ has nothing on me
I am Steel
Strength is the only word to describe me
I can take any form I wish when my anger is ablaze
I am important
a necessity to life, the best me there is
I crush the inferior
they are putty in my cold metal hands

Hope you guys like it !!

Zizy August 1st, 2015

That was amazing - good job!

DoctorDonna January 21st, 2015

awesome poetry frond u rock

January 21st, 2015

It was long drive To your house Away from home So close to the stars You weren't there And you didn't care About my soul So close to die Death was my sister and... I've started to understand In rainy night Far away from the bright... So close to the darknes side I was so close to the edge So fast so drunk so close to explosion Fire has been kissin my soul I've been dying because of you so long (Its very old song of mine)

January 21st, 2015

Idk why it looks like msg instead like poem. But i hope it doesnt bother anyone TOO MUCH

slayteralmighty OP January 21st, 2015

It's really great!!!

pm229 January 22nd, 2015

It's a good one Octopus.. :)

DontForgetIndigo January 22nd, 2015



slayteralmighty OP January 22nd, 2015

Oh wow I love the power behind this!! Epic job!

DontForgetIndigo January 22nd, 2015

Oh wowth, anks :)

DontForgetIndigo January 22nd, 2015

*wow thanks

cee15 January 24th, 2015

Well done.

funnyOcean63 January 22nd, 2015

Awaiting decision

by Tamanna

We have walked the same path

You and me.

Basked under the same Sun.

The same wind brushed past our ears,

Making a whirlwind of dust at our feet.

Yet we remained oblivious to each other.

Never came to know of each other?s existence

Under the same sky.

As if we were walking

On the slippers of a rail track

Spreading our hands like wing

Trying desperately to balance our tread.

A dense mist hanged like a curtain between us.

Blinding us from each other?s view.

We never reached out our hand

And lifted the curtain

But continued walking

Hoping to find each other

At the end of the route.

The track went on being parallel

Curving and bending at different junctions

We swayed sideways

At times almost falling off

Or halting our motion.

Tell me,

What if the mist withdraws?

And the long cold winter ends?

What if we come to see each other?

So near yet so far?

Would we continue to be strangers?

Like we had been for all these years.

Or would we reach out our hand

And hold each other in tight grip

Securing ourselves on the narrow track

Not letting each other fall?

These are questions that neither of us can answer.

Let the awaiting summer decide our fate.

slayteralmighty OP January 22nd, 2015

Awww that's so cute !!

Zizy August 1st, 2015

That was sweet, hehe :P