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Daily Chit Chat with a Friend

IsayUncle August 10th, 2022

Sometimes Goals and Accomplishments are Not the Most Important thing of the day.
Just a nice Chit Chat with a friend is all that is needed.
So... How was your day today?
IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Awww, you gonna be ok? Wht'cha sad about?

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle I'm back up. I do feel a little better now. I hope you had a relaxing day off and also got anything done that you needed ๐Ÿ’™. If you ever want to talk through your routine or your eating schedule/food prep plan, I'd be happy to listen. Sometimes it helps just to talk out what you want to do and then also adjustments will be needed along the way too I'm sure. Just wanted to throw that out there in case you think it would bore me, it wouldn't. And I won't try to convert you to any particular diet. Have you thought about walking around your property for exercise? Walking is good for you and could help you with your weight loss goals. Also there is a YouTube channel called Team Body Project that has videos of all fitness levels if you would want to do more. It's a mix of cardio and strength training. Just an idea.๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Hey, I'm so glad you got some rest and feel a little better. It was a weired weekend for me. Sort of in this limbo transitional mode. Not really bad, just non-directional I guess which was ok. Change is hard to adapt to I think.

My first dicipline for my routine is to leave the kitchen clean before bed. I'm a big fan of support, Ideas, advice and all that supportive stuff so no problems there. Would love all the insight I can get.

What are you doing now?

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


I hope you are absorbing some family relaxation time and/or just zoning out. (Resting)๐Ÿ’š. We'll talk tomorrow. Good nite๐Ÿ˜ด

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle I am pre watching my son's video instruction for his writing curriculum right now. I am just trying to prepare myself as much as I can so tomorrow will go smoothly. I don't need to look ahead at math because that's pretty straightforward but we've never used this curriculum before. I even got on the internet app on the tv so I can play the lesson on that. Next I will watch the girls' lesson.

Gosh I need that goal too! To have a clean kitchen before bed! I'll try to do that with you. Did you get your kitchen clean tonight?

Goodnight ๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 12th, 2022


Good Morning. _1662963561.image.png That is so cool, to be able to watch your instructionals on the TV. Technology is such a blessing sometimes. It was a smart way to relax a bit while taking care of some stuff. Good Job! I hope your schooling goes good this morning (I got a feeling it will ) ๐Ÿ’š.

I did get my kitchen cleaned last night. (Felt so good this morning)๐Ÿ˜œ I've also increased my bedtime to 8:00pm IF.. IF.. All my routine tasks are not done yet. Evenings are my hardest time for any kind of discipline because I wake so early but my goal is to have my house in more order before bedtime, even if I have to stay up a bit later.

I hope you wake up to an amazing day with lots of little hugs! Good Luck with the courses.

Psalm139 September 12th, 2022

@IsayUncle Good morning ๐Ÿ’™. Good job waking up to a clean kitchen! That must have felt so amazing! I am going to work on that too. It's always been a struggle for me to get the cleaning done after dinner. It's like in my head it's the end of my day and I get to rest. But really I need to do dinner and coordinate baths and showers and I also want to add in some walks by the river while the weather is still nice.

I am hoping today will go well. I really like our writing curriculum. I spent a lot of my budget on it but I have never spent a whole year just focusing on writing skills, so that's what we will be doing this year. I think I am a decent writer but I've never really known how to teach it. My oldest daughter is naturally very good at it anyway. My younger daughter think she's bad at everything - which is obviously NOT true. But I understand how she feels. My sister was two years older and I always compared myself to her and thought she was better than me at everything. I still do that really.

With the little boys I'm hoping this will be the year I get Bentley to fluency in reading. I'm hopeful to get Jax reading too, but laying the foundation and making it fun is mostly my goal with him. Treyton is a hard one because he really has no interest in school. He will do what I ask though, so that's a good thing.

Well you didn't ask for that, sorry! I guess I'm organizing my thoughts! Getting ready to start in a few minutes now.

I hope you have a great day and enjoy your clean kitchen! Will you go to the bank today again to talk about that equipment?

Let me know how everything goes please ๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 12th, 2022


Just got a minute.... that's exciting stuff, Glad youwrote all about it. It does help a lot to write things out like that and it's also nice to share with someone else. I like do that a lot to you too hehe.

On the run Gotta go.. Have an awesome afternoon!

