Crimson blood pools from my bleeding heart
As the smile drips from my forlorn face
My eyes recoil into sorrows dark damp embrace
And the heart I painted scarlet returns to it's black frigid disgrace
I have once again been abandoned disowned and neglected
Once more it's just me and my shadow
But even they scamper off into the darkness as if terrified to get infected
Tears trickle down my cheeks as I collapse into my corner of suffering and pain
While the tears trickle and the blood pools
I just sit there expressionless and numb
Wondering if to the temptation to leave this world I should just succumb
I may die pondering this very question
Because the blood that was once pooling is now spilling into lakes and seas
Black ink spots leak into my vision and spread with ease
A faint painted smile slips onto my emotionless face
As I hover into the realms of where life meets death at a peaceful unhurried pace
@WavesofKei this made me so emotional 🥺 me offer chu hugs if ok 🧡
*Accepts hugs and squeezes tightly* Thank you 😊
@WavesofKei hope you being kind to you 🤗