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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


Jimmy4124 February 26th, 2016


Sir may God Bless You.

GOD knows your struggle.

And he is going to change your situation.

Jesus Loves You.

Lovingme42 February 26th, 2016


thank you Jimmy! For his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

Jimmy4124 February 26th, 2016


Amen Amen Amen sir.

He is Full of compassion.

And Loves us.

JESUS is Love.

Lovingme42 February 26th, 2016


yes he is Love and I'm learning that he is the greatest love, in life. I'm a female

proudRabbit95 February 26th, 2016

Probably been posted before, but here goes

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore/J.K Rowling

AaminaM February 26th, 2016

@proudRabbit95 Oh, one of my favorite quotes from Harry Potter! <3

AaminaM February 26th, 2016

"This world is so full of a number of things that we should all be as happy as kings." ~John Crowley

moorn February 26th, 2016

When everything goes wrong just remember nothing is right if there's no wrong in life

CuriousBookworm5 February 27th, 2016

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life" - John Lennon

TenshuZninja February 27th, 2016

Life is hard, harder than anything in the world. Harder than death and harder than hurt. Life is harder than anything in the world except one thing. Living along with life. Because being alive and existing are not the same as Living. Living is not giving up to Life's cruelty and enjoying the small pleasures that Life sometimes gives us.~ Myself

Life gives us those small pleasure as a reward. A reward to those who are still living and not just existing. I want to be one of the Living not the alive.

ThisIsBones February 27th, 2016

Being confident does not cause me to be social, being social helps me to feel confident.

Start small. The tallest tree is climbed by reaching for the lowest hanging branch; start there, at branch one.

MeaningToLife February 27th, 2016

Not all who wander are lost.

oraclegrey February 27th, 2016

Hope is the greatest of all evils for it only prolongs the torment of man.

walt February 27th, 2016

You are more than your mistakes.

funnyCup6667 February 27th, 2016

Every thing we hear is an opinion not a fact.

Every thing we see is a perspective not the truth.

RonaldMunodawafa February 27th, 2016

Whenever I'm uncertain what the right course of action to take is I always remember Plato's "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." It motivates me to go beyond the laws and rules in terms of the responsibility of being good that I put on myself.

challenge4 February 27th, 2016

How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.

christhereader February 27th, 2016

Numbers don't define who you are. Stand up and prove them wrong 💪🏼💪🏼

Ketrid February 27th, 2016

Never think low of yourself
for there will be hundereds to pull you down.
Never do the same to others.
for they were, who you were once.

Ketrid February 27th, 2016

Spelling error:


fairmindedApple800 February 27th, 2016

Sometimes it's okay if all you did today was breathe.

- This helps with the bad days

Ryanallester April 9th, 2016

@fairmindedApple800 Wow! I mean. Just. Wow!

Growingandbelieving February 27th, 2016

If an ant works by itself it will a promise next to nothing. But if all the hats work together they can do anything.

tealCat1488 February 27th, 2016

"Generosity is a practical expression of love"

-Gary Inrig-

aggreablespring2833 February 27th, 2016

When you forgive,you heal

dhabib March 2nd, 2016

@aggreablespring2833 true forgiving someone is a challenge its diffcult they did something back to you something wrong to you i had a lot of things happen to me being disrespected and lied to and called names and bullying and violence happened to me and it hurts and i had standed alone and confronted others and others that hurt me at least four people hurt me and did a lot of things its verbal abuse is not okay

saudade88 February 27th, 2016

Love does not need to be perfect. It just need to be true. Have a nice day people!

courageousComfort70 February 27th, 2016

"The only thing is that, our hearts are made of all the acts of forgiveness and love."

drew101 February 27th, 2016

My favorite quote; NEVER GIVE UP!

WigWam February 27th, 2016

We are human beings, not human doings, so sometimes, we just have to 'be'

Ryanallester April 9th, 2016

@WigWam Haha! Nice!

stilldowndarlin February 27th, 2016
"Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons."
~ He Named Me Malala
KushCookie February 27th, 2016

No matter how long a winter, spring shall always follow

Emmaj123 February 27th, 2016

"People are more alike than different."


puppydog February 27th, 2016

Everyone is beatiful. It's impossible to compare two people's beauty. A delicate rose is beautiful and so is the colorful sunset. Although they both look completely different they are both beautiful. People are all beatiful in different ways yet those ways don't make us any less atractive. Never compare yourself to others; it would be like comparing a rose to a sunset.

carou February 27th, 2016


wren2 February 28th, 2016

people always want more, but never take the time out to apprieciate what they already have, which can so easily slip away from them un-noticed, until it's to late. sit back and look at all the wonderful things you have around you, no matter what it maybe, people pets etc. smile be happy and cherish what you have because it can so easily be taken away.

perkabeth February 28th, 2016

If I ever feel sad or uninspired, I look up quotes by Van Gogh and feel much better

Neverquitz February 28th, 2016

@perkabeth I use Tracy Chapman songs or Awolnation.

politeAcai8036 February 28th, 2016

"Your life was made for a reason. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Dream as if you'll live forever."