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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

loyalTree3713 September 3rd, 2020



That was beautifulcrying

AlphaPheonix4720 September 3rd, 2020


gosh dang it I thought it would be the last post...

lazyKatz September 3rd, 2020

Maybe the next post will be the last

ScorchingRedGlowingButterflee September 7th, 2020


Maybe the next post will last? ๐Ÿ˜Š...

Jenna September 3rd, 2020


AlphaPheonix4720 September 3rd, 2020

What will it be like, to be the last, the one who turns the lights out...

AlphaPheonix4720 September 3rd, 2020

Will it be an empty victory? Will this thread get the memory it needs? Or will it slowly die, forgotten, in the minds of only a few, as a dying dream...

Jenna September 3rd, 2020

I hope it will be a peaceful and happy victory

AlphaPheonix4720 September 3rd, 2020

Where you sit in a cornfield afterwards, and look out, over a grateful

mytwistedsoul September 3rd, 2020

Forever outstanding in your field :)

AlphaPheonix4720 September 4th, 2020

I thought this would be the end, of a thousand years of messages, passed from one member to the next, weaving a story of emotion...

AlphaPheonix4720 September 4th, 2020

wow, I think it's actually been around a year now, or maybe les, maybe more, I don't know

LunaKisses95 September 4th, 2020

Anxiety is through the roof tonight

AlphaPheonix4720 September 4th, 2020

@LunaKisses95 I'm sorry, what are you anxious about?

LunaKisses95 September 4th, 2020

@AlphaPheonix4720 starting work again during a pandemic. It's been okay so far

loyalTree3713 September 5th, 2020


I kinda get that feeling too-I had to write an exam the other day, and it was...definitely nerve-wracking to be out after a long time, under the prevailing condition.

I hope work goes well for you, and that you stay safe!heart

*sending loads of hugssss*

restlessfox56 September 4th, 2020

La La La La La La La ... OOOOH DID I SEE THE WORD WIN? *CLICKY**CLICKY**CLICKY* OOOOH I WIN!!!!!.....for a second at least.

Oofmausernamewastaken September 4th, 2020

You got 5 hours of sweet victory lol ๐Ÿ˜†

mytwistedsoul September 4th, 2020

I hope everyone has a good weekend

Jenna September 4th, 2020


Hope you do too!

mytwistedsoul September 4th, 2020

@Jenna Thank you :)

lazyKatz September 4th, 2020

I'm wearing my lucky my lucky pants and hoping for the best

loyalTree3713 September 5th, 2020


Yohooooo- I'm hoping for the best for you too!!!

Oofmausernamewastaken September 5th, 2020


How I wish I had a pair of lucky pants. I have so many pairs you'd think one of them would be lucky, but no. ๐Ÿ˜ข

lazyKatz September 7th, 2020


Maybe you've got lucky socks

Oofmausernamewastaken September 8th, 2020


Unfortunately, I do not. However I do have lucky cat ears!

8Marind8 September 5th, 2020

A sit here with destiny plural,

I seek the guidance from a mural,

In darksome night, I walk to meet you,

The Crossroads greet me, my path I returned to,

I wonder of titles, of roles, and of the name,

I watch and not wait, I play my grand game,

I learn that many a path is fate,

I try to find that elusive gate,

But wherever I go, none await me

This endless act, this grand masquerade

Wears upon my soul, LISTEN, my Shades

Provide me my freedom, I'm all grown up

I'm ready to rule, I have poured the allcup.

Freedom and adventures; this too I shall have.

With family, friends, and all those I love

Consider this poem the key to my prison

This fertile earth in which I've arisen

Thank you for that you have done for me,

But now it's time that I go free

loyalTree3713 September 6th, 2020


Wow... I'm speechless

You soar free, in the air

8Marind8 September 6th, 2020


You watch me fly, within your stare

loyalTree3713 September 7th, 2020


As the clouds engulf the path you've paved,

A pang in my heart-wondering if I shall see you again...

8Marind8 September 8th, 2020


I laugh because you're next to me

Together forever, in love and free

loyalTree3713 September 8th, 2020


And therein, I take solace,

Knowing if I close my eyes,

Maybe, just maybe,

I shall find you in the vicinity~

8Marind8 September 10th, 2020


What separates me from you?

Is it the wait you wait, standing before me but not touching?

The benefit outweighs the cost, watching and waiting for me to fly.

Still, I long to kiss you, to look into your eyes. To hold you and be held.

Our bodies. Holding close. Feel my legs with your own. My hot breath upon your lips before we kiss, and the motion of our love as our hearts beat.

What separates us? Let us indulge our great desire. Come to me.

Jenna September 6th, 2020

That is beautiful

Oofmausernamewastaken September 6th, 2020

Y'all have such talent

Goldcherry2113 September 7th, 2020


Phoenix777 September 7th, 2020

I see what you did there. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸŒน

ScorchingRedGlowingButterflee September 7th, 2020

Who wants to live forever...

Are we there yet?

I pitty the one to get to switch off the light because then it means there is no longer anything left...

See you all at the resraurant at the end of the Univers as winners...

Jenna September 7th, 2020


AiMeraki September 7th, 2020

Don't know what's going on.