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Euphoria 'Episodes', Your thoughts?

VoidyBlep December 19th, 2021

Hey all, I guess I've never posted here before. Nice to meetcha!

I was wondering, those who experience it, those hyper/euphoric periods we sometimes get. When everything is perfect, you feel beautiful, you wanna do absolutely EVERYTHING.

How does that feel for you? Do you know it's coming? Do you know when you're crashing?

I'm pretty high-functioning and overly-aware of myself sometimes, so I can feel everything. Is anyone the same as me, maybe?

QuietMagic December 24th, 2021


Hi! Sorry for the delayed response. I love your profile picture by the way.

It doesn't happen to me as often now, but those kinds of energized states are really fun. 😊 Just based on times when I've felt that way in the past, I haven't found that I'm really able to predict it other than maybe noticing certain triggering events that make me feel really happy.

I can definitely notice when it's starting to fade. I find myself feeling a bit of tension of wanting to make it continue, and it'll sort of start to turn into restlessness. Something I sometimes do is I'll notice I'm feeling amazing, I'll try to figure out what caused it or think about trying to hold onto that special experience, and then those thoughts will start causing things to return to normal.

What's it like for you?

VoidyBlep OP January 19th, 2022

Hii, I didn't see yours either! Whoopsies! Thanks for replying, I really appreciate it.

It's rather similar, I guess. Sometimes I'm super aware, kind of like what you described, and sometimes I have absolutely no clue what's going on, you know?
It's pretty irritating sometimes, because when I realise I'm in that super high mode, I remember that the crash is coming afterwards.
Sometimes it's the other way around, too. Like I can be 100% depressed, and then bounding around like a maniac, it's crazy!

QuietMagic January 20th, 2022


Ah yeah, knowing that a crash or "reversion to the mean" is coming is something I don't like in general for any short-term states where I'm feeling unusually happy. 😊

That's interesting that it happens in the reverse. Like you'll be feeling miserable and as though nothing could possibly improve... and then suddenly you're in Super Saiyan mode. πŸ˜€

VoidyBlep OP January 20th, 2022

Exactly! A hahahaa, never expected a DBZ reference there, lol! ❀️