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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

Jenna September 21st, 2020


Why are you sore?

hazelhorizons September 21st, 2020

@Jenna i have PCOS which makes my periods extreme

Jenna September 22nd, 2020


I can 100% relate as I have that as well and experience a lot of pain. I am sorry you go through it, too.

Oxymoron6demon September 21st, 2020

ugh. school sucks

AlphaPheonix4720 September 21st, 2020

@Oxymoron6demon it does indeed

Goldcherry2113 September 21st, 2020

Positive energy

SwarmOfRedGlowingButterflees September 22nd, 2020

@Goldcherry2113 nice...

Jenna September 22nd, 2020

It's a good day to be winning

Oxymoron6demon September 23rd, 2020


loyalTree3713 September 23rd, 2020

It may be-But I am not feeling like it is..

I'm sorry that I am unable to respond with something a little more energetic-I would love to go "Woohooo"

loyalTree3713 September 23rd, 2020


Please ignore that I wrote that

Jenna September 23rd, 2020


Some days I wish I could go "woohoo" and can't.

loyalTree3713 September 23rd, 2020


Ah, I was afraid I brought down the mood in the thread-

Jenna September 23rd, 2020


I'm sure most of us can relate to that feeling.

loyalTree3713 September 23rd, 2020


Thank youheart

mytwistedsoul September 23rd, 2020

I don't think it really matters about the mood here does it? It's just a place for companionship - yeah? I say come as you are - good or bad - ya know? I can't woohoo today either - and tomorrow isn't looking to good

loyalTree3713 September 23rd, 2020


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm sorry about the not-so-good days :(

mytwistedsoul September 23rd, 2020

@loyalTree3713 Thank you - I'm sorry for your not so good days too :( They suck

amiableOrange6072 September 27th, 2020

@mytwistedsouThink it and Manifest it!

Goldcherry2113 September 25th, 2020


lazyKatz September 25th, 2020

Still walking 🏃

AlphaPheonix4720 September 25th, 2020

Keepin' ahead o' the chain

Jenna September 25th, 2020

Skating on by ⛸

RubyRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020


Blade runner...😉

RubyRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020

Are we there yet?...

lazyKatz September 25th, 2020

We're still walking so indicates we can't be

RubyRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020


I hoped so, a lonely jpurney is a boring journey...and I wish we never there yet...any dreamer hates the must never end...

RubyRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020


(Thank you mylove...)

lazyKatz September 25th, 2020


I'll never understand you Butterflee buy that's okay....... Your your own person ?

FlameRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020


You won by saying this...

lazyKatz September 25th, 2020


I didnt know I was in a race with you.... I've already taken it for granted your the winner.

FlameRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020


Think again....

lazyKatz September 25th, 2020


How do you make that out love... I don't even know the game.... Seems to me you change the rules when it takes your fancy.

FlameRedGlowingButterflee September 26th, 2020


The advantage of leading the dance??...and yes...

lazyKatz September 26th, 2020


Hope your enjoying dancing to whatever tune takes your fancy.... Remember it takes two to tango.

VibrantRedGlowingButterflee September 27th, 2020


That makes me untouchable love...I never folllow rules or obey...follow rivers...I am always free...

lazyKatz September 27th, 2020


Then you must be used to dancing to your own time ..... I maintain dancing to takes two after all it's the vertical expression of the horizontal desire. I read that years ago and it stuck in my my mind.

lazyKatz September 27th, 2020


Tune not time

VibrantRedGlowingButterflee September 27th, 2020


Very nicely writtem mylove...

FlameRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020


Life and persons are mysteries that we may never unlock, not even ourselves...

Switch to the fun part of Douglas Adams and meet me at the Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, embrace our funny britt humour and have a drink with your Lovely Bones...