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A Resting Stop ♥️✨

ComradeRuhi September 24th

It's almost the end of September already! 2024 is nearing its end which sounds so crazy. For our wonderful poets and for our avid poetry readers, let this be a resting stop for your hectic lives.

This post is dedicated to sprinkling some positivity. If you are struggling, need someone to talk to, or simply would just like to respond for fun, please do and share down below. We can share inspirational poems, write ones for each other, or simply just lift our heads up with the encouragement and kindness so prevalent in this community already. 

I will respond to every comment on this thread with a reply that will uplift your spirits and bring more warmth based on what you share!

Those simply stopping by, feel free to respond as well to comments that have been posted and spread some warmth! ♥️

Taglist <3 

@burningRain127 @HarmonyBlossom @HatsEatYou @HealingTalk @juliak1968 @LoveMyMoonflowers @Rareshadow666 @ShySmiler @tommy @Torean @YourCaringConfidant @mytwistedsoul @nessapressure05 @sadcat13 @MunchkinBerry @limegreenKiwi7397 @incredibleRainbows2036 @Est3lle @BelovedMe @unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx @enthusiasticBeach8170 @WondersWhispers @Redpanda2419 @peachPear727 @Fallenstar24

September 25th

@ComradeRuhi This was lovely, I enjoyed reading this. Great job. 

ComradeRuhi OP September 25th


It's definitely the least I can do! I think we all need a breather sometimes. The poetry community is filled with a lot of kindness and I think our poets as well as our readers need that extra reason to smile. We all do - as humans. 

ComradeRuhi OP September 25th


I will share something first so more of you feel comfortable to talk about things that may be troubling you - although no one is obliged to share! You can just stop by and say hello! (This thread is up for all kinds of replies! It's your space to kick back and feel a little brighter).

Lately, my life has gone through some difficulty. Then again, I see life's difficulties as opportunities to grow and earn a more deeper understanding of who we are as beautifully unique individuals. More recently I have been working on the idea of being alone but not lonely. I am often really just on my own out there in the world and so, self-love is at the pinnacle of my focus these days. I realized, we often wish our loved ones and closest companions are with us to see our stories till the very last page, and when we deal with loss or distance from them - our hearts become very broken.

However, there's one soul that you will always be with for eternity. You might think it may be a soulmate... or you might ask...RUHI ARE YOU CUHRAZYYY?!?! - No one lives forever! I realized, it's ourselves. Your soul is yours and every emotion, difficulty, happiness, and even every millisecond you spend, you are doing so as the person that you are. There's no exact duplicate of you, and the way YOU see the world around you is different from what someone else might see. 

It just goes to show how important it is we build a strong relationship with ourselves, as difficult as it often is. Listen to your values and your beliefs. Treat your inner-child that lingers in you with kindness and unconditional love. Be your own best friend and be wary of not becoming a victim of your own hatred. 

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 25th


hi everyone, I have really been struggling with hopelessness lately. I want to have something positive to say for others, but it would feel disingenuous. if anyone has anything uplifting (like poems or quotes or mantras or affirmations) about hopelessness, especially when facing terminal illness, extreme adversity or making mistakes, I would appreciate hearing them from you. 

ComradeRuhi OP September 25th


Hi there, 

I am so glad you have been truthful to how you really feel and are honoring your feelings. I think that's really important. Sometimes, we really need to be kind to ourselves before we can spread genuine positivity to others. When we lack that ability it's always a life-saver to have someone else sprinkle that hope onto us when we need it the most. SO WORRY NOTTTT, Ruhi is here 😌

It seems like you're going through a very difficult time. Losing hope is like losing that warm flame in you that keeps you protected and comforted during times of difficulty. When it goes out, everything inside just feels dark, barren, and cold. 

I know one thing to affirm is that despite these moments in life when we slip up or we can't seem to get to where the grass is greener - know that these are moments that can make you stronger even when it seems like you're at a weak point. We all have certain constraints, limits, or obstacles in life blocking us from reaching where we feel is our optimal. However, a moment of struggle is a flame of light in and of itself that can test your strengths and make you more stronger overall.

