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The world were money and greed rules, and using people, lies and deception.

okeyyyy Monday

My family had been getting really good with money, I live with a family that is so utterly fake which it has become really obnoxious, were every meeting is more like showing off stuff, the battle of how shows off more, such as oh, brother took off picture in a holiday to show off, etc. Maybe the antisocial media/phones has worsen this process. Also sometimes feels like the things i used to see as core important feel like they are just so empty. Family feels like uttering empty words into the wind, maybe I am too naïve on to see how the world is, and i had been spoiled a lot. Its like when people have money it can turn you into something unrecognizable, were greed can make you so selfish were you can see people as tools to be used. Money can really change people for the worst, what do you think?