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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

mytwistedsoul November 10th, 2021

@rationalKiwi5780 LOL! 😁 me too tbh


lovelyWhisper66 November 11th, 2021


rationalKiwi5780 November 11th, 2021

Destiny ain't got much in store for me seeing how my social life's going...

calmingFriend2210 November 14th, 2021

I see… well happy happy Sunday everyone!

rationalKiwi5780 November 14th, 2021

Happy sunday!!!

barncat November 17th, 2021

How did it get to be Tuesday already?

redFlames805 November 20th, 2021

Beat this

rationalKiwi5780 November 20th, 2021

@redFlames805 Done.

redFlames805 November 20th, 2021


mytwistedsoul November 21st, 2021


lazyKatz November 22nd, 2021

Just sitting in a pub waiting for a meal 😛

mytwistedsoul November 22nd, 2021

Sounds good!

lazyKatz November 22nd, 2021

It was! Now it's time to tackle the shops for Christmas presents. Don't seem that long since last Christmas.

mytwistedsoul November 22nd, 2021

I'm glad it was good! This year has gone by pretty fast! But it sort of seems like a repeat of last year lol

lazyKatz November 22nd, 2021


Very much so, some of the gifts in the shops even look the same.

mytwistedsoul November 22nd, 2021

@lazyKatz If your stores are as close to empty as some of them are here - they probably are the same lol! I think they've started pulling out last years returns

lazyKatz November 23rd, 2021


Life's full of disappointments 😟

mytwistedsoul November 23rd, 2021

@lazyKatz There can be good moments too ❤️ I hope you had fun shopping though 😊

rationalKiwi5780 November 23rd, 2021

Soundtrack music is the best, and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

mytwistedsoul November 24th, 2021

@rationalKiwi5780 What's your favorite soundtrack?

mytwistedsoul November 24th, 2021

To those who celebrate it - Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

To those who don't - Have a wonderful day! 🌼

barncat November 29th, 2021

Yeah, another holiday behind us.😍😄😘

rationalKiwi5780 November 30th, 2021

Woohoo, on to december! Oh and I am now 17 years old! Happened just 5 days ago.

loyalTree3713 November 30th, 2021

@rationalKiwi5780 Belated birthday greetings!!!🎉🎉🎉

IpromiseIAmHere November 30th, 2021


lazyKatz November 30th, 2021

I'm guessing all the birthday cake has gone

barncat December 1st, 2021

Another day comes to a close.

mytwistedsoul December 1st, 2021

And a new one has begun

We can allways have cake 🎂

lazyKatz December 1st, 2021

I wouldn't mind trying my first mince pie, it is December after all.

mytwistedsoul December 1st, 2021

I've never had one - tbh - I thought they had actual meat in them lol! But it's just fruit and nuts 😋

barncat December 1st, 2021

🤷‍♀️ Heavens - it is only Wednesday.🐴🐴

rationalKiwi5780 December 6th, 2021

Looks like I'm last!

calmingFriend2210 December 7th, 2021

Not for long… 👀

rationalKiwi5780 December 8th, 2021

@calmingFriend2210 Well I got a few hours in

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 15th, 2021

Now meeeee😛❤

barncat December 15th, 2021

My turn!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2021

Me againnn🤗

lazyKatz December 16th, 2021

Watching with interest! who will be next?

mytwistedsoul December 16th, 2021

Oh oh! Me? 😁

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2021

Or me ? 😮❤