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Bad first experience over a question on a different site (possible TW/CW)

Moon171 June 13th, 2021

Hi, recently on another site I asked a question if I could be genderfluid but get top surgery. And let's just say one of the responses wasn't so nice about my identity (as well as others too), it kinda hurt and made me feel invalid. So I was wondering if I can get help/or tips with taking my mind off it?

Eastbound June 15th, 2021


Hallo, I'm genderfluid and I too aspire to one get have top surgery :)

My advice is that as long as it makes you happy and comfortable, and it's not hurting anyone, there's no problem. It's your gender andvyour body and no one else's.

(Also a good night's sleep can help with lingering upsetness about that kinda thing, I would know)

Eastbound June 15th, 2021


also, distractions. talking to someone. hugs! hugs are good

Moon171 OP June 15th, 2021


Ooh that's very true, especially since hugs can be really comforting! And same goes for the talking to someone suggestion, rthank you very much again! I really appreciated the help and suggestions, have a great day! :)

Moon171 OP June 15th, 2021


Thank you very much, I'm happy to hear that. But I'll defientely try to get a good rest, and remember to be happy and comfortable about my body!