Psalm139 September 12th, 2022

@IsayUncle So far so good today. I did math with my 13 and 11 year olds and now doing writing with my 11 year old. My 13 year old did her writing on her own. The oldest isn't up yet. Of course. She probably is hiding in her room. Lol. As long as we get it done it doesn't really matter. Thanks for checking in and listening ๐Ÿ’™

Psalm139 September 12th, 2022

@IsayUncle How was your day? Did you go to the bank? How is your kitchen looking? Mine is a mess but I'm going to work on it and see how nice I can get it. ๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 12th, 2022


Hi M. I just got home from bringing my helper home.

Psalm139 September 12th, 2022

@IsayUncle Your helper? Is everything ok? Check in later after you get settled if you have time, ok?๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 12th, 2022

@Psalm139everythings ok, just tired now.

It sounds and feels like you had a great day. Or at least a real good one. If I'm reading that right... Congrats, ypu deserve it.

IsayUncle OP September 13th, 2022


Sorry we didn't get to talk much but I hope you had a good day and have a good evening too.๐Ÿ’š

Good nite ๐Ÿ˜ด

IsayUncle OP September 12th, 2022


Today has been an UGGGH day. I think I'm ok with the bank but now the seller wants to change the conditions. And my helper kid is just that... a kid, not an accomplished laborer, hench me having to be involved PLUS these poor adoptees don't get much for food... So cooking for him too. I made him wash the dishes though! yay!

Psalm139 September 13th, 2022

@IsayUncle Hey sorry I wasn't on in time to respond. I'm sorry your day was frustrating. How did your friend change the terms?

I think it's pretty awesome that with all you have going on you still take the time to do things with "your" kids. Bonus that he did the dishes!

I did have a pretty good day. We got about 90 percent done with school. I also got the kitchen mostly cleaned. Jax learned to read "yellow" and "green". Bentley read our memory verse and poem for the week so he is progressing great too.

Homeschool was crazy last year with Jax having surgery in September and adjusting and helping him to recover from that so it is so encouraging to see all the kids' growth and progress even during the summer break.

I hope you have a better day tomorrow and things get figured out with your equipment. I'll look for a message from you in the morning ๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 13th, 2022


Good Morning _1663053143.image.png

That's really really nice you had a good day. It must be really cool when you actually see your kids learn something. I'm really happy you had a good day! ๐Ÿ’š. The guy said something on the phone about breaking up the equipment instead of buying as a pckage. i told him not over the phone, talk in person. That'll be today. ๐Ÿ˜.

I hope I have a better day today too. I'm only working one or two kids on Mondays and Tuesdays. Yesterday, I said adoptee's but I meant Foster kids.

I hope you have another really nice day. I was going to do a side job after my morning run bus run but feel like I need to come home and get caught up on my routine project. Also dealing with the loan thing. Wish me luck. _1663054160.image.png๐Ÿ˜Š

Psalm139 September 13th, 2022

@IsayUncle I don't understand how I can get up at 7 and your message is 5 hours ago lol. At 2 am my time. Craziness. I do want to work on getting up earlier but I don't think I'll ever get to a 2 am wake up time. Lol.

I really hope you get the equipment deal worked out to where it is fair and a good deal for you. I'm sorry he changed the terms on you. That's super frustrating. I'll be thinking of you๐Ÿ’™

I thought when you said adoptee that you probably meant foster kids since you said you had some on your bus. Those are the kids that really are alone and need the extra people in their lives to show they care. So it's awesome you do that for them๐Ÿ’™

I hope today is going well so far. Check in when you have time. I know you're busy. So far so good here -my coffee is yummyโ˜•โ˜•โ˜•๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 13th, 2022


I do get up early hahaha. It's just how it works for me. The equip is a bust. He's in bankupcy and trying to sell his collateral on the side. He's a friend and promising the moon but old wisdom finally made it's way to my brain. Gotta let it go. GOOD news though; in the process, I realized I can get a loan for different and more viable options. Where one door closes.... blah blah. ๐Ÿ˜œ

My helper's outside, better go check on him but before I go, How was your day today?

SkylarRainbow123 September 13th, 2022

@IsayUncle TRASH

IsayUncle OP September 13th, 2022

@SkylarRainbow123 BAD DAY huh? What happened?

