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Abandonment Wound

understandingCamp1248 July 8th, 2020

I spoke to my therapist and we have been discussing my abandonment wound. To realize I've felt this way since I've known myself. How abusive my mother was and how it was disguised as love. How alone I felt in that house, until my both parents actually left before I was a teen. It was painful to say out loud and to admit to myself. How repression was needed for my daily life. To get out of bed and face anyone because I couldn't cope with things well and felt I wasn't good at socializing with other kids. The amount of shame. How exhausted I feel, as I clean up all of this when I didn't create it. I am angry and sad at the same time. Im afraid to be alone. Not the moment they leave but the long drawn out painful silence I feel after. However, here I go again. To perseverance and hope for tomorrow to be a better day......

July 8th, 2020


grieving makes total sense, what you're feeling is okay and I hope you're able to accept those feelings and acknowledge them. I hope therapy is helping you, I could definitely relate. Struggling with abandonment and opening old wounds is never easy. You're strong, and I hope you'll be able to heal <3 *sending you all of the love* ❤️

understandingCamp1248 OP July 8th, 2020

@Anonymousloner4773 Thank you

July 8th, 2020


Your sadness and anger make lots of sense to me... you are grieving for things you deserved as a child, but didn't get. And this grieving feels like a part of healing, you know?

To me, it looks like you had a major breakthrough in therapy... I hope you will let yourself feel this grief fully. There will come better days afterward heart

understandingCamp1248 OP July 8th, 2020

@sunflower2480 Thanks, I hope so.

RinaP July 8th, 2020


Sending you strength and love heartheartheart

understandingCamp1248 OP July 8th, 2020

@RinaP 🙏