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Asenath March 9th, 2016

They said I could be borderline at the hospital and my therapist said it too. Im no longer in therapy because of insurance issues. A year ago I had a bad breakdown when my ex broke up with me because I cheated on him. I smashed my head into his car, they put me on suicide watch, and the next day they transported me to a psych hospital.

Im a bad person because im a cheater. Im a cheater because something within me is missing and I need that orgasm high to fill it.

It has been a year since I have cheated on anyone. My current boyfriend went into it knowing im a bit crazy and he picked me up when I was really down. I still need sex to feel good but I dont want to cheat on him. I dont want to let him down.

So hello. My name is Sarah...

saraxmclaughlin March 25th, 2016

@Asenath I really connect with you. Every relationship I have been in I have cheated on my significant other. I am in a serious relationship currently and still have things I have not told her. The guilt eats me alive.

Cadence March 9th, 2016

Firstly, welcome to the community, Sarah! c:

It had to have taken a lot of strength to speak openly about what's going on. While I do not know you on a personal level, I can say that cheating on someone doesn't make you a bad person -- there is a difference between lapse of judgment and flaw in character. The fact that you have went a year without cheating speaks measures to that. It's understandable to want that high, to want to feel good; sometimes the urges are easier to control, and sometimes they're not.

I just want to reiterate that you are not a bad person, and I am happy you're with someone that you really like. :D

Asenath OP March 9th, 2016

@Cadence Thanks :)

Asenath OP March 9th, 2016

@Cadence Though in the hospital during group a counselor told a girl that was there because she was cheated on how bad her husband was. I had to leave the room. I feel that people only say things like that to make the person feel better and in the process upset others. I know its a very touchy subject. The victim of the cheater is always sympathized with.

blitheSun94 March 25th, 2016


What a beautiful and brave moment of honesty! I hope you enjoy your stay. heart

193486 March 25th, 2016

Hello everyone. My name is Kat, 30 years old. i am new here in New Zealand, I am currently a student in one of the colleges in the city. I am a registered midwife back in my home country. I love babies and pregnant women. They make me think of the one I lost in 2014.

When I was 7, I was sexually abused. I didn't want to think about it, so I have developed the method of placing it in the back of my mind. What it gave me is a fear of old men. I freeze whenever an old man does so much as accidentally brushes my arm or something. I lived with this fear, and I have always kept it in control. Until now.

As an international student, I needed work to provide for myself as well as my family back home. The easiest emplyment I got was as a healthcare assistant in an aged care facility. I didn't want to do it, but my friends here tell me I have no other choice. I don't want to, but I needed to. So now, everyday, I have to face my worst fear and it just becomes too much sometimes. My workmates and housemates tell me I'm just being emotional or being a sissy, but it's doing a lot more to me inside than I want to admit.