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Pine, Torean, Tiny, and Kiara’s Spot

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Torean 2 days ago

Lol, I haven't yet, but I like the way you think

Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@Torean 😂😂😂😂😂

Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@jesusredeemedme2425 😂😂😂😂😂

Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@jesusredeemedme2425 oh damn! I already responded😕😕😕😕😕

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 2 days ago

Respond all you want <3 We really missed you and we worried about you <3

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 2 days ago

Oh, you mean about the muse thing? Yeah, don’t respond to them further. Don’t fall for the potential scam…

Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@jesusredeemedme2425 pulls worried face😕😕😕 oh no

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 2 days ago

It’s ok. You can always report them. I would have, except my app won’t allow me to report. IT glitch. Lol

Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@jesusredeemedme2425 ok thanks ❤❤

Tinywhisper11 1 day ago

@jesusredeemedme2425 @Torean @PineTreTrr

So catch me up on howc you all bein doing there's pastt two werkf, if like to hear whay you all brein doing??

Tinywhisper11 1 day ago

@Tinywhisper11 I think I dhoul lie down nor ❤❤ love you all

Torean 1 day ago

Love you too ❤️ ❤️ have a good rest. For when you come back, I can recount to you my recent tales. Like when I went to the waterfall and overheard a story in Spanish (which I understood about 80% of) or when I made butter chicken (an India dish) without the right spices, or when I suddenly started remembering Kung Fu from my childhood and totally didn't knock anything over.

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 24 hours ago

Imma need some deets O.O

Torean 24 hours ago

The butter chicken tasted really spot on. The waterfall stories... Heh, this guy was so animated in telling the stories. Something about person-sized balloons, some kind of fight breaking out, and him leaning too far back in his chair. 😂 The last one I kinda made up, but I did practice some kung fu. 😝

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 24 hours ago

Even without the right spices?? <3


Did you knock anything over? ;)

Torean 9 hours ago

Yeah, luckily it's not a spice heavy dish. 😁

Heh, I'd have loved to have seen whatever he was talking about

I actually didn't knock anything over! I never do. Except, if I did at some point, I dunno.

Tinywhisper11 9 hours ago

@Torean 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 listening to stories from the elder people is always fun ❤

Tinywhisper11 9 hours ago

@Torean wow! You understood what I wrote. Damn! I must have been out of it.😂😂

Kung fu? Cool, I wanna know all your ninja stuff

Torean 8 hours ago

What elder people stories? 😂

Heh, you were still coherent enough. 😁 My ninja stuff... Well, it mostly includes Kung Fu and Kendo. Kendo is Japanese fencing with big bamboo swords that work like katanas. I used to take a class. It's really fun, and it's a heck of a workout.

Kung fu is what makes me more of a ninja. I don't remember a lot of the specific things because I took it as a kid... But I have insanely good reflexes now, and they kick in if something's coming at me out of the air with zero notice or something. It really is a superpower and probably the coolest thing about me. Also, the subset of Kung Fu I took was Hung Far (crane style). One time there was a Kung Fu exhibition at a New Year's thing, and a lot of groups were doing different styles. I immediately recognized some people doing the style I took, and that was years after taking those classes.

Also, I can throw ninja stars pretty well. 😂 Or cards. I actually learned with cards first because I dressed up as Gambit for Halloween once.

Tinywhisper11 9 hours ago

@PineTreeTree you've made AI photos of me ❤❤❤ that's just the sweetest thing ever ❤❤ Thank You so much ❤ I love you ❤

*none of those links work😕* but I still love it ❤❤

PineTreeTree 7 hours ago

@Tinywhisper11 You’re welcome miss Tiny ❤️ The links didn’t work?!?! Darn. Ok well they are all page tabs in this thread. Pages 38, 39, 40, and 44. 

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 24 hours ago

Uhhhhh I had a mental breakdown last week :)

lol besides that…

I hung out with a friend and had a picnic, and went to storage and got out a ton of cool books, and fed my coworkers cake and cinnamon bread and biscotti today <3

Tinywhisper11 9 hours ago

@jesusredeemedme2425 aww a picnic. Wow! That would be so cool. Where did you have your picnic too?? Other than breakdown, it sounds a successful week ❤

Are you doing a bit better this week?? Hugs you tightly ❤❤I love you ❤

jesusredeemedme2425 OP 7 hours ago

At a quiet, shady park <3

Eh kinda lol

I love you too <3