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Hoarding Disorder: An Introduction

IceCream4IceCream July 20th, 2021
Hoarding Disorder is a Mental Health Condition which—like BDD, BFRBs, and OCD—is categorised in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Version 5 (DSM-V; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) under the category OCD and related conditions.

Image Credits: All credits to the illustrator Yuko Shimizu. I don't own this image. Posted by Nautilus.

You might have a relative or family member who you believe is a "hoarder" but (a) nobody should be labelled that way, and (b) it is only diagnosed if it causes significant distress and dysfunction. It's not just about having too many things... the extent of hoarding behaviour is such that a person is unable to use their living or work spaces.

Those struggling with Hoarding Disorder essentially stock up on objects that might be perceived as holding no value, but these people struggle intensely with letting go of belongings. This is because (a) they might believe that they need these things they're hoarding or (b) they experience extreme discomfort/anxiety if they try to throw away objects.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, some other symptoms include:
1. Challenges with classifying and organising one's belongings
2. Problems deciding what they should hold on to and how to store objects
3. Fears that others will touch their items which they treasure deerly
4. Feeling embarassed or like everything is too much with reference to their belongings.
5. Recurrent obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours: e.g. worries that one won't have enough of an item/that one shouldn't let go of something.
6. Impact on various domains of one's life: financial stress, health risks, social withdrawal, disrupted relationships with others.

What has your experience of Hoarding been like? Is there anything you think people without Hoarding Disorder should know?

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Optimisticempath July 20th, 2021

@jovialButterfly6752 this is informative. Thanks
is collecting things as hobby a sign of hoarding ?
I sometimes struggle with letting go of somethings but I don't know at what stage could it become a disorder ? Any suggestions ?

IceCream4IceCream OP July 20th, 2021

Thanks so much for reaching out! Coincidentally, there is another post about this very topic: Hope that helps heart
Optimisticempath July 20th, 2021

Oh thankyou @jovialButterfly6752

TruthIsInU July 20th, 2021

Yeah I need help on this and OCD.

lucy2 July 27th, 2021

Hi @TruthIsInU

I'm sure you've come to the right place <3

TheJoxter July 20th, 2021

Very informative post❤ thanks!