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a1locker June 15th, 2021

Hey! What are some positive messages everyone can say to themselves to stay mindful and positive?😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 16th, 2021

Hey , great idea on starting a thread on things that we say to feel positive , more like positive affirmations @a1locker ❤

a1locker OP June 16th, 2021

This is great!

kindLemonade September 11th, 2021


I love this list, Sun! Thank you so much for sharing! heart

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 11th, 2021

Aw glad to know , lem ❤

exquisitePeace7976 December 18th, 2021


Wonderful post!! i sure will say these

Orthrus June 16th, 2021


That which I have, I am grateful for.

That which I need, will come in it's own time.

That which I have lost, although not forgotten, I will adapt to live without.

a1locker OP June 16th, 2021

Amazing! Thank you for sharing😊

jai49 July 2nd, 2021

You are enough, you are so enough, it’s unbelievable how enough you are!

August 5th, 2021


1. It is safe here
2. nothing bad is happening now

hopeful1971 August 7th, 2021

This Feeling Will Pass

kindLemonade September 11th, 2021


I often say that to myself as well "this too shall pass"

August 8th, 2021


It has been better; therefore, it can be better again

kindLemonade September 11th, 2021


Very nice, BlueBird!

RationalMe7 August 14th, 2021


Please take a look at these affirmations. Hope it helps.

kindLemonade September 11th, 2021


Very great list, full of many positive affirmations. Thanks for sharing!

August 14th, 2021


decide who you choose to listen to, what you choose to focus on

healandhope August 14th, 2021

My motto is "i have myself and that makes me enough". <3

blissedNblessed September 4th, 2021

i love all the positive mottos and affirmations everyone has put down!
My self talk is a little different than this but...

when i catch myself doing negative self talk ( usualy judging or shaming self - not even on purpose but total habiit and its usually due to an emotional trigger like shame)..

i am mindful so i can be aware of it and then i re-frame the nasty comment with something that is true, self loving and nurturing.


a1locker OP September 6th, 2021

I do this as well..I instantly think negatively about myself. But sometimes I stop and remember that if I have negatives, I just have some positives about me. I try to focus on those instead!

blissedNblessed January 15th, 2022


I love this! How you use the negatives as reminders that you have positives!!!

cookiesncreme15 January 23rd, 2022

@purplePeach6760 I agree with this, it's important to have a positive mindset

earthspirit February 13th, 2022

I am safe and warm!

yentruo February 13th, 2022
  • Set realistic goals
  • Eat something healthy
  • Give a compliment

I found that these points helped me stay positive and I hope everyone reading this stays positive too!

NikkiNetik August 29th, 2022

I can remind myself that I’m doing my absolute best, and i know that 💯

Expressheart August 29th, 2022

@a1locker the best version of yourself is coming just be patient and be in the present.

Christina25 August 29th, 2022

@a1locker giving yourself words of kindness and positivity is such a good thing.

strongdomino August 29th, 2022

I’m better today than I was yesterday, and I’ll be better tomorrow than I am today

wojiaozly123 February 14th, 2023

1. I am being more and more mindful everyday

2. I am always connected to the nature

Nature is always a wonderful healing enviornment but it's very easy for us to neglect her 🌳