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Listener/Member Dermatillomania Match-Up

miikandhoney February 18th, 2017

Hey! So I was thinking we could have a place for members to find listeners who understand their struggles with dermatillomania/skin picking disorders. Just add to the thread if you are interested, stating if you are a member who needs support or a listener who wants to support. 18+ is totally welcome as well, just make sure to note that somewhere in your post! Good luck (:

Bambiflower October 4th, 2019

@miikandhoney Hello! I am a new member with skin picking disorder and I would like to share experiences with other members who may help me. If there is a listener who knows how to deal with this condition it would be great! Hugs to all ♡

whatthen December 24th, 2021

@Bambiflower Hello! Im afraid Im not the listener for the job but can relate to wanting a cure and wanted to tell you youre not alone! All the very best!

Hugs :)

HarryC February 18th, 2017


Great Idea, I can't exactly remember how you would go about organizing this, maybe you know already, maybe this is something you can suggest in the listener suggestion box :)

ReclusiveReptile February 27th, 2019

Hi, this is old, but I'm here anyway. I try to brush off the dermatillomania as me just getting rid of blemishes, but when my face looks worse after and creates a vicious cycle i have to admit i have a problem... a problem i cause... ugliness that my hands bring in an attempt to make things better in the middle of the night when i feel the imperfections crawling under my skin that i feel the need to get out when I'm tired and all self control motivation is used up from 10-12 hours of studying... i guess I'm forced to admit i have a problem... one that i doubt know how to fix amd i don't want anyone to know about yet everyone can see the result of plastered across my face as a week long billboard of shame i can't avoid showing, making me want to rip it all off all the more...

i don't want to have this problem...

AuspiciousTraveler March 9th, 2019

@ReclusiveReptile hey, sorry to hear that it's affecting your life so much. You're definitely not alone, I've gotten up out of bed to pick too, I've even been late to work because I couldn't give up on a good pick.

smile103 May 30th, 2019

Hey I'm a teenage girl who has dermatilomania. I first started picking my skin in August last year, but I didn't think I had an actual problem. A few months passed by and my arms were covered in scars. I started to think something was wrong and so I looked up "skin picking disorder". And that's when I found out what Dermatilomania was. I didn't tell anyone until March though. I told my mom. But she didn't believe that I had an actual disorder because I found out online and she said that sometimes people imagine that they have illnesses. And she thought she could relate because she had popped a few pimples when she was young! Last weekend I discovered 7 Cups and so here I am smiley

My listeners recommended talking to my school counselor, and so I did. She is going to call my mom next week and try to talk to her...

So yeah that's my story! And also does anyone know any good listeners who are specifically experienced with Dermatilomania?

MonBon June 6th, 2019


Welcome to the community! I wasn't able to find anyone currently active on the site specializing in dermatillomania, but I was able to find 4 listeners for teens for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who have been active in the last week. If you're interested you may follow this link.

I am currently working to help build up this community, so I hope to see you around in the future!

limeHickory1642 June 6th, 2019

I signed up to 7 Cups just now for an entirely different reason but the first thread I happened upon when signing in to my account for the first time was one about BFRBs and so I guess I felt I needed to post here!

I'm an adult with dermatillomania. I've struggled with it since I was in my early teens. It's such an embarassing problem to live with, but it's comforting to know that I'm not alone. Not sure where I'm going with this post, but I guess it just feels good to get off my chest. That, and having the possibility to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Hang in there <3

MonBon June 6th, 2019


Welcome to the community! Thank you for sharing with us <3

ReclusiveReptile June 6th, 2019

@limeHickory1642 <3 <3 <3 <3 welcome. It is nice to know we're not alone

kindheartedLily December 15th, 2021


What a great idea! I would love to see trainings on BFRB's as well. I'm a listener who's struggled with BFRB's (mainly trichotillomania) and would love for members who struggle with BFRB's to reach out to me!

kindheartedLily December 23rd, 2021


If any member wants to be matched up with a listener who is experienced in trichotillomania/dermatillomania...I'm your person!