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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


vinilovesyou June 6th, 2014

Sometimes things need to fall apart so that better things can fall in place smileyheart


I needed this. Thank you.

Ashlein June 14th, 2014

It's not your fault if you're born depressed, it's your fault if you die depressed. - Someone I met at therapy

Tine2000 July 10th, 2020

@Ashlein but is it? It's hard to overcome if even for an hr, let alone a weekend.

tokkitoria June 14th, 2014

The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect - Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

900 years of time and space andI'venever met anyone who wasn't important - The 11th Doctor, Doctor Who

WinterSun June 15th, 2014

This too shall pass

Stevie1 June 27th, 2014

"Her life changed the day she learned that she was just as VALUABLE as everyone else."

Golem June 30th, 2014

"I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream."
~Pablo Picasso

Noasu July 1st, 2014

Mahatma Gandhi ? 'Be the changethatyou wish to seein the world.'

Vidhya July 4th, 2014

?Two roads diverged in a wood, and I?I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.? ?Robert Frost

Behappy17 July 7th, 2014

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of time if only one remembers to turn on the light" -Harry potter

HopeIsAlive July 7th, 2014

?Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.? ~Robert F. Kennedy

DearIsaly July 7th, 2014

Give but do not allow yourself to be used. Love but do not allow your heart to be abused. Trust but don't be naive. Listen to others, but don't lose your own voice.

10Moonriver01 July 7th, 2014

I don't reallyknow if this is the typeof quote you guys are looking for but, it uplifted and inspires me so I thought I'd post it

"Today I saw cancer, cigarettes,

and shortness of breath.

This is why I walk to the ocean.

Swim with sharks and jellyfish.

I may never get this chance again.

This is why if you want to kiss, you should kiss.

If you want to cry, you should cry.

And if you want to live, you should live.

You don?t have to love me,

You already did." -George Ryan Ross III

A bitconfusing, huh? But it's lovely.

Catrixx July 7th, 2014

"When you feel like you can't do one more step, you are at the half way you can walk.


"Life is like an arrow. It pulls you back and then throws you to better"

July 24th, 2014

At the core of every American dream is the quest for something better

angelfromabove July 24th, 2014

We all have battle scars but it how u look at and take them that matters

HopeIsAlive July 24th, 2014

The battle won in the mind is soon, a battle won in reality.

steven1961 July 25th, 2014

The only way someone can hurt me ......... is if I let them get close enough to do so , that is why it is never wrong to set healthy boundaries .......... and maintain those. Because YOU , I ,have put them there for a reason. It is never because you want to be "anti-social". Its because experiences from our pasts have dictated and educated "us" for the need of them !!

DuctTapeAndSafetyPins July 26th, 2014

"Sleep heavily and know that I am here with you. The past is gone and cannot harm you anymore.And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together, you and I."

money21 July 26th, 2014

Thisisone quote Iapplyto my life daily!

Many people told me i wouldn't make it,

but I did and so can you!

"For every person who doubts you, tells you you will fail, try twice as hard to prove them wrong."

Copacetic017 July 26th, 2014

'It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another .' - Nelson Mandela

arrows July 27th, 2014

Be humble for you are made of earth; be noble for you are made of stars - A Serbian Proverb.Hearing this for the first time made me feel like I'm part of the world, and part of something greater.

moonpixie February 18th, 2015

I LOVE this!! Thankyou x

moonpixie February 18th, 2015

I LOVE this!! Thankyou x

Dragon2 July 27th, 2014

"Such is life"

Ned Kelly

HopeIsAlive July 27th, 2014

There are moments in life where it gets so hectic that time becomes a blur. Keep calm, and never give up.

Leeane218 July 27th, 2014

Sometimes you encounter difficult people in your life but take them as a challenge to discover more about yourself

Leeane218 July 27th, 2014

Sometimes you encounter difficult people in your life but take them as a challenge to discover more about yourself

CHETAN July 27th, 2014

my fav is "keep on living the way you are living or accept the responsibility to change it"

Kay75 July 28th, 2014

The word "IMPOSSIBLE" in itself states: "IM POSSSIBLE" Audrey Hepburn.

JammyDodgerMilkshakes July 28th, 2014

"Love is confusing and life is hard. You fight to survice because you made it this far." - Adam Young (Owl City, from his song "This Isn't the End")

Mints July 28th, 2014

?Whenever you?re going through a bad day just remember, your track record for getting through bad days, so far, is 100%; and that?s pretty damn good.?

- somebody's amazing friend, bless their beautiful soul

BloomWhereYouArePlanted February 28th, 2016


ElizaEm July 28th, 2014

"I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." --Agatha Christie

JohnTheHealer July 28th, 2014

"Courage doesn't always roar."
-Mary Anne Radmacher

David1012 July 28th, 2014

Bob Dylan wrote these words. I think he explains in an empathic way how the world works and how the world can close in and become an empty shell that is frightening and evil. he also explains the great good that an empathic listener can achieve. I believe this because I have experienced it ( thank you Fire ).

Ramona, come closer
Shut softly your watery eyes
The pangs of your sadness
Will pass as your senses will rise
The flowers of the city
Though breathlike, get deathlike at times
And there's no use in tryin'
To deal with the dyin'
Though I cannot explain that in lines.

Your cracked country lips
I still wish to kiss
As to be by the strength of you skin
Your magnetic movements
Still capture the minutes I'm in
But it grieves my heart, love
To see you tryin' to be a part of
A world that just don't existv It's all just a dream, babe
A vacuum, a scheme, babe
That sucks you into feelin' like this.

I can see that your head
Has been twisted and fed
With worthless foam from the mouth
I can tell you are torn
Between stayin' and returnin'
Back to the South
You've been fooled into thinking
That the finishin' end is at hand
Yet there's no one to beat you
No one to defeat you
'Cept the thoughts of yourself feeling bad

I've heard you say many times
That you're better 'n no one
And no one is better 'n you
If you really believe that
You know you have
Nothing to win and nothing to lose
From fixtures and forces and friends
Your sorrow does stem
That hype you and type you
Making you feel
That you gotta be just like them.

I'd forever talk to you
But soon my words
They would turn into a meaningless ring
For deep in my heart
I know there is no help I can bring
Everything passes
Everything changes
Just do what you think you should do
And someday, maybe
Who knows, baby
I'll come and be cryin' to you.

tAbA September 1st, 2015


idc July 28th, 2014

Dont follow a path, make your own.

-Jared Leto