I wish you the very best in your circumstances. All I have are these motivational words and I know that I really can't encompass exactly what you're going through in my mind as best as you can yourself. You're a strong individual for realizing that you're in need of greater hope and I really wish that you may find it in the wonderful person that you are to get it. 

juliak1968 September 25th


Today was a total success! Hi everybody 😃

I feel blessed to have things actually working out as I figure out how to live on a budget, took care of a morning appointment, went shopping and I drove. I hope you all plan a day and accomplish everything on your list, and then have a healthy dinner. I have type II diabetes. The drinking I did for a year ended on Feb 21 2024 and so far to date I have gone without any alcohol for 216 days. I lost 35 pounds in that time also :-) I reached my first goal and now need to push off another ten pounds. Wish me luck and the willpower. Ya all take good care!~

Blessings, Day

ComradeRuhi OP September 25th


Oh my goodness - SO PROUD OF YOUUUU! This brought a huge smile on my face. I love to see people winning in life. Crushing goals, seeing progress. We are all faced with moments in life where we could never imagine ourselves getting ahead. You sharing how you're making progress in your own journey gives us all hope that we too can push ourselves to reach our own milestones. The progress you made is certainly NOT easy to do and seeing your positive vibes acknowledging how far you've come has made me so happy. We sometimes don't give ourselves enough credit for how much we are dealing with and especially how far we have come, even if we aren't at the end of our goal yet. 

Keep your chin held up, you're doing such a great job!! Thanks for sharing with us. <3 

juliak1968 September 25th


Thank you, I am very lucky to have found 7Cups and that I have a handful of friends that are supporting my efforts in positive ways. I appreciate your kindness!~

Blessings, Day

unassumingEyes September 25th

@ComradeRuhi Oof, I could do with a resting stop. Life is so hectic, and emotional...

I don't really know what I'm doing anymire XD

Your post is really sweet Ruhi <3 Sometimes life is about fulfilling dreams. Other times it's getting through the nightmares...

Your post reminded me of a favourite poem of mine by James Whitcomb Riley- one of my favourite poets. It's rather long, I warn you xD: 

Let us rest ourselves a bit! 

Worry?-- wave your hand to it -- 

Kiss your finger-tips and smile 

It farewell a little while.

Weary of the weary way 

We have come from Yesterday, 

Let us fret not, instead, 

Of the wary way ahead.

Let us pause and catch our breath 

On the hither side of death, 

While we see the tender shoots 

Of the grasses -- not the roots,--

While we yet look down -- not up -- 

To seek out the buttercup 

And the daisy where they wave 

O'er the green home of the grave.

Let us launch us smoothly on 

The soft billows of the lawn, 

And drift out across the main 

Of our childish dreams again:

Voyage off, beneath the trees, 

O'er the field's enchanted seas, 

Where the lilies are our sails, 

And our sea-gulls, nightingales:

Where no wilder storm shall beat 

Than the wind that waves the wheat, 

And no tempest-burst above 

The old laughs we used to love:

Lose all troubles -- gain release, 

Languor, and exceeding peace, 

Cruising idly o'er the vast, 

Calm mid-ocean of the Past.

Let us rest ourselves a bit! 

Worry? -- Wave your hand to it -- 

Kiss your finger-tips and smile 

It fare well a little while. 

ComradeRuhi OP September 25th


PLEASE, you and me both don’t know what we’re doing! I’m ABSOLUTELY in the same boat. Buttttttt… we can “kiss our fingertips and smile it farewell a little while.” I absolutely ADORED this poem! We all seem to be navigating through some form of chaos, don’t we? There’s always going to be something troubling us, and even if we’re content, something negative might disrupt the positive vibes. That’s life, right? But this poem really speaks to how we can find calm in the storm within ourselves.

The lines are so uplifting. I even found the line where the author wrote about looking down, not up to see the daisy and buttercup on the grave so interesting. We almost always associate looking down as a look of pity or failure. However, here, we can see that beauty and hope sprouts even from the death bed of where someone's story has ended. When we feel we are at our lowest or are simply bombarded with so much to do, we can surely find some light, even if our heads are bent low from all the worry. I truly believe we have it in us to be the joy and happiness we often wish would come wrap us in its arms and takes us away into safety from our troubles. 

mytwistedsoul September 26th

@ComradeRuhi I'm sorry you've been having difficulties too. I must admit I admire your outlook and attitude on things. You speak of loss and that's where I am. Maybe that's why it felt ok to share this here


This has been a rough year. I lost my father at the end of last year and my dog the week before him. I have had to fumble my way through handling his estate and will. We weren't real close but reconnected and we were reconciling. I'm - there's a lot of really mixed up emotions I don't know what to do with 

I did everything myself without any help or support. It's hard for me to ask for help or even admit I'm struggling. Even if I did there's no one to go to. Especially with this. I didn't realize all that would come up with his passing. All the thoughts and emotions. The profound sense of loss and regret of what never was and what can now, never be

ComradeRuhi OP September 27th


Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. You have my condolences. I know it's no easy journey to navigate life with sudden losses of those who are significant to who you are. Losing a pet is also no less than losing a person as well, and these are really big difficulties to try and manage all on your own.

