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Crystals for meditation?

Gillian222 August 15th, 2016

Anyone else use crystals for meditation? What's your crystal collection like and how they help you? Right now I have four friends helping me out

Amethyst- really been helpful I wear it in a necklace it has a healing energy

Citrine- it's really bright and gives a bost to my self confidence and just energy over all

emerald- my heart carrys me though a lot of things so I tend to pick up a lot of emotional baggage. Emerald helps with heart center stuff and just sorting though overpowering emotions that I struggle to deal with

Lapis: voicing and communication, I use it for affirmations

BrightRedFlower2322 August 15th, 2016

Wow they sound really awesome and totally cool ive those a few times at this earth magic thing stoe they look very pretty and like them myself but i dont have any maybe in the future i might :)

Gillian222 OP August 16th, 2016

@BrightRedFlower2322 they are vry fun just pick one up on a whim go by feel if it's meant to be yours it'll have a warmth, vibration or pulse with it. A lot of spirtual ppl use them but I think if you just kinda go with the flow and try them out they are super helpful for meditation

BrightRedFlower2322 August 16th, 2016


Wow that's really awesome I might have to try that now thank you :D i hope I find the right one for me thanks