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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

Jenna May 26th, 2020

Haha, I'm always sleepy

GreenAndRedBoat May 26th, 2020


Dreamers usually are...

Goldcherry2113 May 26th, 2020

I get called a cat alot lol

GreenAndRedBoat May 26th, 2020


Woofs like their naps too 😢..

Jenna May 26th, 2020

I think everyone deserves to nap!

GreenAndRedBoat May 26th, 2020



Jenna May 26th, 2020



GreenAndRedBoat May 26th, 2020

Stinky hyenas eat cheetahs...

Jenna May 26th, 2020

Better stay away from them!

GreenAndRedBoat May 26th, 2020


Good advice, unless I get hungry and fancy some rotten smelly hyena...but then the hard question is how to be humanly friendly to the species and spare the females since hyenas have a nasty habit of changing sexes during their lives so I am confused if I eat a male or a female...I fall asleep debating this in my paws 🐾🐾

Goldcherry2113 May 27th, 2020


GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Yep, life is weirdy weird...

Goldcherry2113 May 27th, 2020

@GreenAndRedBoat You can say that again

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020



LunaKisses95 May 27th, 2020

I had a great day today! I hope everyone else did, too!

AlphaPheonix4720 May 27th, 2020

The late bird gets this worm

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Bird watching eating worms...calming and nice...😊

AlphaPheonix4720 May 27th, 2020

@GreenAndRedBoat haha

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020



Goldcherry2113 May 27th, 2020


GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Nice smile😊

Jenna May 27th, 2020


GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Again Jenna? How many times do you need to win?😊

Jenna May 27th, 2020

As much as it takes #Hustle

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


That's the winning spirit 😊

Jenna May 27th, 2020


haha πŸ˜›

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Mine is longer, see? πŸ‘…

Jenna May 27th, 2020


Okie doke

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Glad we agree 😊

Jenna May 27th, 2020


Sure smiley

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Ceintainly πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

Goldcherry2113 May 27th, 2020

How is the gang

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Fine when things turn out fine😊

lazyKatz May 27th, 2020


Jenna May 27th, 2020

Arizona tea is good

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


lazyKatz May 27th, 2020

So life more bearable in other countries.

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


It is unbearable if the loved one is not with you...πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

lazyKatz May 27th, 2020


Maybe my tanks running on half empty just lately.

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


We call it running on fumes...

I was in the lowest of lows my love and I know, I was worried about you...πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”