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Parenting & Pregnancy Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
July 5th
...See more Welcome to the Parenting & Pregnancy Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply to this thread and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 12th July 2024 (updated by @Misty) @KindCatEars @Iyyana @MistyMagic @tommy @Truth22
Come and Check-in For All!
by MistyMagic
Last post
June 20th
...See more I am posting this on a Frijayyyyyy! The start of the weekend when many people are thinking of relaxing and having a lie-in but for many of us the weekend routine is not really that different from the weekdays. So I have found some tips and tricks for you all Pregnancy Tips1. Rest and Relaxation * Nap Time: Take short naps to boost your energy levels. * Prenatal Yoga: Try prenatal yoga or gentle stretching exercises to relax your body and mind. 2. Healthy Eating * Meal Prep: Prepare healthy meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need. * Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 3. Pampering Yourself * Massage: Consider a prenatal massage to relieve aches and pains. * Bath Time: Enjoy a warm (not hot) bath to soothe sore muscles. 4. Bonding with Your Baby * Talk to Your Baby: Spend a few minutes talking or singing to your baby bump. * Reading: Start reading baby books to get into the parenting mindset. * Play music: (not too loud and no concerts yet lol!) 5. Education and Preparation * Prenatal Classes: Sign up for online prenatal classes to learn about childbirth and baby care. * Nursery Setup: Use the weekend to organize the nursery and ensure everything is ready for the baby’s arrival. Parenting Tips1. Quality Time * Family Activities: Plan activities that everyone can enjoy, like a trip to the park, a picnic, or a family game night. * Reading Time: Spend time reading with your baby or children to promote literacy and bonding. 2. Routine and Structure * Consistent Schedule: Try to keep a consistent schedule for meals, naps, and bedtime to provide a sense of security. * Chore Time: Involve kids in age-appropriate chores to teach responsibility. 3. Outdoor Fun * Nature Walks: Go for a nature walk or hike to explore the outdoors and get some fresh air. * Sports and Games: Play sports or engage in physical activities to burn off energy. * Garden play: Show them gardening and grow from seeds. 4. Creative Activities * Craft Projects: Set up a craft station with supplies for drawing, painting, or building. * Baking Together: Bake some simple treats like cookies or cupcakes with your kids. * Pizza Making!: Never too young to start on healthy pizza making, get them to arrange their own toppings from healthy vegetables. 5. Parent Self-Care * Relaxation: Make sure to set aside some time for yourself, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or enjoying a hobby. * Date Night: If possible, arrange a date night with your partner to reconnect and recharge. General Tips for Both1. Plan Ahead * Make a To-Do List: Write down the activities you want to accomplish over the weekend to stay organized. * Flexible Planning: Be flexible with your plans and open to spontaneous activities. 2. Social Connections * Playdates: Arrange playdates with other families to provide social interaction for both kids and parents. * Support Groups: Join a parenting or pregnancy support group to share experiences and advice. 3. Mindfulness and Mental Health * Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and stay present. * Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By incorporating these tips, you can have a balanced and enjoyable weekend whether you’re expecting a baby or already parenting. So now it's your turn. Please introduce yourself so we can all get to know each other. Pick out a few tips that you do already or that you may start to use. How are you feeling this week?
Parenting Hacks
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
June 11th
...See more What are your favorite parenting tips/hacks?
by MarcelineTheVampireQueen95
Last post
...See more Received a call from the fertility clinic that they were sorry but my bloodwork came back negative.. that moment all I could say was, “Ohh, uhh, that’s okay..” I honestly don’t know how or what I’m feeling right now.
Birth Time
by Amber341
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...See more Hey! I am 42 weeks pregnant and am not being induced, but letting nature takes it's course. It's so hard dealing with the contractions and kicking, does anyone have any tips?
Single mom fears.
by Gh0sstt
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...See more I am 22 years old and currently 19 weeks pregnant and I think I’m going through antenatal depression. At first I was excited about being a mother but now I have more doubts than ever. I feel very alone even if I have many people to want to support me. What I fear most is never finding love again or someone who would accept me and my child and take in as their own child. Has anyone on here found love again after having a baby? It would make me feel better to know other peoples experiences.
Expecting a Bundle of Joy? Introduce Yourself!
by Truth22
Last post
September 5th
...See more Are You Expecting? Congratulations! Introduce yourself here! Feel free to add the following: - Your Due Date - Whether you're having a boy or girl or leaving the gender a secret
I dont know what to do
by AmandaIs
Last post
September 2nd
...See more Hi! My name is amanda and i am 14 weeks pregnant. My and my boyfriend have been looking for a place to live and we found something nice thats 30 mins away. but we have an issue. I cant drive and he goes out of town for work and i cannot afford to be working and the transportation i have now wont be possible to have after i move. And we are moving because where we live now isnt safe for a kid to be raised and its making me sad because its leaving me with two decisions and thats to either not work or to put my kid up for adoption. And i really dont want to do either and im just so stressed and lost rn.
New Mom
by LovelyBrei
Last post
August 29th
