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She writes songs (:

she27 August 1st, 2022

hi there! i am she, and i love writing songs! but what i love the most, is sharing them (:

when i share my music with others, all sorts of emotions pass by. i want YOU to feel all sorts of emotions too.

so enjoy! i hope you like my songs as much as i like writing them ♡


she27 OP August 1st, 2022

Song i wrote for a guy i used to like

click HERE to listen!

this first song is very special to me because it was the first complete love song i ever wrote.

it is about my relationship with a guy i met online. i wrote it a couple of months ago, when i still liked him. now he is in the past. luckily, he inspired me to write this song during a sad night. i shared it with @Fristo and @Viz1234 in the member community room yesterday. they were very supportive. thanks to them, i’m starting to share my songs here (: i hope you like this one! many more are coming soon, so make sure you subscribe to the thread (:


wherever you are

just look up

i’ll be looking up

with you

do you see the stars?

well that’s where we are

we’re reaching the sky together

forever we’re dancing while holding our hands

i’m sorry that chatting was part of the plan

i was not there for you

when you were there for me

i’m crying, i’m crying, i’m crying, but baby

i’m trying, i’m trying, to stop thinking of you

you’re dying, you’re dying, to talk to me, but i can’t

i love you, i love you, i love you, but baby

i hurt you, i hurt you, i hurt you, i’d never

deserve you, deserve you, deserve you

you’re perfect that’s why

you want me, you want me, you want me, together

we’re happy, we’re happy, we’re happy, but baby

it’s not easy, not easy, not easy, and it won’t for a while

(*page turn sounds* haha)

daydreams, nightmares

i don’t wanna lose you

what are we gonna do?

is this even true?

distance, pressure

let’s run away

i don’t care what they’ll say

it’s our life not theirs

(*piano solo and page turn again*)

you’re my world, my soulmate, please never forget it

i’ll never stop loving you no matter what

do you see the stars?

well that’s where i am

i’m crying, i’m crying, i’m crying, but baby

i’m trying, i’m trying, to stop thinking of you

you’re dying, you’re dying, to talk to me, but i can’t

i love you, i love you, i love you, but baby

i hurt you, i hurt you, i hurt you, i’d never

deserve you, deserve you, deserve you

you’re perfect that’s why

tagging friends: @Fristo @Viz1234 @ChillVibes34 @lunamum2 @Victor04 @Camus00 @koulentis @Orihara @Aussi55108 @emotionalTalker2260 @languishing @TheJuggernaut @ThomasLigotti @Hope @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @greencheetah @greencheetos @PearlShipDown @cpagano2020 @Hotaru419 @SleeplessVet


she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@sunnyLion4273 thank you so much! i don’t have this song on spotify yet, but whenever i have it, i’ll let you know and share it here (:

she27 OP August 1st, 2022

Song i wrote for @redplant0

click HERE to listen!

so! this one is a funny one hehe (you can even hear my giggles throughout the song). it all started with @redplant0 saying “no one has ever written me a song”. so i promised them (i still don’t know red’s pronouns smh) i would! and i did! it took me like 4 hours to write this one. it has many inside jokes (sometimes i wonder what is going on inside my head to write something like this haha). but well! a song about red, someone i just met through a group chat. i used the pronoun “they” throughout the whole song because i don’t know your pronouns, red. so sorry! and the song comes from the deep of my heart, so i hope you enjoy it (: and my pronunciation is terrible, so i recommend reading the lyrics while you listen to it (:


meet red

they’re probably laying in bed


with a badge that they can not get

that’s red

funny, and smart, but a mess

that’s red

who knows

if red is here just for the jokes?

or not?

what if red’s an old man who smokes?

who knows?

