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Pine, Torean, Tiny, and Kiara’s Spot

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Tinywhisper11 September 4th

@jesusredeemedme2425 don't worry ❤ it's ok ❤

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 4th

We’re having seeecretttt convoooooosssss ;)

PineTreeTree September 4th

@jesusredeemedme2425 did you see the secret? 

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

Is it like an Easter egg???

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 not quite

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

What’s the secret???

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 the secret to everything is happiness ❤

PineTreeTree September 5th

I been feeling really unmyself (that’s a new word I just made up, ©2024). Motivation is like a dream. I’ve run out of ducks to give. It feels vulnerable. My mind wants to come up with some carrot to tie to a stick. My horse is meh about carrots any more. I may be losing my mind  😂  (*shhh Tiny I know what you’re going to say*)


jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

Yeah…. I’m there, too. That’s the place where you’re trying not to fall apart.

Duck ;)

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Yeah. It’s like the outside world can see me freaking out and while I feel like I’m keeping my witts about me, but afterward I’m like they must think I’m a bit nuts. I’m a golf ball without the shell and I’m starting to frey. 

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

Like panic attacks?

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Not really. I just feel awkward lately. I’m sure it will pass. 

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

Awkward how?

Im sure it will too <3

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 @PineTreeTree 

Hugs you both ❤❤ I love you two ❤❤

Pine you don't have to hold it together here with us, you she be yourself here🙂 we all got you, and I got duct tape ❤❤

PineTreeTree September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 comforting and yet disconcerting 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 6th

I agree with everything Tiny said, minus the duct tape hehe

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@PineTreeTree 😂😂I wasn't going to say anything 👀👀👀 really 👀👀

Poor pine🙁 the worst kind of all pain, is the mental health struggles we have to deal with. Motivation is hard work sometimes, just try to do little things that make you smile right now, like watching the sunset. Or ordering a large pizza.  All we can do is try out best ❤❤ so your unfeelingyourself🤔🤔 I can help with that 😉😂😂😂 your not crazy sweetie, just a bit 🤔🤔 um..🤔🤔🤔 special🙂 yes special

Tinywhisper11 September 5th



PineTreeTree September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 😂 Thanks Tiny ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

I’ve been binging Fishies like they’re going out of style XD

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 yum I love fishies

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 getting your teeth in training for Halloween? 😂

Torean September 5th

Cuz they're so delicious?

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

Nah, my mom just bought a ton and they’re very tempting XD

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Yeah but you can bit off the fins or bite two different color ones in half and smush them together like a Frankenfish before you eat them. Ok, see I just admitted to 5yr old behavior that I haven’t outgrown 😂 

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 5th

Hehe that’s cute <3

I used to wear black olives on every single finger XD

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 😂

PineTreeTree September 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 stylish and edible 😂

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@PineTreeTree when I eat jelly babies, I always bite of their heads first so they don't suffer😋 and when I eat grapes, first you bite of the top, then suck out the guys then eat the skin😁

ok I'm not a 5 year old, I'm just a freak😂😂😂😂😂😂

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 duck out their guts*

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 suck* out their guts

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 stupid finger doesn't know how to spell

PineTreeTree September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 Playing with your food is a sign of genius (ok I just made that up, but it could be true lol)

Torean September 5th

I used to get a bunch of gummy bears and remove the heads, eating all the heads at once, and then all the bodies 😁

PineTreeTree September 5th

@Torean Merciful just like Tiny 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP September 6th

What are jelly babies???? O.O

Ive skinned grapes with my teeth too <3

PineTreeTree September 6th

Movie: Spaceman

Adam Sandler and a giant spider in space but it’s all about his relationship with his wife who is pregnant back on earth. Ugggg 

Torean September 6th

I thought you were making that up. I was hoping that you were. 😂

PineTreeTree September 6th

@Torean 😂

PineTreeTree September 6th

@Torean I don’t know why I watched it till the end. Seeing Sandler in a non-comedy was a bit interesting but still not worth the time for this hokey plot. If anything it’s a chick flick, but not for Tiny, she hates spiders. 😂