For one thing, I know what it's like to carry immense grief in life, and so, I know it's not easy to carry it all on your own. For that, even if I am just a random person out there in the planet, I do want to say that I have so much pride for you. Despite carrying such big wounds in your heart from experiencing loss, you always are such a ray of light here at Cups and wherever you interact. You always offer yourself up so warmly and genuinely to others - and that is really something I look up to. Talking about this is not easy, especially if you're not one to seek help normally, just like I am not one to do so either. 

This year has been very hard for you, and I really do commend you for pushing your way through, even if you really don't have any other option. While we can't preserve important people in our life forever, we do have ourselves for the rest of our lives no matter what. It's very important that during these difficult times you eat well, treat yourself warmly, and give yourself a lot of love that you truly deserve.

What never was and what now, never can be - that's a really heavy feeling to live with. I know a little about it myself too. However, don't let what never can be due to fate and something uncontrollable stop you from knowing that you are a lovely human being that deserves warmth, kindness, and love - and that is what will ALWAYS be... so please do not be harsh to your own self during these times. 

Sending lots and lots of love and warmth. I'm so glad you came to take some rest here on our post. You're always welcome to come back, as is everyone else. 

mytwistedsoul Monday

@ComradeRuhi I have read and reread your reply a number of times. Thank you. ❤️ Even though those words don't seem sufficient for the warmth and kindness you've shared with me and so many other's here

Thank you for this resting stop. Sending love and hugs to you ❤️
ComradeRuhi OP Monday


Sending lots of love and tight hugs back! I am really glad you were able to find some comfort through those words. This poetry community is always going to be open for things like this because it’s through words and through the written language that we can find so much connection and support. As long as I’m community mentor I definitely want to make that a priority for everybody, especially for a sweet soul like you who has been through so much lately.

Whenever you need the nudge of support or some additional light and encouragement, know that this thread isn’t going anywhere. You’re always free to take some more rest. 🫶🏼

Take good care of yourself!!! Cheering you on as you get stronger.

BastionKnight Wednesday

@ComradeRuhi After reading the many lovely things here, I thought I would try to write something to offer encouragement to the discouraged. The tone may be light but the sentiment is sincere.

Ride of the Val'Care'ries

Listen up now lad's and lasses,

I'll only say this once,

We're up against hostile masses,

And facing entrenched fronts.


Private Feelings, prepare to board.

Don't fret, you will do fine.

Sapper! Sunshine, check your 'chute cord,

And then please do check mine.


Were going in where it's darkest,

It's gonna be a fight,

Major Heart believes we'll win this,

And Captain think's they're right.


So line up you lot. Nearly there.

Jump as I call your name,

We're leaping into unknown air.

It's Hope we will reclaim!


Open the door. Now GO! GO! GO!

Soldiers give it your all.

Don't worry if progress is slow,

Despair is doomed to fall.

ComradeRuhi OP 3 days ago


Oh my GOODNESS GRACIOUS. I adore this poem so much. It has a sort of whimsical joy to it that can let anyone who reads it feel so much more encouraged and bright about their various ordeals and hardships. There's something so wholesome, playful, and bubbly about the poem. At the same time, it is also very moving and powerful. 

Thank you so very much for sharing this with us all. It's so beautiful and it really adds so much more light to this thread we have going so far. You as well as those that have participated so far have made this resting stop so cozy and welcoming. I merely opened up it's doors but all of you are decorating it so gorgeously with all this positivity and warmth. You all are such rays of sunlight - I'm just gonna' pass away in all these kindness everyone has to offer. It truly makes a genuine smile bloom on my face when I get to interact with such remarkable souls through Cups.

Thanks for brightening up the resting spot even more with your amazing poem. It was SO lovely. 

BastionKnight 3 days ago


*Bows humbly* Thank you for your kind words and generous praise. I am happy if you and all here are happy.

unassumingEyes 3 days ago

@BastionKnight this?? Is so good??? Somebody give you a medal 😭😮