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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

AlphaPheonix4720 October 9th, 2020

It's only the 9th haha

Jenna October 9th, 2020

Spooky spirit all month long

AlexFox800 OP October 9th, 2020

I find it hilarious when I find Christmas stuff right next to the Halloween stuff 😂 Like, I know the stores wanna get a head start, but it's only the beginning of October

Jenna October 9th, 2020


We got Halloween stuff at the beginning of August, Harvest stuff at the end of August lol. Our Christmas stuff is in, just not ready to go out on the floor yet.

Jenna October 9th, 2020


I understand what you mean. Like c'mon let us enjoy one holiday at a time :D

Goldcherry2113 October 12th, 2020

@AlexFox800It's my two personalities together.

Jenna October 12th, 2020

Today, I'm a winner.

AlphaPheonix4720 October 12th, 2020

@Jenna And now, I am

Jenna October 12th, 2020


It was nice while it lasted

lazyKatz October 12th, 2020

Can I join the race

Goldcherry2113 October 12th, 2020


lazyKatz October 12th, 2020

I'll give it a go

mytwistedsoul October 12th, 2020

Good luck!

brightHickory7725 October 12th, 2020

I win

lovelyWhisper66 October 12th, 2020

Let's a go!

WorldAway2 October 12th, 2020

I might win actually! 🙂

lazyKatz October 13th, 2020


Jenna October 13th, 2020

I'm winning

lazyKatz October 13th, 2020

I was so pleased for you 🤗 and the next person to lead the pack will be ?

Jenna October 13th, 2020

Still me xD

mytwistedsoul October 13th, 2020

Sorry :)

Oxymoron6demon October 13th, 2020


MusicalMelodyxX October 13th, 2020

Doot doot

WorldAway2 October 13th, 2020


brightBeauty9343 October 13th, 2020


WorldAway2 October 13th, 2020


Goldcherry2113 October 13th, 2020


AlphaPheonix4720 October 13th, 2020

Chilling in the caribbean...

WorldAway2 October 13th, 2020

Does anyone feel like this Halloween is gonna be a good one?

Goldcherry2113 October 14th, 2020


WorldAway2 October 14th, 2020

That's great!

amicableYard3733 October 14th, 2020


mytwistedsoul October 14th, 2020

A ghostie? The emojis are fixed now?

mytwistedsoul October 14th, 2020

@mytwistedsoul nvm - question marks still roam free

WorldAway2 October 14th, 2020

Any movies with good LGBTQ+ representation? Bonus if there's a relationship, too! 😊

Jenna October 15th, 2020


Check out this list

Goldcherry2113 October 15th, 2020

Good question. I don't know any sadly

WorldAway2 October 15th, 2020

Thanks guys for the help! :)

Goldcherry2113 October 16th, 2020


Jenna October 16th, 2020