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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

lazyKatz March 28th, 2020

Walking on Memphis

sensibleStrawberries9877 March 28th, 2020


powerfulPear2565 March 28th, 2020


lazyKatz March 28th, 2020

This walking is all too much for me

powerfulPear2565 March 28th, 2020


Goldcherry2113 March 29th, 2020

I got a peanut butter cup milkshake. Man that was yummy

powerfulPear2565 March 29th, 2020

Salted caramel and Pooh Bear milkshakes from maud's are my fav

Goldcherry2113 March 29th, 2020

@powerfulPear2565 Those sound so good

powerfulPear2565 March 29th, 2020


Coronavirus has taken them from me, cause the shops are all shut, sigh😭🤤

Goldcherry2113 March 29th, 2020

@powerfulPear2565 No no no that's the worst news I heard all day.

powerfulPear2565 March 29th, 2020


AlexFox800 OP March 29th, 2020

🍰 here's some refreshments

Flowingstreams April 3rd, 2020


thankyou! Nomnom.....laugh

AlphaPheonix4720 April 2nd, 2020

Yay I'm last.

emylly April 2nd, 2020


AlexFox800 OP April 2nd, 2020

So, the heat vents have been making weird smells and my parents aren't sure what it is. It's gonna be hard to call someone to fix it because of the Covid-19 and my dad's worried the smell might be something bad. So, for the past two days, we've turned the heat off...And it's freezing. If it was summer, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

So now I'm just sipping hot chocolate and hoping that we can get the heat fixed soon. Whoo

AlphaPheonix4720 April 3rd, 2020

@AlexFox800 Nasty (Pronounced Nay - Yus - Tee)

Flowingstreams April 3rd, 2020


Thinking of you AlexFox and your family and praying hard that some solution will come from this.... Is there anyway to order some space heaters from Amazon or costco and disinfect? Or borrow from neighbors and disinfect the machine? There is something, an app online called "nextdoor neighbor" something like that..."nextdoor app" where people can ask for help or offer help. It is for local communities. Our whole family got sick and the app told us who was delivering groceries, and it worked. Maybe someone can recommend a good local person to fix your heat and you can decontaminate your home or avoid those areas/avoid those areas for a few days? My husband sometimes uses google and youtube to figure out if the problem is more easily fixable.... like a circuitbreaker, etc... or plug and unplug...reset button that is hidden..... or maybe someone from the company can talk you through virtually in these times....Just thinking of you. Our washing machine broke, and we prayed and prayed and my husband was able to fix it from some youtube clips and thanks to the grace of God, it worked!. If the heater is gas though the gas is a breathing danger, so usually the gas company will come out for safety no matter what... praying for your family! Praying it all works out.🙏🏼

AlexFox800 OP April 3rd, 2020

@Flowingstreams Our heater is electric, so we thankfully don't have to worry about gas. We're hoping to order some electric heaters from amazon and to call someone soon. It's not as cold today, but that's probably because I've gotten used to it 😅

Flowingstreams April 3rd, 2020


So grateful to hear your heating is electric! Our heater broke one winter, and I just remember taking turns using the small space heaters in the bathrooms, to make it easier to get in and out of the shower! Will keep praying the amazon truck and deliverers move fast and your family gets an extra quick delivery! It also helped to cook baked stuff - I think I baked things for days- sweet potato, potato, roasted vegetables, anything excuse I could think of to use the oven!

And thanks! Yes, I am so grateful my husband was able to fix the washing machine as we wern't sure if we would just wash by hand or what to do.... as everything is so much more anxiety-producing than usual! Keeping those prayers your way for warmer weather and quick deliveries!

AlexFox800 OP April 3rd, 2020

@Flowingstreams I'm glad your husband was able to fix your washing machine!

brightPlane3692 April 3rd, 2020

I really miss ice cream shops. Like how is alcohol an essential but not ice cream ? Absolutely makes no sense lol honestly though one thing that Ive taken away from covid 19 is that self isolation is only fun when its a choice. I dont want to go out the house most days of the years but now that I cant leave and everything is closed I want to go do something. On the bright side I made a news years resolution list in January and one of the things on the list is to learn to braid my hair. I finally learned how to braid my hair this week. I was so proud of myself.

brightPlane3692 April 3rd, 2020

Also to add on to my previous post, Ive been wanting to change my style to a more tomboyish goth look lol idk how to describe it but does any one have good places to shop online ? Id appreciate an answer.

April 3rd, 2020

How's quarantine, everybody?

Goldcherry2113 April 3rd, 2020

The cherry is back

OldSerendipityBoat April 3rd, 2020

Black as black can be...😔

lazyKatz April 3rd, 2020

Back to black

OldSerendipityBoat April 3rd, 2020

Black and white, loook it's ze zeebahs😂😂😂

lazyKatz April 3rd, 2020


Right behind the Zebra's smiley

OldSerendipityBoat April 3rd, 2020


On your nose, it tittles...giggles😊😁😀😙

lazyKatz April 3rd, 2020


No Butterflee on you pic today.

OldSerendipityBoat April 3rd, 2020


It was my dandellions for April, my month, my it comes butterflee

lazyKatz April 4th, 2020


If you keep the dandelions on I'd be on and of the toilet all the time

OldSerendipityBoat April 4th, 2020

Weekend again...

Goldcherry2113 April 5th, 2020

Another day gone day

AlphaPheonix4720 April 5th, 2020

Aaa Monday tomorrow...aundiuuenybdhrhjdirndhhf

powerfulPear2565 April 5th, 2020

Headache :(

Goldcherry2113 April 5th, 2020

@powerfulPear2565 I hope you feel better

shadowmothhh April 5th, 2020


Goldcherry2113 April 5th, 2020

Kinda feel like going on an adventure