anyway, we love them a lot

and red knows

they vanish, they come back

they get lots of hearts

i wonder if they are

a master of arts

they look in the mirror

saying how hot they are

how cool would it be to have my

self-esteem like that

meet red

they don’t know it but they are the best

with red

suddenly all the pain fades

with red

thank you for being a nice friend

dear red

tagging friends: @redplant0 @Fristo @Viz1234 @ChillVibes34 @lunamum2 @Camus00 @koulentis @Orihara @Aussi55108 @emotionalTalker2260 @languishing @TheJuggernaut @ThomasLigotti @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @greencheetah @greencheetos @PearlShipDown @cpagano2020 @Hotaru419 @SleeplessVet


emotionalTalker2260 August 1st, 2022


xD this made me chuckle a bit hehehe

she27 OP August 1st, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 hahaha glad to hear that, talker

redplant0 August 4th, 2022

@she27 Why am I only seeing this now? 😂 Omg thank u sheee. Wow I didn't know u were a song writer. This is really good. Thank youuuu. 😍

sensibleFriend939 August 4th, 2022

@she27, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful songs.

You are uber talented! I am always blown away by how talented so many 7 Cuppers are. What a treat! Please create more music. <3

Your new fan,


August 4th, 2022

@sensibleFriend939 aw friend! nice to meet you.

she27 OP August 4th, 2022

@sensibleFriend939 thank YOU for listening. i will definitely write more music and share it. and the fact that now i got fans makes me feel really special <3

sunkissedearth August 4th, 2022



Aredhel16gv August 4th, 2022

@she27 i like this one lol

Rackham August 22nd, 2022





August 1st, 2022

this is one awesome thread!

she27 OP August 1st, 2022

@Fristo thank youu💛

2aphod8eeblebrox August 1st, 2022

@she27 How lovely! Great compositions, and "she" plays those keys beautifully.

she27 OP August 1st, 2022

@2aphod8eeblebrox “she” appreciates your comment a lot❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 1st, 2022


Omigoshhh you creatively gifted, super talented humannn, I love these, thankyou for tagging me, She! ❤

You have a beautiful voice! ❤ (and your pronunciation is soooo fine, don't ya worry)

she27 OP August 1st, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you so so so much❤️

sweetchildbsk August 1st, 2022

wow @she you have a gifted voice, keep going on. you are awesome.

she27 OP August 1st, 2022

@sweetchildbsk and you’re even more awesome to stop by and tell me that. thank you, sweet

sunkissedearth August 4th, 2022


You are amazing She! Your songs are like a breath of fresh air. Please do keep sharing.

I used to write songs too and have wrote about 7 songs. I even thought of making an album but have been able to execute the same. Anyway, your songs reminded me of old times when i used to be young and composing my own songs with the guitar in my hand.

I'm out of practise now by the way.

Anyway, i'm proud of you my friend. Don't let go of your passion. You are a talented one :) <3

she27 OP August 4th, 2022

@sunkissedearth wow! 7 songs! we have a star here (: i am glad that my songs made you remember those days. you should really get back to writing songs if it is one of your passions ❤️ thank you for making me smile!

(and who knows? maybe we could release an album together hehe)

charmingPark6257 August 18th, 2022

Wow She27,

I am really impressed!

Your songs are catchy and well written.

I hope to hear more songs from you! Keep going at it! <3

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

Song i wrote for a lost friendship/love

click HERE to listen!

i am very excited to share this one with all of you, and i hope it can get to as many people as possible. this song is very personal and honest. i tried to express my feelings the best way i could, combining many experiences i’ve gone through, and maybe some of you can relate. the main topic of this song is how i feel every time someone i love leaves my life. it’s focused on losing touch with that person, and blaming yourself for it. i know it isn’t a happy song, but sometimes that’s what music is about; sometimes we need to write and express stuff like this to let it all out and feel better (: well, enjoy the song that took 6 hours of my sunday because i couldn’t get the piano right until trial #38740 lol. thank you for listening!


