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Daily Chit Chat with a Friend

IsayUncle August 10th, 2022

Sometimes Goals and Accomplishments are Not the Most Important thing of the day.
Just a nice Chit Chat with a friend is all that is needed.
So... How was your day today?
imaginativePlane7983 August 28th, 2022


I think that the right way of posting sth is by clicking Post to thread unless you want to answer or comment on a specific post when you should click the Reply button of this specific post.

It's logical for the Reply button to disappear after 5 replies because each reply moves a little to the right, so imagine plenty of posts having moved to the right of the screen; it would make it hard to read.


IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Now that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing. I'm a-learnin'

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Hi "M" Glad you are feeling a bit Better. That's good. About the reply thing, I'd like to try to count the 5 replys and see if that works. Are you in for the win?

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


My sister is still here... So just kind of shut down mostly. Not good at all with other people. Was hoping she would leave early. But the visit was enlightening, not bad at all, had some good moments but you know... ugggh time to move on.

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Hey M, There's a post on page 2 that I think you missed. (It' about the FP thing mostly) but it starts with this "Good Morning "M". My sister is still here. You know, I finished my CDL and started Schoolbussing ..." About 5 hours ago.

I'm a little anxious because I don't know if I'd hurt your feelings, not understandind the FP stuff too much. (let me know if you've read it if thats OK)

Psalm139 August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle I hadn't seen it but I found it and read it. We can talk about FPs if you want. It isn't a medical condition in itself. It's just a relationship problem that people with BPD have. It isn't in the DSM or anything. But it's something I've struggled with a lot. The worst experience I had was with my caseworker at the shelter. I was extremely attached to her.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time with your sister being there. It's hard to believe that your family hates you. You seem so sweet and kind. I understand how a visit from her would throw you off and make it hard to get things done.

I will check back to see if you are posting today. I understand if you are too busy. Thank you for being here. It means a lot to me to wake up to find messages from you every day. It makes me feel less alone. 💙

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


She's gone and I'm pooped. I'm ashamed to admit the level of a**hole I was but 7-cups is helping me figure it out.

So... how are you feeling today?

Psalm139 August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle At least she is gone now and you can relax a little bit. It sounds like it was pretty stressful for you to have her there. I'm sorry 😞.

I don't feel like my family hates me but I don't feel like I belong either. And I've never felt supported by them. My aunts and uncles all have their own kids and grandkids and then there's my sister and I. They like our posts on f b and might send an occasional message but that's about it.

I just did a bunch of dishes and cleaned in the kitchen for about an hour and it's starting to feel more normal which is nice. The cabinets look pretty.

What are your plans for the afternoon? You sound like you're feeling down.


IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Yea, thanks for checking in on me. no plans. Sorry, don't feel like talking much. I'll be like this for a few days. I know me.... I'm blessed, I'll know it'll pass. I'm tired now and just need to find some rhythm. losing 2 weekends really messed me up and had a bad week with the kids. I'll be scarce for a few days so you stay strong ok?

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle @Psalm139

It looks like we met our 5 reply limit.

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle @Psalm139

I just went to last reply and then added your tag... will that work for a while? (Just testing the idea)

Psalm139 August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle Ok. I'll talk to you later then.

IsayUncle OP August 29th, 2022


Good morning, Whew, we both had a tough weekend! And so it goes.

Psalm139 August 29th, 2022

@IsayUncle Yeah I'm sorry. I never should have told you all that I did. It was too much to put on you. I didn't know you were having a hard time too at the time but still. I'm sorry. You can take a break or whatever you need. I understand. It's probably not good since you have enough to deal with on your own without dealing with me.

IsayUncle OP August 29th, 2022


Awww, that sounds like your insecurity screaming out. We both had a pretty tough week and plus me plus the weekend. How did your weekend go and how is today. My recovery today was better than expected. 😊

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


M' you Ok? We had a doozie of a week huh? Have you been able to regroup? BTW, there's no need to apologize when we are not able to chat, I think that is just part of your insecurities.... nothing to worry about with our conversations. Sometimes we can talk a lot and sometimes we can't. Nothing to feel guilty or insecure about, it's ok.

Psalm139 August 30th, 2022

@IsayUncle I'm ok. Sorry. I just thought you said you wouldn't be up for talking for a few days and I don't want you to feel forced.