...See more Hello everyone , I haven’t been on here in ages but since then I’ve had an exciting thing happen . I became a mom six months ago 🥰. Honestly wouldn’t change it for the world best feeling ever. I thought I would never be able to become a mom not naturally anyways. I found these supplements on Amazon & they worked after trying a different product that didn’t. Loving mom life my daughter is the best thing that’s happened to me thus far ❤️.
Understanding Periods, Ovulation Tracking, and Conceiving: A Guide to Planning Pregnancy
by Icecreamsoul
Last post
August 26th
...See more Writing this to help members asking for queries of conceiving....  Note: this article helps to understand basic information only for educational purpose  for more information you need to reach out to your medical consultant!  Auditors can edit if found any tough words Here you go.... ! Planning a pregnancy involves understanding your menstrual cycle, tracking ovulation, and knowing the best times to conceive. Here’s a concise guide to help you navigate these essential aspects. Menstrual Cycle The menstrual cycle is a monthly process that prepares the female body for pregnancy. It typically lasts between 21 to 35 days, with an average of 28 days. The cycle begins on the first day of your period (menstrual bleeding) and ends the day before your next period starts. Understanding your cycle is crucial for tracking ovulation and planning conception. Ovulation Tracking Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary, usually occurring around the midpoint of your menstrual cycle. Tracking ovulation helps identify your most fertile days, increasing the chances of conception. Here are some methods to track ovulation: • Calendar Method: Track your menstrual cycle on a calendar. Ovulation typically occurs about 14 days before your next period. • Basal Body Temperature (BBT): Measure your body temperature daily. A slight increase in BBT indicates ovulation. • Cervical Mucus: Observe changes in cervical mucus. It becomes clearer, thinner, and more slippery around ovulation. • Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs): These kits detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs before ovulation1. Conceiving To maximize your chances of conceiving, have intercourse during your fertile window, which spans a few days before and after ovulation. Here are some tips: • Timing: Engage in regular intercourse during your fertile window. • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. • Prenatal Vitamins: Start taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid at least one month before trying to conceive2. • Medical Advice: Consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice and to address any underlying health issues. Understanding your menstrual cycle, tracking ovulation, and timing intercourse can significantly enhance your chances of conceiving. By staying informed and proactive, you can better plan for a healthy pregnancy. 1: What to Expect - Ovulation Calculator 2: BabyCenter - Ovulation Calculator If you have any specific questions or need further assistance talk to your medical consultant. 
Favourite Childhood Books?
by LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS
Last post
August 13th
...See more As a child, I remember I loved to read! It was one of my favourite things to do and I would always be reading something! I remember that I used to love books by Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton. As a mother, my children love to read which is so nice to see! At the moment, my 2 year old daughter loves The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and all of the books by Julia Donaldson! She has a dedicated reading corner in her bedroom and enjoys getting all of her books out to read (we are working on encouraging tidying up!). My older daughters love Enid Blyton and Horrible Histories books.  If you are a parent what are some of your children's favourite books? Or what were your favourite books as a child?  Photo by Jonathan Borba [] on Unsplash []
by sensitiveLemon663
Last post
August 10th
...See more So I’m new to here and my reason for joining is I am nearly to the point of wanting to give my children up so I googled what to do and I found a webMD article on parental burnout. So I read the 12 steps of parental burnout and each one I read sounded exactly like what I was feeling and thinking and going through and I don’t know what I can do to change things😭😭 I’m exhausted and sad and angry! I love my kids and I hate myself for being this way but I don’t choose it😭 they drive me crazy I have the shortest temper, I feel like I’m drowning in responsibility, I literally have not a single friend, been in an on off toxic relationship for 5 years, have a 4 year old and a 6 year old that are starting school! They are bad… they are disrespectful and unruly and my gramma is ill and I take care of her my kids dads are deadbeats and I don’t know what to do! I’m losing my mind and it’s so complicated to even actually explain the depth of thought that runs through my mind at a million miles an hour constantly anytime I hear even an ounce of silence but I get way overstimulated and angry when there is even a shred of too much noise….. has anyone experienced this?? I cannot get time away from my children I have no help I haven’t even been able to see a dr because I don’t have time and cannot talk to a therapist online because I have no money…. At what point do I give up or break thru sorry for the long rant I’m just ready to rip my hair out and shove my head through a wall
Advice for a single dad
by decisiveCherry542
Last post
August 5th
...See more I've never posted before so I don't know what to expect. But here goes nothing. I'm a very recent "single" dad. My fiancée moved down to FL from MN. For the time being (next 3-4 months) the kids are with me. My 2 step kids (ages 9 and 7) and my 1 with my ex (age 4). The 2 oldest are special needs. I have the youngest every other weekend. I also recently lost my job due to asking for a schedule change to accommodate childcare. So now our main source of income is Doordash and Spark, which really doesn't pay jack. I struggle with my own mental health issues and am struggling with the responsibility of running the house, trying to get enough income to stay afloat, manage all 3 kids, the pets and somehow find time for myself (like eating, sleeping and showering). I've told my fiancée that I'm doing ok, that I got it. I'm pretty sure she knows better. I say it partially for her but mostly for myself. Mind over matter right? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The weight of pregnancy