SkylarRainbow123 October 24th, 2022

@IsayUncle Lol idk how this comment even got here but life is trash been depressed since I was 11

IsayUncle OP October 24th, 2022


I'm so sorry, such a young age to feel trashed. If you don't mind, how old are you now? Things can and often do get better as we get older and keep learning about the goodness in the world. Ugliness is so freaking easy to see and it's cheap, hateful and everywhere but goodness is special and more vaualble, harder to see and find but there's plenty of it out there. Keep an eye open for it. It's there, I promise.

In the meantime, do you wish to share what's going now?

SkylarRainbow123 October 24th, 2022

@IsayUncle I'm 20 now and stuff has only gotten worse thru the yrs and imma be honest there's so much bad stuff that I seriously have no idea where to start

IsayUncle OP October 24th, 2022


โ€œDrag your thoughts away from your troubles... by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.โ€ Mark Twain

โ€œI've heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!โ€ Dr. Seuss

We can fight our troubles and WIN!

You may not have any idea where to start "TODAY" but keep thinking on it and solutions will begin to present themselves. AND you did kinda start and quite smartly too, I might add. You found a place to that offers hope, answers and relief. We can keep talking if you think you'd like that.

It's nice to meet you Skylar. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm off to work but let me know what's happening today if you want.

Jem7Cups September 13th, 2022

Aww I love this ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก

JP83 September 13th, 2022

So I just want to share that today I left my job and actually feel great about it because I have decided I want to live my life on my terms and pursue the things I really wanna do in life. It is a risk yes, am I nervous? Sure, but every great success story has risk and failure in it.

IsayUncle OP September 13th, 2022


You are 100% right. You are brave to venture but the journey is better. ๐Ÿ’œ

purpleSea7109 September 13th, 2022

The chit chat is so good. You can chat and get problems solved. If others are on same boat they can get help too. XX

Psalm139 September 14th, 2022

@IsayUncle I'm sorry the equipment didn't work out but it sounds like you made a good decision not to pursue it.

I had a pretty good day but have been very tired. I'm just cutting my sleep a little to try to go to bed earlier. Hoping for a 10:00 bedtime tonight. I've been getting up at 7:00 but 6:00 would be better.

Is your kitchen clean? What did you and your helper work on tonight? I still need to clean my kitchen. Idk why that seems so hard to me.

Bentley read to me for probably 45 minutes and Jax listened, so that was a highlight ๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 14th, 2022


My helper is a 16 year old and his name is Cameron. He's a little slow so I'm just giving him a hand swinging weed cutter and letting him just cut different areas in the yard for 2 hours per day. He's tickled to death to earn $12 x 2 (2 days). Loves dinner time and then I bring him home. (today with left overs for his brothers who are also on my bus). Likes washing the dishes afterwards too.

So, my routine is interupted by loan inquiries and Cameron involvement but I'm still angling towards it. Mondays are supposed to be my receipt day and Tuesdays are going to be my vacuuming day. I'm definetly more aware of my time and what's not getting done but this is first week is one of adjustment.

I'm glad another pretty good day ensued. Working with kids and having that structure probably helps some and you enjoy it, like the reading thing with bently and Jax. Very Cool. You talk about not knowing why the dishes are hard, idk either but something similar happens to me when i have to change my bedding. It could take me all weekend just thinking about and it shuts me down a lot... idk why or how it does it. You have a lot going on all day plus I bet there's a lot of dirty dishes that magically appear. So maybe it's just a "Big Sigh" mind-block like my bedding.

I got two other students coming to work on my van on the weekend. High Schoolers in Auto Shop $6/hr for them too. I can't afford to pay these kids for long but I have all the tools and means to keep them occupied. I've come up with a solution. "For the Students" "By the Students". Building dog houses and all the profits go to the students but the whole thing is about manufacturing and money management and advertisement, website etc. I could master an assembly line and do 10 dog houses a day. $125 each... Advertise local trading shows and radio staions, fairs "For the Students" "By the Students". they'd sell like hotcakes! No overhead, just materials. (Just an idea๐Ÿ˜Š I'm aiming for.)

Psalm139 September 14th, 2022

@IsayUncle It's ok that you needed to go to bed. I understand. I think that dog house idea is pretty cool, but make sure you don't take on too much, ok? Seems like you keep yourself pretty busy as it is. We're you thinking of that as something to do on the weekends or in the summer?

What you are doing with Cameron sounds amazing. It might just be a few hours a week for you but I bet as a foster kid it means a lot to him to have someone that cares like that.๐Ÿ’™ I think you wish you could save them all, huh?

