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mindful meditation about how to move on

pamharley003 3 days ago

Check In : July 1st to July 3rd 2024

Sometimes it is hard for us to move on when something is bothering us, we keep dwelling  on it and do not know how to properly solve the situation and move on, hopefully this guide can help us all to move on and have a clam time in our life.

Acceptance is not knowing how we like something it is about how we accept things at the present time and to move on calmly. If we see an opportunity to change something we go ahead and change it hoping it does not come back to bite us.

Acknowledging what is true is sometimes hard because we always think

" I don't want this to be true "

"why is this happening to me "

" It's not fair "

this can help us to accept our truths and to challenge ourselves to change a negative into a positive. 

I did not know there are various ways in practicing meditation here is a image showing you 


How does mindful meditating help you ?

Do you do this only when your stressed, anxious or upset or do you do it everyday like working out?

@4551SP @adventurousBranch3786 @alexandralee @AllAboutThePeace11 @amiablePeace77 @avistaco @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @cloudySummer @communicativeJet616 @daydreammemories @EchoOrAsh @etherealize @FloraBelle @frankPark1546 @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @iloveyouxx @infiniteforever12 @InsightfulPhoenix @JarofSeeds627 @Jeffy5 @Kickan75 @kindRiver6 @Littlejoy11 @nessapressure05 @NotAllHere713 @onwardforevenmore @pamharley003 @PeacefulBeach3454 @peacefulDovex @PopPunkPrincess17 @Rainboho @rebeccastgo @sky2Ocean20 @Snowy00 @Swordpsalm @tallZebra8032 @warmMemory6263 @yzzil @Zeraphim

Zeraphim 3 days ago

I can't read the different types of meditation because the image is too small.

I try to meditate in response to stress, though it'd probably help to practice it consistently. I just can't make myself do anything consistently, no matter how much it needs to be done, sadly.

Zeraphim 3 days ago

Not sure what I said which would cause my message to be hidden :(

daydreammemories 3 days ago


Ah, i have a hard time with being consistent too, definitely get the struggle!

daydreammemories 3 days ago


Great info! just what i needed :)

How does mindful meditating help you ?

it helps reduce my anxiety symptoms, and help me feel more in control. 

Do you do this only when your stressed, anxious or upset or do you do it everyday like working out?
i usually do it when im not stressed out, i feel too overwhelmed to do it when i need it the most, but I'm working on it. if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this, i would be grateful! 

pamharley003 OP 3 days ago


it is an honor to see that the posts I do for everyone is just what their looking for. 

yzzil 3 days ago


Mindful meditation is something I do daily. Some days I practice more than once lol. I find it is a great rest for my brain.