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Any advice?

TaylorBear8754 May 25th, 2023

Hi. I'm Taylor. I'm bisexual. I've known I was bisexual since I was in 5th grade. And going to a christian school with christian parents who are homophobic..its tough. My oldest brother is gay, and my parents hate it. They don't know I'm bisexual either. Most of my friends are homophobic as well. I recently asked a girl out. The first girl I've ever asked out. It was a really big step. She said no, but thats okay. I just often question my sexuality because everyone around me is against it, or so it seems. So..does anyone have any advice for me? About anything really.

SparklingSeashells May 28th, 2023



Unfortunately we cannot give advice here, as it could be harmful and only *you* know what to do in your situation. You know you best ๐Ÿ’œ

I'm sorry to hear how you don't feel accepted within society, but I want you to know that we accept you for who you are here, and are grateful to have you as part of the community.

SparklingSeashells May 28th, 2023



Unfortunately we cannot give advice here, as it could be harmful and only *you* know what to do in your situation. You know you best ๐Ÿ’œ

I'm sorry to hear how you don't feel accepted within society, but I want you to know that we accept you for who you are here, and are grateful to have you as part of the community.

incredibleCloud2222 June 21st, 2023

In the words of another Taylor, "never take advice from someone who's falling apart", so even if I had anything you probably shouldn't listen to me lol. I'm in a similar situation, it took me a lot longer to figure out my attraction patterns but I'm definitely bi, and only out online. I keep everything from my family, and I've lost touch with all my friends over the last few years, considering how homophobic they all were when I hung out with them regularly I don't think I'll ever come out to them directly either. I live in a religious dictatorship, so every school I've been to was some degree of religious, which has done more damage than I can ever fully mal out. I've never had the guts to ask anyone out, of any gender, so I understand that it must've felt like quite the landmark, even if your feelings weren't reciprocated this time. I guess all I can say is better luck next time, and stay safe.

As I said, I don't have any advice but I can point you towards the LGBTQ+ Group Support Chat here on cups, it's not the best place but I used to hang out there all the time before some of the regulars I was friends with stopped showing up. It's a ghost town most of the time, but when it's active it's one of the only places on this site where you won't be judged for your sexuality, and have a chance of starting a conversion with people who might have relevant experiences.

TaylorBear8754 OP July 5th, 2023

@incredibleCloud2222 It's really hard to live in such a homophobic place. I'm glad to know Im not alone. I have a listener account, TaylorCaress03. So feel free to reach out! We can maybe chat more if you would like.

SherweetSherif97 June 22nd, 2023


hello its nice to see a similar situation like me also i'm Bisexual too .. its common to not be accepted which is happening to me in a middle eastern society too and i was also afraid to reveal my identity as a bi girl who is part of LGBTQ community so i kept it secretly from everyone (parents,friends) i'm glad you came here to share your thoughts as here you'll find graceful acceptation to your identity and who you really are .. as of advice i think you should be what you want as we shouldn't always accept what the world offers us instead doing what makes you feel comfortable and happy

best wishes to you and i hope you live peacefully