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How to cope on bad days with mindfulness

User Profile: pamharley003
pamharley003 16 hours ago

We are all known to have bad days sometimes more than ever, but how do you handle the bad day? What do you do to fix the bad day? It is normal to have these days, What are some examples of a bad day something happening at our work environment, relationships, family issues, 

When we use mindfulness tools we can turn the bad days into good ones to go on for the day. Sometimes when a bad thing happens we do not immediately feel anything, but it can creep up on us sometimes fast if not dealt with.

some mindfulness tools are 


What are some ways to get out of having a bad day?

What maybe some tools you use to help you through it?

@4551SP @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventurousBranch3786 @adventurousCat7477 @Agent22 @alexandralee @AllAboutThePeace11 @amiablePeace77 @asherb281 @avistaco @Beechie @cal1860 @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Clio9876 @communicativeJet616 @dapperBeach8823 @daydreammemories @EchoOrAsh @ElenaDeMonaco @etherealize @Falcon05 @FloraBelle @ForestZen @frankPark1546 @GentleHealingInitiative @Goldenfox2009 @greenScarf6235 @iloveyouxx @imprettysleepy @indigoBeechwood597 @infiniteforever12 @InsightfulPhoenix @Invisibility101 @Izila @JarofSeeds627 @jaywalkk @Kait @Kickan75 @kindRiver6 @kivesh @Littlejoy11 @livinggadget @Luciddreamsicle @MindfulJourney22 @mytwistedsoul @nessdamess @NotAllHere713 @onwardforevenmore @pamharley003 @PeacefulBeach3454 @peacefulDovex @PopPunkPrincess17 @Rainboho @rebeccastgo @sincereGrapefruit83 @sky2Ocean20 @Snowy00 @sociableKiwi3027 @SparklesFly @sunshineBeauty5741 @Swordpsalm @tallZebra8032 @Tinywhisper11 @toughApricot223 @VKlistening @warmMemory6263 @weirdofr @yellowPineapple3652 @YesWayJose @yzzil @Zeraphim


Doing something that you love doing. For example, journaling( a book and a pen), praying, taking a walk, practicing gratitude helps shift our focus from the negative things that happened to the positive things that have happened during the day.

User Profile: Clio9876
Clio9876 6 hours ago


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