by CallMeRachel4
Last post
July 27th
...See more I am scared to be a single mom. My sweet girl will come in September. My body is so weird. I have back pain. My feet are swollen and my arms are fat. My belly isn't pretty. i have no money. I go to college by scholarship and I am financially supported by my father. Recently he hasn't care too much about me just so we can prioritize the baby. He's helping me buy things for the baby - and baby daddy's mom too. I'm selling books and jewels to have money for myself, for skin care or going to the movies. Things to relax. Father will no longer pay for my heath insurance after the baby so he can pay for the baby's insurance. So I cannot get sick. Baby daddy's mom will stay with the baby sometimes during my classes so me and the father can go to college in peace. But sometimes we're gonna have to bring the baby with us bc she is a nurse and works all night once and a while. My breasts are huge and my nose is swollen. I'm not liking my body. I am just looking foward to meet my baby and not worry so much. It's gonna be so hard. #pregnancy #family
Preggo and confused AF
by newmom95
Last post
July 27th
...See more Im currently 7 months in with my first baby. I feel so alone. Lonely. Unseen. Unheard . Unloveable. Unworthy. The father was a guy i was on and off with for a few years. And hes the only bf i ever had. I already left bfor bcos of how narcissistic he was, mainly with cheating and just punishing me, yanno, that 'do as ur told or else' kinda thing.. When i decided to cut him off, i was no contact for 3 years. Plus, it was pandemic. I tried working on myself and for a while, i thought i was moving on. That was until he managed to swoop me again with words. We ended up living together and within the first 4 months, i fell pregnant. For some reason, it made him treat me like im nothing. Like he just couldnt be bothered with me. Like im just a pest. A neusance. He was drinking everyday and it always leads to fight. It gets physical, even though im pregnant. He would keep me up until 3/4 am with the fights, go to sleep like a log and then he wakes up the following day like nothing happened. Or, he would get on his knees, with fake tears, saying hes sorry, he loves me, he knows theres something wrong with him. Hel change. Hel never do it again. When hes not drunk, hes on his phone all day checking out women. This is all during the time that he wont even touch me, looks at me with disgust, comments about my weight and body knowing im pregnant. Even in bed he only cares about himself. I feel so ugly. Insecure. All of this while i work, cook clean, pay for everything. He even owes me quite some money. Even when im sick i need to force myself to do things. Cos i cant rely on him. He doesnt care. He didnt helped me with anything. Nothing. Now, its been a month since he had to get out of the country to sort out finances. Its been a month of him ignoring me, can barely treat me like me and my child matters. And given everything iv witnessed the entire time we was together, i know what his 'busy' means. And its nothing productive. But he acts up like hes elon musk with every second accounted for and just cant be bothered to spend time with me. Even just on video call. Iv been angry the entire time. Telling him how hes affecting me. All i got was invalidations, labels, that im just crazy overthinking, my hormones. I cant get angry anymore. All i do now is cry. I feel so neglected. So deprived. Abandoned. I feel so used. Idk what to do. I dont feel safe with him. I cant trust him. He says he loves me but hes actions, hes consistency, shows he doesnt. I feel like he just back into my life bcos he saw im moving on. He doesnt want to be back with me. He came around to get back at me. And destroy whats left of me cos i managed to get away bfor. Im already preparing myself for the possibility of being a single mom. But im in a lot of pain. Hes the only man i allowed in my life. And everytime hes around, he leaves a trail of destruction. I decided to just stop talking to him ignore hes msgs. And idk how to move forward. Any advice regarding child support, custody? I dont want nothing to do with him anymore, even though i still long for who i thought he was. He still have that power over me where i feel scared of what he wil do if i just cut contact all together. Sorry for rumbling. Idk what to do. And idek if what im saying makes sense. But i hope someone can help me have some perpective. Thank u for ur time and attention.

Parenting and Pregnancy Support

Welcome to the Pregnancy and Parenting Support! We are so pleased you have stumbled across our little internet corner. Our community is here to support you through your parenting and pregnancy journey. From pregnancy woes and wins, milestones with your little ones, resources, general support, offering personal experiences, and more! Feel free to discuss anything and everything related to the life that is raising a child, growing a child, supporting someone who is growing and or raising a child, or co-parenting while raising a child. 

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Pregnancy: Want to share your pregnancy experience? Have questions and want to hear the experiences of others? Discuss it here!

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1. Include a trigger warning (TW) when referencing sensitive topics such as miscarriages, death, abortion, etc.

2. Respect the views of other members within the sub-community. Parenting is not easy and is often done differently from person to person.

3. Do not attempt to diagnose another member's child. You may share your experience with your child with the same or similar symptoms and the outcome, but diagnosing should be left to a medical professional. 

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Helpful: “My child had/has symptoms [xxx] and [xxx] and was/is diagnosed with [xxx]; you might consider taking your child to a medical professional to rule this out.”

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