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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Oh no you didn't! surprise *turns into thousands of bats and takes the crown away* you think you be the winner here ha let's see about that *throws crown in lava* hahahahaha

AlexFox800 OP February 9th, 2020

@tinycactus809 😂 that would be awesome

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

Nooooooooooo! My beautiful crown! *looks up, tears in my eyes* You're gonna pay for that! It was $12.69 at the trophy store😥😥

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Hmm *turns back into human and smirks* you mean this crown? *pulls out the real crown* I had the real crown all along, now you can say goodbye to your sweet little victory place

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020



tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020


*snatches crown back, superglues it to my head*

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


*gasps* My CROWN!!! Oh well I guess there's only one way to get it over with *picks up chainsaw*

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020

* kills all of you and betrays everyone else, snatches the crown, escapes to the mountains on a fire- breathing dragon* so long, suckers!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


surprisesurprisesurprise did we just die?

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

*hunts you as a ghost and steals the crown away while defeating you* haha never leaves unfinished business! :D

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


* you try to steal my crown , but your hand passes right through it *

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020

Yup, burned alive and stabbed with my dagger ( just to be sure)

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


That's so cruel 😭

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


* feels guilty because of that damn cat* never mind, I have the crown now

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020

* calls the ghostbusters, my long- list buddies who owe me*

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020



parissaiko February 9th, 2020

*kills you so you're a ghost* ha! We'll see about that!

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


great, we took our fight to the grave!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Yes and my grave say's "the one and only winner" laugh

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


and I carve 'That's wrong, I bow before the one and only mighty winner, 'Nora Winters' ' on your grave

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


Let's team up and protect our crown

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


from back- stabbing robbers

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


I call for a battle to protect that crown!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Hmm good idea but there's one crown and two of us, who's the real winner? surprise

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


* splits the crown into two halves, like the victors' crown in hunger games *

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


Finally alliences building...

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


LOL, you have NO idea!!

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020



beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

China knows you are here...

parissaiko February 9th, 2020

Nuuuuuuuuuuuui *falls into knees and cries* my precious crown is like a banana split nuuuu whyyyyy 😭😭😭

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


great, your choice! * fixes the crown , snatches it and runs away into the wilderness * Sorry, the alliance didn't work!!

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Oh well here we go again... *runs after you into the wilderness* get back here with that!

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


Not a chance!

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020


* cries till you shrivel up like a raisin*

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Aren't raisins tasty? At least that'd be worth it than losing that crown! *snatches it away*

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Makes me smile...

parissaiko February 9th, 2020



Imatelly February 9th, 2020

If we did one good thing everyday we would have?

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


Hmmm, good question

norawinters2000 February 9th, 2020

* destroys the crown and watches the world cry with a smile*