i keep waiting for your message

i keep waiting for your call

cause you were the only person

that could tell when something’s wrong

oh i love you, but i hate you

my heart pushed you away

it keeps pushing away people

even though i want them to stay

i needed to write a song about you

i needed to write a song about you

i needed to write a song about you

please forgive me

just text me

i’m drowning all by myself

full of darkness

i feel worthless

we should stop hurting ourself

*la la la, la la la*

i keep writing down my feelings

i keep crying overnight

maybe it’s useless that i’m singing

all i want is hug you tight

my friends think that i’m annoying

so they’re not even my friends

but you thought that i was perfect

even though i made mistakes

i needed to write a song about you

i needed to write a song about you

i needed to write a song about you

please forgive me

just text me

i’m drowning all by myself

full of darkness

i feel worthless

we should stop hurting ourself

*la la la, la la la*

i know

you needed to go

but i dont know

if i can handle it anymore

please forgive me

just text me

i’m drowning all by myself

full of darkness

i feel worthless

we should stop hurting ourself

*delightful piano ending*

tagging friends: @Fristo @Viz1234 @ChillVibes34 @lunamum2 @Victor04 @Camus00 @koulentis @Orihara @Aussi55108 @emotionalTalker2260 @languishing @TheJuggernaut @ThomasLigotti @Hope @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @greencheetah @greencheetos @PearlShipDown @cpagano2020 @Hotaru419 @SleeplessVet @redplant0 @sensibleFriend939 @sunkissedearth @2aphod8eeblebrox @sweetchildbsk @charmingPark6257 @enjoyiableElementary9396 @DilysZeDovelyDonutz @Munkeh @MrMarino @pinkstorm00 @Jesep @Daisy221 @Lilsniffles @BingSpyDon @Peace1dt @Popsmokes @sensitiveSail3766 @plsdontask4myname @thefrozenlakes @JujuBears @Fatima03 @Lillith @TheNerd00 @Meifeng @GK955 @Gorg81 @MisterYoshee @Kayman17 @GoingSafari @Regmo @alsea @Tala778821 @KrystalRose01 @empowering11 @DRHerrington @mattc286 @braveShade8118 @isitbymyself @katiebearolo @StillPlanet @LavenderFan3775 @Mcoco23 @Perplexed1 @Victoriales7 @GoldenNest2727 @DragonLord00 @AlexCycoBloop @jessrabbit7 @Angelx28 @DonaldDraper @GoldenRuleJG @ASilentObserver


August 22nd, 2022

@she27 *biggg hugs* What an impressive piece!
I wont be surprised if I see you on Grammies some day. You really are awesome. Thank you for sharing your talent with us 🧡

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@DonaldDraper *hugss back* thank you, don! your words mean a lot to me. if i ever get to the grammies, i will remember to mention your name when i get on stage hehe

KrystalRose01 August 22nd, 2022

*hugs tight* thank you for sharing this & tagging me @she27 🥹💛

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@KrystalRose01 thank you for listening. sending a tight hug to you 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 22nd, 2022


*cries* 🥺❤ This is oh-so-beautiful, Sheeeee, literally everything about the song is perfect-o. Thank you for tagging me, I really appreciate it. This will be on loop for a long time hehe. *hugssss*

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou aww you’re going to make me cry 🥺 thank you oh-so-much❤️ you always know the right words to say to make me feel cheery

emotionalTalker2260 August 22nd, 2022


thats cuteeee 🥺💖

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 you are 😌💖

emotionalTalker2260 August 22nd, 2022



sunkissedearth August 22nd, 2022


I would give you a thousand hearts for this song.

What a masterpiece!!!! Impressive. I'm literally blown away by this song.

I'm soooo putting it on repeat for the whole day💓 💓 💓 💓 💓

I hate to admit but it do relate to this song a lot😢

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@sunkissedearth thank you so so so much!! the words of another musician are one of the things that keep me going💓

i would give you a thousand hugs, my friend

August 22nd, 2022


Great as always (:

Camus00 August 22nd, 2022


Thanks for sharing! Lovely!

Aussi55108 August 22nd, 2022

@she27 lawd-swaying.gif

*me rn XD lmaooo

amazing really

she27 OP August 22nd, 2022

@Aussi55108 hahah, the gif made me laugh a bit. thank you, aussi!

she27 OP August 23rd, 2022

@Angelx28 thank you for listening! ❤️❤️