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Daily Chit Chat with a Friend

IsayUncle August 10th, 2022

Sometimes Goals and Accomplishments are Not the Most Important thing of the day.
Just a nice Chit Chat with a friend is all that is needed.
So... How was your day today?
IsayUncle OP August 27th, 2022


Hi M, I just finished a long post and "X'd" it out by accident instead of posting. I have to go now because my sister is on her way. It was a good post about how I never heard about FP but undestand how much it could hurt and how I trust no one because it's much safer for me and other stuff too.

I'm sorry I messed up, I almost always copy my post before posting because I've lost others before. I hope your head feels better. Get more sleep if you can; and things can be better in a couple days. Try to be good and restful today-💚

I hate you get this rushed vesion.... sorry😟

Psalm139 August 27th, 2022

@IsayUncle I've lost my posts before too. It's so frustrating, especially when you don't have time to type it all out again. I understand, it's ok. I hope you had a good day. Sorry I haven't been very good, I'm trying. My head is finally feeling better. I didn't do much today. I took a nap and now I'm watching tv. I am ready for the day to be over but feeling better than when I woke up. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Have a good night💙

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Stay strong, you've done nothing wrong. It was a day of rest that was very much needed. You're OK!

Good night

orangeTalker77 August 21st, 2022

It was good

IsayUncle OP August 21st, 2022


That's great. Glad you had a good day. Anything cool happen?

bilenn August 21st, 2022

It was fine until i learned that there were some internships requirements to fulfill to complete the internship successfully. Honestly I had thought it was just about listening, and some small trial period requirements, now I need to work very hard, poor me

IsayUncle OP August 21st, 2022


I'm sorry you got a bit sindwinded. It's tough sometimes but you can do it.

Wisdom from Mr. Edison,
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison

NiaMostMysterious August 21st, 2022


My day was okay. Nothing special really but at least I got to relax. I have been feeling really anxious so I have just been trying to deal with that.

IsayUncle OP August 21st, 2022


I'm glad you had an "OK" day. sorry about the anxiety part but being able to relax was nice. i hope you do good tomorrow.

ElenaGeneris August 22nd, 2022



interstellarbangtan August 22nd, 2022

What if I don't have a friend who is willing to listen to me

Lottie2x August 22nd, 2022

@interstellarbangtan that sounds super hard but you have us who you to

IsayUncle OP August 22nd, 2022


A lot of US here feel that way too. But then we do find friends here as we start talking about things and sharing. It's kind of nice.

Lottie2x August 22nd, 2022

@IsayUncle could be better How's your day?

IsayUncle OP August 22nd, 2022


Exactly the same I think, better tomorrow I hope.😐

kindhearted70 August 23rd, 2022

Unproductive. Feel so empty and numb.

IsayUncle OP August 24th, 2022


Hello kindhearted, I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to talk more about it?

Happy900 August 24th, 2022

@IsayUncle Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

I agree.

Sometimes a nice chat helps.

purpleSea7109 August 24th, 2022


Wow it's so true. Take care and you can chat with me anytime. XX

IsayUncle OP August 24th, 2022


Thanks and likewise to you too.... anytime.😊

Lottie2x August 24th, 2022


IsayUncle OP August 24th, 2022


Why Hello, How are you doing this afternoon?

BeautifulSoulHannah August 24th, 2022

Just bottling up my emotions and I wish I could talk about how I feel. Just haven’t found anyone to talk to that understands me.

IsayUncle OP August 25th, 2022


I know how you feel. What makes you so twisted about that people do not understand? Sometimes that's what happens to me, my thoughts get twisted and people don't understand my core.. sort of like that. 😟

Princetomyanxiety August 24th, 2022


today was not great. I’m having some relationship stress. Trying to stay strong for now.

IsayUncle OP August 24th, 2022


Awww, So sorry to hear that. Continue staying strong and hopefully; tomorrow, things are a little bit better than today-💚

LollyNews August 24th, 2022

I was sick for 2 days and am feeling better now. Still need another good night of sleep. I am on a weight loss journey and I feel good about that.

I need a new good Dr. 👩‍⚕️ To see just for maintenance mode with meds. I moved and am still looking for the right one.

I am grateful to still be here to give and get from this life as much as I can!

IsayUncle OP August 25th, 2022


Glad you're feeling better and wish you great luck finding an awesome doctor. Love your positive attitude and hope you continue working that weight off. I'm getting ready to start that too.

turquoiseLunch5688 August 25th, 2022

@IsayUncle hey

awesomeForever7930 August 25th, 2022


IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Hello, sorry I missed your post. I hope you are doing well.

compassionateCar7091 August 25th, 2022

my day was productive i had nice time outside of my house instead of being couped up inside

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


Hi I'm sorry I missed your post 3 days ago. I had company coming in and got busy with things. I am glad to hear that you got outside and had a productive day. That's great and it always feels good. Thanks for posting, and again, sorry for missing it.

I hope you have another good day today!

imaginativePlane7983 August 28th, 2022


I feel that my partner doesn't understand me or doesn't want to understand me any more. I fear that he doesn't need me. I need to feel needed and loved. I need to feel significant in his life but I think this is not the case with us any more. It used to be so good with him at first, but now this "taking the other person for granted because you've been together for long" is killing me.

I just wanted to share it with someone. There are many times that I am looking for answers inside my head but my thoughts make me sink deeper in an abyss.


IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022


I'm so sorry to hear that. I undertsand what it's like. Stay calm if you can and KNOW... You Are!

You are real
You are important
You are significant
You are precious

You are NOT defined by hateful feelings or bad times. Believe in yourself for just one moment. Did you do that? Breath, Believe in yourself for one moment again again. There you go.

I'm really sorry you still have to deal with the hard stuff but you can do it, hang in there. Be easy and kind to yourself. - 💚

imaginativePlane7983 August 28th, 2022


thank you 😺🌹

rationalIdea3242 August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle Hopeless, worthless, ready to give up

IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022



IsayUncle OP August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle @Psalm139

I found some solutions or explanations to our missing "Reply Button" problem. Follow these threads.

I asked @theriverissinging for help and these are the good replies I got.

Forum functionality post. (see page2)

This explains the Changes River was talking about:
Site Update - Forum Changes (see item 3)

I think This will make it easier to navigate and understand

Psalm139 August 28th, 2022


Ok so the reply buttons disappear after 5 replies. Hmmm. Your post today had a reply button. Maybe because you clicked post to thread? Do you want to just do that in the mornings? Or what do you think?

Good morning by the way. I'm feeling better today I think. A little anxious but ok. Do you have plans for the day?💙