It definitely helps me to have a routine. I am afraid for winter though because last year I got really bad.

Anyway I'll talk to you in the morning. I'm getting tired๐Ÿ’™

IsayUncle OP September 14th, 2022


Good Morning M, _1663139786.image.png

It sounds like we both have very full days. Your hours are just shifted forward by several hours. haha. btw, try not to let fear or past experiences dictate current scenerio's. Everyone know's winter brings on the gloomy doomies, some succumb to it and some hit the slopes instead of camping. Might not be able to afford skiing but think about winter celebration days and prepare for sledding, snowman building, terrible cookie tuesdays, Sorry, sometimes I just go over the top to fight obstacles. I DO know what you mean about winter days. They often carry a coldness and a desire to shut down with them. It can be very depressing. I do understand but maybe it won't be so bad this year.

Have you started your iron and vitamen d.... I never heard of vitamen d making someone nausious so i looked it up? And yes it is a thing but not so bad if you take it with food like after dinner. Also if you take it EVERY day, your body becomes accustomed to it and then you can take it whenever you want. You probably know all of this because I think you are very attuned with taking care of your body but I was just curious and looked it up. ๐Ÿ˜Š

It's getting to be the middle of the week so we will probably start feeling a bit more tired. I would love to rest today but I better go do a side job I got lined out. So you be aware too and just rest a bit more if you have to. ๐Ÿ’š

Psalm139 September 14th, 2022

@IsayUncle Good morning ๐Ÿ’™.

I did actually take my vitamin d the day before yesterday and didn't get sick, so maybe it will be ok. She said I was on the low side of normal for iron so I think just taking that weekly would be ok.

But I am horrible about going out. I like the idea of building a snowman and we do try it every year, but it can be hard to find a day with lots of good packable snow that isn't super cold. And I hate being cold. I did think of sledding. I'm not sure where we can do that here but there has to be somewhere. I also love Christmas because I love buying stuff for the kids and making them happy. So fun๐Ÿ’™. I spend hours making lists of everything I want for each of them and evening out numbers of gifts and finding the best deals and then wrapping and arranging the gifts lol. Even 5 per kid is 25 gifts lol. I think we usually end up with between 5-10 each, with a few that are more needs based, like sheets, a new soft blanket, clothes, shoes, etc, and the rest being fun.

It's just the day to day of winter that gets hard. The 5 pm darkness. Not getting out at all, even for walks or camping. I am trying to go to bed earlier and if I can get to bed by 8 and up at 5 or 6, the getting dark by 5 might not feel as bad. Last night we were in bed at 10.

I have to take our Himalayan cat to the vet today to be shaved. All three cats are congregating around where the food and water goes because I put it away lol. She can't have any since she will be put to sleep and they probably think I'm very slow to not understand what they are trying to communicate by sitting there, lol!

Anyway, I suppose I should get ready to take her. One thing I do love about getting up early is drinking my coffee while the house is still quietโ˜•โ˜•โ˜•

Have a good day๐Ÿ’™. Talk to you later!

IsayUncle OP September 14th, 2022


I agree, winter days can be a drag with the cold and early nights. totally! Good luck with the kitty. you got a few things going on this week.

How'd the cat hair cut come out?

IsayUncle OP September 14th, 2022


I forgot... about winter... of course our bodies adapt to the slower weather conditions too but that should be accepted and embraced by still doing things but in a slower gentler way throughout the winter months. Really sorry, couldn't help myself. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ. I do know know how hard it can be, honest.

Psalm139 September 14th, 2022

@IsayUncle Belle looks super cute and tiny with her hair cut. Everything went well with it๐Ÿ’™. I'm super tired again. Hopefully I can get to bed by 9 tonight. I think it's the medicine. I slept 9 hours so I should feel rested. How was your day? Are you tired too?

IsayUncle OP September 14th, 2022


Belle๐Ÿ‘. yea, im burnt. g'nite

IsayUncle OP September 15th, 2022


Good Morning _1663226262.image.png

I hope you slept well and feel rested. I did. I feel ok, overloaded a bit but OK. I know you have some appointments this week but otherwise maybe you'll get a chance to re-charge your batteries too.

Have a great day!

IsayUncle OP September 14th, 2022


I hate doing this to you, write a long post and then say good nite... sorry.๐Ÿ˜Ÿ but good night๐Ÿ˜ด