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MrXD August 21st, 2022

Who is your hero and why???

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 21st, 2022


Everyone is a hero who is authentically themselves, is kind, and inspiring in one way or other.❤

Who's your favorite hero?

bilenn August 21st, 2022

My heroes are those who acts in the right and decent way even if chosing the virtue cause them suffering.

They are those who prefer to help other people even they need help more.

Heroes search for the utter meaning of life, rather than numbing themselves with low quality short term answers.

Hapra August 22nd, 2022

What hero is there with a greater accomplishment? A hero greater than one who taught others of truth and love, knelt to serve others, and rose from the dead?

gianna14 August 22nd, 2022


Frodo Baggins from the Lord of the Rings! I really love his story, and his ability to push through all of the mental and physical torture he was constantly going through inspired me so much. Also, he says my favorite quote of all time.

"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend, some hurts that go too deep, that have taken hold."

BlueSkies1021 December 3rd, 2022


My hero is my best friend. He never fails to make me smile and I'm so honored to have him in my life :)

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 3rd, 2022

My hero actually is heroes…. They are everyone here because they have the courage and determination to reach out and find help and while dealing with their own struggles reaching out and trying to support others here. Hopefully that flows over into the face to face world.

It takes a lot of inner strength to reach out.

Espejo December 25th, 2022


My heroes are my parents. They've been the Superman and Wonder Woman of my family for decades with their hard work, courage, sacrifice, and leading by example. I haven't always appreciated them, but now that we're getting older, I can see how difficult it is to strive for your goals and reach them.

Thank you for this post :)

FreedomFrenzy123 December 29th, 2022


🤔 god, always has my back 👌🏼