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Failure and success

Love220 July 25th

Hello everyone,

I wanted to discuss a topic with you which is "failure and success".

I began with failure before success because it is how the process goes usually. To succeed, we have to fail.

For how long can we describe ourselves as a failure? For me, I recommend doing that for no more than 1 minute, and immediately we have to switch to the logical mind that will definitely show how we are not a failure. It will show us how we are just trying, and the trial indeed had positive results as "learning" which we always can't notice or confess.

I encourage all of us to be supportive to ourselves and believe that our failure is a crucial part of success.

What was the last time you described yourself as a failure? Have you overcome it with positivity? If so, how have you overcome it?


Clio9876 July 27th


My mum considers her life a failure. I remember the day I realised that that meant she considered me a failure. Seeing as I am a product of that life. At that point I decided I was no one's failure. And it's true, by anyone else's measure, I am a success.

Now I have moments when I fail. But these don't diminish my successes.

It's hard to pull yourself out of those moments when you have realised you have failed (I'd rather call it a mistake). I don't always do that in less than a minute. But the time gets shorter and that is good enough for me.

My policy in the beginning was "to do it differently". This took away the need to do it right or well, as long as I had done something I found difficult a little bit different from before, it was a success. And gradually, by changing little things I discovered better ways to do what I wanted to achieve.

Love220 OP July 27th

@Clio9876 Thanks for sharing your experience :) wishing you all the success

Iamwhoiamwhoami July 28th

I classify myself as a failure daily. I have never seen myself as anything but.

My story is long and extremely difficult, well more near impossible to describe in the short story form. I have delved into it here in this community, mainly in the 50 plus side of things. I don’t remember ever overcoming it even slightly with positivity.

Love220 OP July 29th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami We can see ourselves as a failure, especially when we are depressed. You have to know that the failure you feel about yourself is just a mistake that needs to be studied to change it into success.