I'm a little sad because my husband's grandma is pretty close to dying and I was closer to her than my own grandmas over the past twenty years. She's just a really sweet lady and I love her. We haven't seen her in a long time, first because of covid and then because we moved away. We did a video chat a few months ago. I feel like I don't have the right to cry because she isn't my grandma really but I'm just so sad.


I am sorry for not saying a lot today. I just thought you didn't want to talk or didn't feel up to it and I worry my own issues will make it worse for you if you're already struggling yourself and I don't want to be a burden to you. And the other day when I was so upset I think I said too much and I'm sorry if I made things harder for you in any way. I don't mean to.

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022

@IsayUncle @Psalm139

Yea, I know I gave that impression because I thought I was going to crash and burn. That would have been a good time to give me support even if I did not respond. At that moment it was not about you or you feeling bad or insecure. It was about me. That’s what I meant when I said your insecurities were showing. (Said with much caring and concern, not one ounce of judgement) Please do not to be offended. I’m a big ole burly old man, kind of hard to force me into anything. Remember that; and just post your feelings as needed and I will always reply as I’m able to. Your apologies are a mechanism I think, very sincere but not necessary with a trusted friend.

And by the way, I did not crash and burn like I thought I would. That’s the great news!

I’m sorry to hear about your grandma, and yes, she is worthy of your love and caring and tears. It’s about her, give her your tears so she can have them to hold and cherish in the afterlife. I can only imagine she loves you very much too.

So, are we going to get back on that horse of forward movement and wind in our hair OR are you just feeling too sad at the moment. I could understand if you are. My first marriage had a grandma I loved more than they did. She died in a home at the age of 105. I was out of state and couldn’t make it to the funeral plus the ex-in-laws didn’t want to see me anyway. I moved out of state but managed to go back and visit her in the home a few times. Boy oh boy, she was a lovely and interesting old lady.

I started a new goal thread but you and I can just comment here if you want. It’s easier, (I think.???) I don't know. 💚💚💚

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022

@IsayUncle @Psalm139

PS I didn't mean to sound gruff. I know we both had a hard week. ((((HUGS))))

wendy797 August 28th, 2022

Hello im Just waking up what about you ?

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


I get super early... like 3am. Whaaaat? yup, it's true. U got plans for the day?

I'm an early bird!_1661700628.image.png Are you a night Owl?

tmanshack August 28th, 2022

Yesterday was SO hard and today felt a lot better.

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


That's great. Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. You still doing OK?💚.

luluparker August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle <3

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


(((HUGS))) Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. You doing OK?💚

tidyClementine8458 August 29th, 2022

@IsayUncle its been good

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


I'm glad to hear it's been good. I hope it's staying that way. Sorry for the late reply.

purpleSea7109 August 29th, 2022

I feel little better chatting to all listeners and team. Chit chat is so good. Thanks 7 cups of tea and family. XX

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


That's fantastic and good to hear. We are all here to help each other out.💜

usamayy August 29th, 2022

It was lil bit tired

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


Are you feeling any better today? I hope so. i've been pretty tired myself for the past few days but feeling better now. Sorry for the late reply but I hope you have a great day.😊

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


I'm so sorry to hear that, and Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. You OK?💚

Psalm139 August 30th, 2022


Thank you for your message and reassurance. It's good to know that you would want me to continue to post messages if you aren't doing well. I guess I just don't know you well enough yet and I really wasn't sure if you were just trying to get me to leave you alone or if you were just in the depressive cycle. I really don't want to bother you.

It's complicated though of course because I do have a lot of insecurities and issues of my own. And my own ups and downs that are a lot of times triggered by something or someone (especially the downward turns). I don't know if you are like that or what your triggers are. It's good to know that I can't make you feel forced to do anything. I don't want to make you feel that way.

I'll check out your goal thread to see what you are working on. It sounds like we are going to visit my husband's grandma tomorrow. That will be hard. So today I just want to get some normal house stuff done.

I am feeling ok, still a little sad, and tired. But ok. I'm really happy to know that you didn't go down like you thought you would. I know the feeling. I usually count the days and think I have to have a good day soon if it's been a few days of feeling really bad. I also think that when I've had too many good days in a row. I know it can't last.

Anyway I hope your day is going well. I'll talk to you later💙

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


What a wonderful post, Thank you. Feeling back to normal.

