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Torean and Kiara: The 6th Revelation

Torean August 28th

Seriously, Don't. Read. This. Thread. Nothing will be revealed to you, and you wouldn't comprehend it anyway. Every series needs a title with "revelation" or "revelations" and its always the worst one. So, there you go, it'll be super boring too. But the two of us are in for the long haul, so don't worry about us, we'll make it.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 8th

I think a lot of guys have a thing for hurting girls.

Torean OP September 8th

Kinda yeah. Or not caring if they get hurt. It's gross

jesusredeemedme2425 September 10th

I don’t like that… I don’t want to be that powerless.

Torean OP Friday

I don't like that either. I really don't want to hurt anyone, I don't know why anyone would


But you want to be dom.

Torean OP Saturday

I don't have to be like that to be happy. It's a little difficult to make a sub out of me though. 😅


Lol why

Torean OP Saturday

Being degraded makes me bored. Being praised isn't enough. I question orders. It's not impossible though, it rewards and verbage are right

I don’t want to be degraded… I just don’t want to be in charge like I always have to be.

Question orders?


Torean OP Monday

That makes perfect sense. It can be refreshing to not have to be in charge. Degradation... I don't know why people are so into it

I'm not sure how to explain the rest really, 😅 I'm willful

Guys always make me lead. I rarely get to relax and surrender.

I don’t like that. I have low self esteem as it is…

You just like being in charge. Lol

Torean OP Monday

Guys make you lead? That's not what I would've expected, how so?

Same. ❤️ I know how that is. Words can hurt even when they aren't supposed to

Lol, I dunno, maybe? 😅 I'm really laid back, I like to be along for the ride. I'm just used to being put in charge at this point, and getting better at it is exciting. It's also exhausting sometimes though, depending.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

I’m going to track my Bible reading here, if that’s ok… Something keeps reverberating through my head… “What would happen if I prioritized God?” It’s gotta be a lot better than this… I’m doing a really bad job doing things on my own.

Torean OP August 31st

Maybe it is better to prioritize God. Even I, not claiming the religion, have to admit that I make serious mistakes if I adhere only to my values. It's not that you're doing a bad job, it's just that you can't be perfect on your own. ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

Yeah. I need… more than me. Not just me running my life…

Torean OP September 1st

We all need something bigger, regardless of beliefs. I kinda want to start a challenge for you too. Take at least one break a day to breathe deeply and think about what kind of growth and difference you feel like God would want you to make. And then, for fun sake, think of ways to make it interesting for you. And it's ok not to come up with much, the important thing is just considering anything rolling around in your mind on a higher level and relaxing past the emotion of it.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

I love that… Examples? <3

Torean OP September 1st

My biggest example is when I meditate with my guinea pigs. I'll sit there with them and put on some music. I'll close my eyes and just enjoy having them close. Sometimes it gets thinky, sometimes it's just restful. But I want to be the kind of good person they see me as. ❤️. When I come out of it, they're usually either staring at me or bickering with each other.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

Thinky <3

lol, the last sentence hehe

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

Day 1! <3 I read Romans 9 :)

Torean OP September 1st

Ok, I read that one too. It asks important questions, but I don't feel like it answers them at all. I don't accept the way that people are "hardened". I don't even accept the way I was, but I definitely don't speak for people who've been through absolute ***.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

Awww, are you reading the Bible with me?? *happy tears* <3

I don’t have all the answers myself. I have questions I can’t answer. I just keep reading and learning and listening. God will show you when it’s time. He knows better than me. <3

Torean OP September 1st

Lol thank you 😂 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

For what? Lol

Torean OP September 2nd

I think it had to do with enjoying looking at these questions together. Lol, I also think I got interrupted in messaging you like 5 times so I have no idea why it came out that way

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd


I read Leviticus 7 today <3

Torean OP September 2nd

What does that chapter mean to you?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

It’s a list of how to prepare and give offerings. I like how God provides food for the priests as well <3

Torean OP September 3rd

I feel weird about the whole sacrifices thing. Why can't lovely flowers be offered? Or drawings?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Well, it’s not done anymore. Nothing to worry about <3

Look up Hebrews 10:10 <3

Torean OP September 3rd

Heh, I bet some people do.

Hmm, ok, so the sacrifice of Jesus and everything. What are your thoughts on this one?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Possibly some Jewish sects. I never figured out why they would still be looking for the Messiah after Jesus came…

Jesus fulfilled the Law, so His sacrifice abolished all blood sacrifices. <3

Torean OP September 5th

True. That's a good point, and I'm not sure either. I haven't delved deep enough to answer that

Hmmm, but why were those sorts of sacrifices ever needed in the first place?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Me neither.

I don’t have all the answers, but… We chose death, eternal separation from God. A substitution needed to be given for our redemption. It was animals at first, every time we sinned. Jesus put that to rest once and for all.

I don’t have all the answers… I wish I did. We just learn and learn and absorb as we go… If we understood it fully, then we would be God.

Torean OP September 6th

Hmm, maybe so. I still wish I could understand that part more than that. You told me more than I really understood before to be honest. Also, what are wave offerings? I just imagine dramatically waving an aromatic thing around. Is that it? I forget.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

It’s hard for me too… But it’s beautiful learning and comparing and discussing and absorbing, isn’t it? <3

I’m glad I’m teaching you <3

Honestly, I think that’s what it is. More symbolic than anything, and then the priests get to eat the meat.

Torean OP September 7th

It really is ❤️

That makes sense. I had to ask 😅

jesusredeemedme2425 September 7th

You never have to feel afraid to ask questions <3 We’re both learning together <3

I didn’t read today… O.O

jesusredeemedme2425 September 7th

Update: I just read Leviticus 9. Thank you for keeping me on track <3

Torean OP September 8th

No problem. ❤️

Heheh, fat portions on the alter. I swear, the Bible makes me giggle internally from wording alone, enough to make it entertaining despite the repetition on some things.