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Torean and Kiara The 8th vanguard

Torean September 27th

I had to look that word up. Anyway, we're secretly inventing so many improvements to the world. They're super secret. So secret that you won't even feel your life improving. But while we're in here, making the world a better place, you stay out there, ok? And you can gather outside like weirdos and gawk at this sign, but please, don't try to come in, or your entire life might just feel like a spoiler. Also, I'm asking nicely. And no loitering!

Torean OP September 27th


jesusredeemedme2425 September 27th

What’s a vanguard??? Lol

Torean OP September 28th

It's like a group working toward positive change. I'm bad at defining words, but it's kinda like that

I like that idea :) Are we doing that? <3

Torean OP Tuesday

We totally are ❤️ even if we don't realize it 😁

Torean OP Tuesday

By being awesome I think. 😁

That doesn’t change the world.

Torean OP Tuesday

It does. Just not directly

Gonna need deets. Lol

Torean OP Tuesday

What deets? 😜 We're way ahead of the learning curve. People need to train harder.

That’s very vague. Help me out here. ;)

Torean OP Tuesday

We're original kind and fun?


True, but still.

Torean OP Thursday

We could always come up with elaborate betterment plans 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 27th

Bible time <3

Torean OP September 28th

Fo sho!

jesusredeemedme2425 September 30th

I just read Romans 11 <3

Torean OP September 30th

It sounds like an ecosystem of people being saved. People are saved, people failing to keep others saved (because they were made to be that way?), and still being saved by proxy. Israel, of course. That's my disorganized thoughts. 😅

What does it mean to you?

Ah, now you understand the debate for eons about predestination. Lol

I’ll be honest… I don’t know. Is that reassuring? Lol

Torean OP Tuesday

Lol, I understand the debate well, and I just can't buy into it. There's a whole lot of hate, corruption, and abuse that just isn't getting anyone saved. As for Israel, that whole current situation is beyond messed up.

I think it's totally ok to not know. ❤️ It's better to not know than to fool yourself that you have everything totally figured out about it, right?

Patience, my love. I’ve been thinking of reading the Bible like watching Sherlock. Everything in the Bible is interconnected, and there are answers to questions all over the Bible, if you have the openness and patience to search for them. <3 Like how we learned that Mary wasn’t sinless, because we compared the story of Jesus’ birth to Leviticus. Answers are everywhere. It’s like a cool mystery and an adventure, discovering new things <3 Will you search and learn and grow with me? <3

Exactly. If I knew all the answers, I would be God. He is infinitely bigger and wiser than me. There are things he knows and does that I don’t know about… And that’s amazing <3

Torean OP Tuesday

Hmm, how could I refuse when you put it like that. 😁❤️

Let’s explore and learn together <3

Torean OP Tuesday

😁❤️ well said

I just read Leviticus 13 <3

Torean OP Tuesday

I don't like that one. It's not proper medical treatment or procedure.

Plus, why does there need to be defiling skin disease? I don't think there's any reason I would accept.

Hon, think about this. Way back when, medical knowledge was minimal. People didn’t know about germs, etc. Think about the quarantine during COVID. It’s the same idea. Keeping contagious people away from other people until they healed kept the disease from decimating the entire population, just as with COVID, Ebola, and other diseases. In the absence of advanced medical innovations that we have now, this was a really good way to keep infectious diseases from spreading to multiple people.

Sin. It destroyed everything. It’s way more complicated, and I know it’s hard to understand and accept, but just keep an open mind and heart, ok? Just keep reading and exploring and learning. <3

Torean OP Tuesday

I have an open mind, it's just... I don't like that it's in the Bible. People think going to the priest is the answer to this day. Don't get me wrong, I'm still in with you ❤️☺️


That’s people. Not Bible. Lol

Torean OP Thursday

True, but people misinterpret the Bible so easily

jesusredeemedme2425 September 27th

Challenge time :D

Torean OP September 28th

Fo sho, and not just for show!

jesusredeemedme2425 September 28th

I challenge you to meet someone new at work, even if it’s the janitor. Learn their name :)

Torean OP September 28th

That could be cool, I'll try to do that. ☺️

Did you? :)

Torean OP Tuesday

I literally haven't been around such a person. But I at least learned the name of someone who's job is dependent on me getting stuff done.

That’s perfect! Learn the names of vendors, drivers, maintenance, the people who serve food in the cafeteria, the guy who refills the vending machines… Make connections everywhere <3

Also, your next challenge is to listen to “Great I Am” by Phillips, Craig and Dean. It was on the radio earlier <3

Torean OP Tuesday

Ugh, the vending machine guy gets on my nerves lol. I know his name, and I avoid him unless I feel extra snarky.

Hm, not a bad song. Like, there's some originality, power, identity to it. I don't usually see things like that much in Christian music.