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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


sociableMelon913 May 12th, 2015

When things let you down and as you were given the most of the hard things think of the basics; Why are you alive? I am alive because i know i have my kids to live for i am alive because i need to love my mom despite she do not need me i am alive because i need to love my grandmother despite i cannot understand her sometimes i am alive because i wish to a happy wife one day (a wife of someone not from my country) I want a better life i can start it from here i am down right now but i should stand up and get back to my tasks I need not to be the best but i have to be better after this bad emotions

LostSoul12 May 12th, 2015

I was given this name by my parents. I've been to such-and-such a college. I've done these things in my profession." And we produce a little biography. The Buddhist says, "Forget it; that's not you. That is some story that's all past. I want to see the real you, the you you are now." Nobody knows who that is, because we do not know ourselves except through listening to our echoes and consulting our memories. But then the real you leads us back to this question, Who is the real you? We shall see how they play with this in Zen koans to get you to come out of your shell and find out who you really are. "You will find that the Zen people are quite divided on this. They will say, 'No we don?t believe literally in reincarnation. That after your funeral, you will suddenly become somebody different, living somewhere else.' They will say, 'Reincarnation means this: that if you sitting here now are really convinced that you?re the same person who walked in at the door half an hour ago, you?re being reincarnated. If you?re liberated, you?ll understand that you?re not. The past doesn?t exist. The future doesn?t exist. There is only the present and that?s the only real you that there is.' The Zen master Dogen put it this way, he said 'Spring does not become the summer. First there is spring and then there is summer,' each season stays in its own place and so in the same way the you of yesterday does not become the you of today. T.S. Elliot has the same idea in his poem 'The Four Quartets' where he says, 'When you settle down in the train to read your newspaper?you are not the same person who left the platform.' If you think you are, you are linking your moments up in a chain, and this is what binds you to the wheel of birth and death. But when you know that every moment in which you are is the only moment, this comes into Zen?a master will say to somebody 'Get up and walk across the room!' and he comes back and the master says 'Where are your footprints?' They?ve gone. So where are you? Who are you? When we?re asked who we are, we usually give a kind of recitation of a history.

~Alan Watts

selfconfidentPlum9076 May 13th, 2015

Great post, it literally made me my day and got me into a deeper thinking about the "Now"

buttonpotato May 12th, 2015

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." Albert Einstein

buttonpotato May 12th, 2015

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." Albert Einstein

melanie17 May 12th, 2015

"Believe and never give up your dreams." Only for this sentence I am alive.


Remember the moment you know exactly where you're going,
'Cause the next moment, before you know it,
Time is slowing and it's frozen still..

And the window sill looks really nice, right?
You think twice about your life, it probably happens at night,
Right? Fight it, take the pain, ignite it,
Tie a noose around your mind loose enough to breathe fine and tie it,
To a tree, tell it, "You belong to me,
This ain't a noose, this is a leash,
And I have news for you, you must obey me."
-Twenty One Pilots

LexiLuna May 12th, 2015

In a game when you meet an enemy it means you're progressing. Think about that next time you have a bad day

humorousTriangle605 May 12th, 2015

No hero is going to come on a flying horse to save you.. you have to become your own hero and save yourself....

DianaPrince May 12th, 2015

❤️ love this quote even though it's so often easier said than done. And a sexy super hero would be nice ;) but yes love & look after yourself, always. It's not selfish its survival xoxo

avj May 12th, 2015

one more time we are strangers, but this time with memories. :)

humorousTriangle605 May 12th, 2015


avj May 12th, 2015

one more time we are strangers, but this time with memories. :)

avj May 12th, 2015

"The fool didn't know it was impossible, so he did it."

Kodachrome May 12th, 2015

People have said, "Don't cry" to other people for years and years, and all it has ever meant is "I'm too uncomfortable when you show your feelings. Don't cry." I'd rather have them say "Go ahead and cry. I'm here to be with you." - Fred Rogers

mcrismyhero413 May 12th, 2015

"I feel like my mission is to be honest with myself. My mission is to share my truth - share, not give. I think that's what an artist is supposed to do: I think they share." -Gerard Way

Syahfiq May 12th, 2015

If nothing goes right. Go left.

niamh333 May 12th, 2015

I don't know why this quote feels so uplifting, maybe because I also really love tea haha!

" Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life. "
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Irowlie May 12th, 2015

Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future

Sherly May 13th, 2015

People who mind don't matter. You matter to yourself, and you'll see who matters to you.

KChristine0027 May 13th, 2015

"On particularly rough days when I'm sure that I can't possible endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that's pretty good"

compassionateWheel4924 May 13th, 2015

Sometimes, when you think something is really bad? It can be a blessing in disguise.

compassionateWheel4924 May 13th, 2015

Sometimes, when you think something is really bad? It can be a blessing in disguise.

compassionateWheel4924 May 13th, 2015

Sometimes, when you think something is really bad? It can be a blessing in disguise.

compassionateWheel4924 May 13th, 2015

Sometimes, when you think something is really bad? It can be a blessing in disguise.

compassionateWheel4924 May 13th, 2015

Sometimes, when you think something is really bad? It can be a blessing in disguise.

compassionateWheel4924 May 13th, 2015

Sometimes, when you think something is really bad? It can be a blessing in disguise.

Minkers11 May 13th, 2015

People hold the the world up and bring it down

Friends hold the world together and tear it apart

Love holds the world against gravity and makes it fall

But you can make your own world-

And guess what? Only your rules apply.

Minkers11 May 13th, 2015

People hold the the world up and bring it down

Friends hold the world together and tear it apart

Love holds the world against gravity and makes it fall

But you can make your own world-

And guess what? Only your rules apply.

simplysweet May 13th, 2015

Don't you give up. -my dad

millyjay May 13th, 2015

"Be happy not crappy life is a b*tch dont quit " ~Johnnie Gilbert

greathippo17 May 13th, 2015

There's always a silver lining in everything :')

Typewriter May 13th, 2015

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. ~ Dr Seuss

Renegade0288 May 13th, 2015

If life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you look up then you can get up

Renegade0288 May 13th, 2015

If life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you look up then you can get up

Renegade0288 May 13th, 2015

If life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you look up then you can get up

kiwiwatermel0n May 13th, 2015

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself. <3

SLJ May 13th, 2015

?When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as "rootless and stemless." We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed. When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don't condemn it as immature and underdeveloped; nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development. The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change; yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.?

―W. Timothy Gallwey

affectionateChestnut6436 May 13th, 2015

If there a way theres a will dont gave up on your dreams

sunnyField1463 May 13th, 2015

be who you are cause those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.