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Drink Water - Reminder πŸ’§

March 1st, 2021

Hello All. This will be an ongoing challenge self-care thread.

If you keep forgetting to drink water, here is how the Mindfulness community can help you.


Subscribe to this thread.

By Subscribing every time someone posts in the thread, you will get a notification as 'Drink Water - Reminder πŸ’§'

Come and Post here, every time you drink considerable amount of water OR when you complete your daily water quota
You can use this post as your water intake tracker or log. So you will know how much water you have had and how much more to go.

Of course, there are apps for that too. Using this forum can be more effective, as the apps are only seen by you, but here your progress will be shared with the community.

Give it a try!

Tag someone to remind them to drink water

Benefits of Drinking water

Calculate your daily water intake

Asher March 1st, 2021

Thank you for sharing this with us here.

March 1st, 2021

@Asherwolfice Thank you for reminding.

Tagging @Rashmieee

Rashmieee March 1st, 2021


*Drinks water*

Thank you very much for tagging


NikkiNetik November 15th, 2022

πŸ˜† Same

EmJayyy March 3rd, 2021


@ItssssMJ @LiaMarie2007 Y'all need do I <3

ItssssMJ March 10th, 2021

@EmJayyy haha that I do...thanks <3 *sips water*

ALovelyFriend March 3rd, 2021

@WhatchaGonnaDo Me? Need water??? :o I drink like a quarter of a cup every now and then

EmJayyy March 3rd, 2021


Mhm that's what I thought <3

March 4th, 2021

Just had some. Your turn Slightly smiling

amiablePeace77 March 4th, 2021


This is a brilliant idea, thank you so much for the post, love it!

So far I had about 1 1/2 l liquid smiley

fairyava March 4th, 2021

Hello, here is a reminder to anyone subscribed to take a drink of water. laugh

Kieran000 March 4th, 2021


Drink water πŸ’§ everyone πŸ€—πŸ˜ƒπŸœ

barncat March 4th, 2021

@DonaldDraper- thanks for the reminder, just got up and refilled glass!!

bookworm274 March 4th, 2021


This reminded me that I haven't had any water all day - will go have some now!

x3panda March 4th, 2021

Just wanted to say i have a gallon water bottle I bought off Amazon and it really changed my relationship with drinking more water! It may be huge but it is really rewarding when I can see the progress I’ve made throughout the day drinking water!

jovialSunshine5049 March 4th, 2021

just had some❀️thank you for the sweet remindingπŸ˜›

MyNameIsNicole March 31st, 2022

@jovialSunshine5049 there seems to be a glitch, since you have the same two posts. I'll delete the double one for you❀️

jovialSunshine5049 April 2nd, 2022

Awww tysm❀️

TheJenInBlack March 5th, 2021

This is a great idea. I am forgetful when it comes to this. Wearing a mask all day makes me extra thirsty anyway. I’ve also been noticing that when I drink more water I have less digestion related issues.

March 5th, 2021

Completed my 2.5-liter quota of water for the day.
Logging out for the day.
See ya all tomorrow Red heart

compassionateTree4567 March 6th, 2021

drink water everyone smileyyesheart

March 6th, 2021

completed my quota. Your turn now.

@SparkyGizmo (See main post)

SparkyGizmo March 6th, 2021


woo hooo and *high fives* Don! smiley Thank you so very much for your amazing post as well as for tagging me! heart

Drinking water (and an adequate amount) has so many health benefits! As for me, I have one of those Brita water pitchers with a filter and I keep it filled with fresh, clean, cold water in the fridge at all times! I also have reusable, dishwasher safe, wide mouthed water bottles for everyone to have one of their own for the day, refill all day, wash at the end of the day and stay hydrated while not buying expensive H2o in prepackaged bottles that aren't doing great things for the environment. So far for me today, I have had two 20 ounce water bottles.

tagging @musicalHarmony

March 6th, 2021

@SparkyGizmo why am I not surprised Grinning

SparkyGizmo March 6th, 2021


hahhaha smileyyesheart As for me, I certainly don't have this thing called life down to a perfect science. I could use all the help I can get! I keep trying, that's for sure! big *hugs* heart

March 6th, 2021

@SparkyGizmo same here. Nothing boils down to just one equation. Let's help as much as we can *hugs back* Red heart

SparkyGizmo March 6th, 2021


Donald Draper rocks! angel

March 6th, 2021


Thanks for tagging me my friend. Drinking water is something I tend to forget during my workdays, but something I should be better at as I talk a lot during the day. Before Covid I used to sing conserts. Did you know you actually lose over a liter of water singing a Concert for an hour and a half. I always bring a big bottle of water then. Today I had aboit 1 liter of water so farπŸ’•

Stay hydratedπŸ₯€πŸ§ŠπŸ₯€

Tagging @PuzichkinCat

SparkyGizmo March 6th, 2021


*high fives* smiley and big *hugs* heart

March 6th, 2021

@SparkyGizmo rocks too 😎

SparkyGizmo March 6th, 2021



March 7th, 2021

It's 11:00 am and almost have completed half my quota.

What about you, @yourfriend247 ? (see the main post)

YourFriend247 March 7th, 2021


😯😯 thanks for the reminder, I really needed thisπŸ˜‚

I will soon complete my quota for today ✌

March 7th, 2021


Good Luck Ban! πŸ˜πŸ€—β€οΈ

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2021

Great post, @Donalddraper.

Greatly needed reminder haha. β™₯️

@unique73, did you have some? πŸ€—β™₯️

unique73 March 7th, 2021


Thank you for this thread!!😊


Haha, thank you for reminding!! Just now had some!🀭


CupidtheKingofLove , Elysianaesthetic23 , Exulansis00 (A gentle reminder😜)

unique73 March 7th, 2021


Oof! Sorry (xD)


@CupidtheKingofLove @Elysianaesthetic23 @Exulansis00 (A gentle reminder)😜

March 7th, 2021


Just came online, going to drink some water now haha heart

Thank you for tagging me cheeky

March 7th, 2021


Yes! πŸ‘€

CupidtheKingofLove March 7th, 2021


Yay thank youuuu bestieee *drinks water* 😌😌😌😌😌😌