I'm glad you are going to see your Grandma, I know it'll be hard but it always is (((HUGS))) don't feel bad about crying even if you have to find your own quiet space to do it as not to disturb others....... but bawl your eyes out if you have to.💚

I'm glad you're feeling OK and hope the rest of your day goes smoothly.

other post... you like my list huh? Today I got started with the kids information. (You wouldn't believe how little the system has on these kids) With all the brokens homes, poor families living with relatives and moving around a lot, foster kids and etc.

PLUS Got my dogs vet appointments made for Friday. My poor pups been neglected long enough.

Psalm139 August 30th, 2022

@IsayUncle I'm happy you're feeling back to normal. Is normal a little manic for you? For me it is. I don't mind it. The only bad thing is sometimes I buy things I maybe shouldn't. Lol. Oh well. I usually get a lot done.

Your list is crazy. But I think you picked good things to start with - your dogs and the kids on your bus. Maybe you could sort them by the time of day you could do them and then prioritize each group?

And I wonder if you thought about paying the kids on your bus to clean up your yard if there are enough that are interested? Otherwise there are usually people on local f b groups looking for those types of jobs. Or maybe you already have that figured out 💙

I'll keep checking back. Nothing going on today here. My husband said we are going tomorrow for sure to see his grandma and his dad and aunt will be there too. For now I'm trying to get motivated to just do the basics.

Psalm139 August 30th, 2022


I hope your day is going well. I got the basics done so I'm happy with that. I need to give the little boys a bath tonight and make dinner and clean up and then fold laundry. Not too much since it's only a little after 3.

I'm feeling a little better. Hoping to be mentally doing well tomorrow. It's over three hours there and back and of course seeing her will be hard and just seeing his family gives me anxiety too. I just worry how I will be feeling. Obviously I try to act normal no matter how I feel and if I'm sad at least it would be a normal time to cry. And then I worry how the kids will handle it all. Aaaah one day, hour, minute at a time I guess.

I will have time to pop in tomorrow and see how you are. I think it's nice having someone to check in with. I'm thankful to have met you. You say you are such a bad person but I don't see that at all. I think you've just been through a lot and things haven't been easy and mental health issues just add another layer of challenge for people like us. But I think you're awesome. And not just talking to me. I read your responses to others sometimes too and I can see how sweet and kind you are and you always seem to have a lot of wisdom and encouragement to share. So anyway, thank you for being here💙💙💙

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


Thank you for the compliments. And I'm glad we're helping each other out. You are very insightful and kind too. Thank You!. I used to be very overbearing but I always thought in a good way because I tried to solve problems but smetimes people just have to vent and figure it out for themselves. 7cups has taught me that. I can solve any mechanical problem but people and social problems..... I really had to dig deep to figure those out just a little bit. I'm doing better I think.

Again, I'm sorry about your grandma but to lighten the mood a bit; just think about one of those tv shows, like meet the benjamens or national lampoons family vacation (Just kidding). I know it's serious and hard but try not to worry too much. 😢. You told me that kids are pretty resilient so I'm sure they'll be fine. 💜 I hope you have a good day of driving and in good spirits upon arriving.

PS about my bus kids working, I'm working that angle just got to get lined out with the parents.😐

Psalm139 August 30th, 2022

@IsayUncle I don't know, I think overbearing to some could be different things. I think it's just a way people care sometimes, and try to protect the people they love. I guess it just depends on personality and how the relationship is whether that would be good or bad. Some adults and even kids really hate that. But I think some people would appreciate it. I can relate to wanting to solve problems. My husband is just a wait and see person but I want to plan everything out and have a back up plan (or two) in case it doesn't work out! My husband hates it but it makes me feel a little more secure (or less insecure probably). He thinks I'm trying to take over control and that's his job as the head of the house and I get that. But if he isn't paying attention to things, I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I think it's great that you are trying to hire your bus kids. That should be a win-win for all of you. I hope it works out 💙

IsayUncle OP August 30th, 2022


Thanks M, Laid back is good too; but like everything, Too much of anything is not good. When a whole world shuns you, you've done or are doing something anti social, right or wrong is not really the point I don't think.

Psalm139 August 30th, 2022

@IsayUncle You feel like the whole world shuns you? But you had "call a friend" on your list and the kid on your bus asked you to his football game. And your sister can't possibly hate you if she wanted to spend that time with you. It seems like some people like you.