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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

AlexFox800 OP July 29th, 2020

Wednesday is here!

Oxymoron6demon July 29th, 2020


mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

Hey :)

AlphaPheonix4720 July 29th, 2020

I love myself, even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget, I still love myself

July 29th, 2020

2 bros chillin in a hot tuuuub 5 ft apart cause they're not gay :0

mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

Social distancing rules lol

Oxymoron6demon July 29th, 2020

cOronA VirUs

Oofmausernamewastaken July 29th, 2020

I think I've heard those words enough for 5 lifetimes.

WhiteButterflee July 30th, 2020



July 29th, 2020


WhiteButterflee July 30th, 2020



mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

Definitely! Stop with the commercials too!

Oofmausernamewastaken July 29th, 2020

The worst is when they say " In these difficult times." 😒 I'm sooooooo tired of it! 😩

mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

But hey - we're in this together 😕

WhiteButterflee July 30th, 2020


Someone in history will pay for this money making "charade"...

July 29th, 2020

I'm honestly quite grateful for the lockdown. Some people are so damn stupid (no offense to anyone) that they don't even care to wear masks! Wear a damn mask dude! jeeeezz

mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

I kind of feel like Batman with mine lol

July 29th, 2020


mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020


Kybel July 29th, 2020

All of you are wonderful :)

mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

You're probably pretty wonderful too

AlphaPheonix4720 July 30th, 2020


July 30th, 2020

*Aw intensifies*

mytwistedsoul July 30th, 2020


Jenna July 30th, 2020

I've come back to win

July 30th, 2020

too late

Jenna July 30th, 2020


intelligentWheel627 July 30th, 2020

mytwistedsoul July 30th, 2020

@intelligentWheel627 🙂

SadPrudence July 30th, 2020


Jenna July 30th, 2020

Oofmausernamewastaken July 30th, 2020

I think the forecast may be wrong...........

July 30th, 2020

I'm winning anyways 😌

WhiteButterflee July 30th, 2020


You should wear a mask in your profile picture, no offence but you are encouraging people walking free without masks...

July 30th, 2020


*wears mask* none taken!
fun fact: my previous pfp was a anime girl wearing a mask and that was wayyy before the covid thing! So yeah that's cool lol

mytwistedsoul July 30th, 2020

Wow - don't you have something better to do? lol

WhiteButterflee July 30th, 2020


I am working on a book about winning while wearing 2 masks for extra protection...did anyone think of putting masks on our exhaust systems too?...

mytwistedsoul July 30th, 2020

@WhiteButterflee OMG - Don't freaking give them any more ideas! LOL! I heard something today about goggles - someone's smoking something somewhere

WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020


And blowing the smoke in our faces...

WhiteButterflee July 30th, 2020


Or enforce a total ban on media...and eye masks and ear plugs...